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121.000 € earned . copyright infringement 1 year in prison on probation . OFFICIAL SCANDAL


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i am wondering if this person was the owner of the server?
or some random person who earned money trading his equip items for real money?
and also how did he get caught? did he started using expensive car or some stupid fancy things that let him get attention like in Mafia Movies ?

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54 minutes ago, corbaciov said:

is this official or some joke?

These are official informations.
Everything should be true.

But no one is 100% sure who the owner/server was.
Some guys appeal to the Shiro2 admin.

But these are just rumors.

Your title is wrong!
1 year jail is a wrong information.
1 year on probation is the official punishment.

Best regards

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vor 25 Minuten schrieb .plechito':

Could someone translate it please?

Fraud with online role-playing game
Metin2: Dragon Coins on Illegal Server - Player earned 121,000 Euros

08.11.18 12:04
© Gameforge.com

By offering the online role-playing game Metin2 on an illegal server, a young player from Kassel earned 121,000 euros. But he was caught too - and now convicted.

Online role-playing games often move in virtual fantasy worlds with knights, dragons, kingdoms. But that can be used to earn very real money, as shown by the trial in Kassel district court, in which a 23-year-old Kasseler was convicted of copyright infringement to a year in prison on probation. This is reported by HNA.de *.
Metin2: Dragon Coins as a game currency

The young man sold around € 121,000 between 2014 and 2017 by selling "Dragon Coins", which allow players to buy new weapons, features and hard-euro skills.

"I did not pay attention to the money, I was interested in the fun of the game," the defendant said during the court hearing.
© Gameforge.com
Metin2 proceeds enabled luxury living

So quite that can not be right, because with the proceeds from the Internet game "Metin2", which operated the native Kasseler without a license, he bought a lot of luxury items.

When the police searched his apartment in a northern district of Kassel, she ensured, among other things:

    two Rolex watches worth 26,000 euros
    four expensive Apple devices
    a 78 inch flat screen
    sound system
    a sum of 29,000 euros in cash.

The accused still lives with his father, the Hartz IV refers.
Online role-playing game Metin2 is played with real money

Already at the age of 14, he started to play Metin2, which caused a worldwide sensation among connoisseurs as an online role-playing game. Real money must be used to achieve a higher level in virtual game action. And who wants to create the last level, must invest at least 10,000 euros, he said.

To avoid that, he downloaded the game in a public forum and just opened his own server in Romania.

The fantasy world had taken over the defendants completely. What the prosecutor's investigation with the young man caused, you can read in a comprehensive court report on HNA.de *.
Metin2 installed on server in Romania

There were more and more players together - in the end there were about 100,000 participants worldwide - who could play here for comparatively small money and the defendant donated money for the "Dragon Coins".

He called the police the names of many other players who would have acted just like him.
© Gameforge.com
That's how Metin2 works

The online role-playing game "Metin2" can only be played on the Internet, thousands of players worldwide are moving around in the virtual land at the same time.

The game idea: A meteorite hits a kingdom, which then decays into three kingdoms, in which wild animals and all kinds of mythical creatures are on the way. The task of the player is to appease the animals, to fight the creatures with sword and other weapons and finally to destroy the meteorites.

To go through the various levels without the use of real money, would have to be played for years. To shorten this ascent, weapons and properties can be purchased with real money. The game was aimed at minors, and the defendant and his friends played it a long time, until they simply could not get any further because they did not have the money for the dragon coins. He knows people who would have spent 30,000 euros and more, said the 23-year-old in court.

"The game is programmed to be addictive and to spend money if you want to get ahead," he said. To reach the high levels, you have to play six to eight hours a day, five years and more. If one misses a day, the playing strength sinks. Players can join forces to form clans and then become stronger.

Also interesting on HNA.de *: That's why the survival game Fortnite is a worldwide hit.

By Thomas Stier, HNA

* HNA.de is part of the nationwide Ippen digital editorial network.


pretty understandable

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but how did the caught him?

i am wondering if this person was the owner of the server?
or some random person who earned money trading his equip items for real money?
and also how did he get caught? did he started using expensive car or some stupid fancy things that let him get attention like in Mafia Movies ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Am 16.11.2018 um 10:56 schrieb corbaciov:

but how did the caught him?

i am wondering if this person was the owner of the server?
or some random person who earned money trading his equip items for real money?
and also how did he get caught? did he started using expensive car or some stupid fancy things that let him get attention like in Mafia Movies ?

Bro why are u so fkn dumb? Read the fucking text and stop asking "ehh was it the owner?" YES HE WAS. U ask the same question again and again and u already got the answer, wtf


They got him cause he make dumb things with his money what cant be normal while getting Hartz4, thats how they fuck them. Hes dumb af and he thought no one can stop him and now he lost everything.

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