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Change 2 Maps into 1 Map

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Hello everyone,


I see so many time maps, they are one, but official they are 2 maps.

What i mean exactly:


I mean something like this:




How you can see, there are Map1 Red and Map2 Red, and 2 other maps.


I want to know how to do This.


I hope someone can help me. :)


Kind Regards


Edited by Metin2 Dev
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Adapt regen, settings (I think), Town (not necessary).


But it's impossible (or weird) because environments aren't the same, and you must do that for each folder (000001,000002) of your map.


I already tried this, but it works not good... In the middle of the map are a BIG, a realy big Line where you can see under the map... Thast ugly.. :P

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You can make further adjustments with the world editor, so there won't be any lines disturbing you. You can also create a way on your own so you can REALLY connect the two maps and let player walk to the other region.

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You can make further adjustments with the world editor, so there won't be any lines disturbing you. You can also create a way on your own so you can REALLY connect the two maps and let player walk to the other region.


But what about environment ?  

The environment is no problem...

The Only problem for me is, to combine the 2 maps. I've tried now 3 ways to do it, but evertime the same problem... *grrr*

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you can use one environment for all parts of the map, that'd be no problem. Of course it'd be done with maps that actually fit together.. Assembling the fire world with map1 would make no sense and additionally it'd look awful.

But assembling all the map1's of every empire is no problem.

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you can use one environment for all parts of the map, that'd be no problem. Of course it'd be done with maps that actually fit together.. Assembling the fire world with map1 would make no sense and additionally it'd look awful.
But assembling all the map1's of every empire is no problem.


If you know how it's work correctly, can you make a tutorial? :)

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It's so sad that many people don't have their own ideas, they rather steal anothers'. As far as I know, the merged map1-4s are made firstly in our upcoming project called SY2, and we don't really like people stealing our ideas. We are publishing pictures about them to keep our future players excited, and show other developers why they should join our team, not to give everyone else new ideas. I don't mind if someone thinks them further and create something more unique and awesome, which becomes very different than the main idea - we've also done it many times. But just copying others' work... Well, it's just patronizing attitude in my eyes.

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It's so sad that many people don't have their own ideas, they rather stole anothers'. As far as I know, the merged map1-4s are made firstly in our upcoming project called SY2, and we don't really like people stoling our ideas. We are publishing pictures about them to keep our future players excited, and show other developers why they should join our team, not to give everyone else new ideas. I don't mind if someone thinks them further and create something more unique and awesome, which becomes very different than the main idea - we've also done it many times. But just copying others' work... Well, it's just patronizing attitude in my eyes.


Well the problem is, the Idea of like Map1 and Map2 on one Map is not from you or your team... This idea exists a long time ago. But not many peoble know how it works. So... anyone can use this idea... ;)

BTT: Now i have done to move 2 maps into 1 Map, but with Object-High problems... ...time to fix. ^^

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I don't care if you merge some maps, I just don't really want you to do the same as woaning. What we want to achieve is uniqueness, and if someone copies us, that'd be awkward for both servers.

That's true, but really exciting system.

If someone release, that was cool for some people, but not for you, and you'r server are really nice (based on screen).

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The reason I won't make a tutorial is exactly the same RoxaLyssa mentioned.

It's their work, I won't just be shitty about it and release how to do exactly the same. It's their feature, if their server's up it's no problem since everybody know who got the idea first and who made it first. But now it's not okay to steal their idea. I didn't have the idea earlier. It sounds cool but I won't need it nor would I steal it.


I already told you some crucial hints how to do something like that. The actual merging process is something more difficult and requires knowledge how maps work..


@woaning: I don't want to sound rude but please refrain from advertising your server. We already know it's from SY2 and that's okay. Statements like "SY2. Stay tuned" are nothing else than advertising and that shouldn't belong here.

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Well I respect every serverowner that creates new and unique things and I understand everybody to not publish ways to do something that is unique if they dont want too but I dont like all the talking about stealing our Idea etc. because thats just stupid. I have a document with 2000 lines of ideas collected over the past 2 years and there is nearly everything in there you could think off including the idea of merging maps. I dont want to do it because someone else did but because I had the same idea. And I also dont want to do it because someone has sucess with it I just want to do it because I want to. If I then get blamed by someone for stealing their idea I just cant understand them and with that I mean something different then copying an Idea 1:1 because I agree thats stealing but similarities between things doesnt mean that someone stole from the other. Anyways please dont get this the wrong way I myself am actually looking forward to SY2 because of some of these features but the whole Idea thing is just my opinion about it.

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It has technical merit of course but I never understood why people make all these big all-in-one maps like "4 worlds" or the giant Illirea map from KillMoves. You are just loading your players RAM with stuff that is not being used at that moment.


One world, go to other village by portals cause mountains and water don't let you go there  :rolleyes: Do you like this idea?


It's stupid when people steal your idea because they don't have a good imagination... It's a little bit sad if you think at that "thiefs".  :unsure: They want a server but by other people ideas... And their server will be closed in few weeks.

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Well, I didn't want to offend anyone, sorry if I did. It just happened me many times that a lot of people were working on creating just the same idea as I and my team did.

For example on our previous server (that was the simple SY, years ago, and just a really few people were working on it from my current team) our only 'bigger' feature was that we made working 7th skills for all classes. Unfortunately in that time we didn't have the right knowledge to make enough good client protection, and during the beta test someone stole the skills' client files from us. They put them onto their running server's client, and said that they are the first Hungarian server with 7 skills (even if they weren't working perfectly at all), and we just stole their ideas. Unfortunately most of the players believed them.

But it's not the only time that something like this happens. Perhaps this is true only for the Hungarian mentality, but on the biggest Hungarian dev forum we often read topics which are discussing how they can also create our ideas that we were posting pictures about. Sometimes they succeed, more often not, but it doesn't change the substance.

So this is why I'm a bit sensitive to this thread. I never said that it's impossible that someone thought about merging these maps before us, I'd be surprised if we were the first ones. But I've never seen any server who's already done it. That's why I don't want anyone to also do it before we start. Sorry again if I hurted anyone with my last post.

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