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Problem with source client

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1. CEterPackManager: m_pFoxFS is a non-declared variable.

2. CEterPackManager: m_pFoxFS is a non-declared variable, you're also calling the Fox_FS class but it's non-existent according to the error.

3. PythonNonPlayer: You're returning an int to a function that needs a bool.

bool CPythonNonPlayer::IsMonsterStone(DWORD dwVnum)
    const CPythonNonPlayer::TMobTable * c_pTable = GetTable(dwVnum);
    if (!c_pTable)
        //DWORD bType = 0;
        //return bType; --- this is line warning 291
        return false;
    return c_pTable->bType == 2;


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Either you got the brains or cash, if you lack both you're useless."


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Thanks for answer but... I do not really know where I should change. Can you please tell me where to change and what to add ... 


1. CEterPackManager: m_pFoxFS is a non-declared variable.

2. CEterPackManager: m_pFoxFS is a non-declared variable, you're also calling the Fox_FS class but it's non-existent according to the error.



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