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First: Sorry for my english.
Just for clarify i use vanilla core 2.4.1  and my mob_proto.txt have all the "gold lane" set at 0..  so all mob dont drop yang..
Its so bored for me to set them all, so i write this quest, that is work, but my question is:
If i use this, the server will go slow?
Hope No..
-- Quest drop Yang -- Senza settare DB --
quest yang begin
	state start begin
		when kill with not npc.is_pc() begin		
			local Lmob = npc.get_level(npc.get_race())
			local Lmio = pc.get_level()
			local diff = Lmob - Lmio
			local bon = diff/100
			local fort = {"90","91","92","93","94","95","96","97","98","99","100","101","102","103","104","105","106","107","108","109","110"}
			local luck = fort[number(1,table.getn(fort))]	
			local y = Lmob * 10 + luck
			local y1 = 1
			local rat = game .get_event_flag("yang_drop") -- chiamiamole rate o.O
			if Lmio >= Lmob then
				y1 = Lmob/Lmio
			elseif Lmob > Lmio then
				y1 = 1 + bon
			local yang = y * y1
			pc.changegold (yang*rat)


Thx if u will answer  :wub:

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I'm not sure I understand, my proto is not mutilated, just gold is set ad 0..

And set all "yang" on txt is too long because .txt have no table like sql on navicat  :(

This is screen:



However my quest does not slow down the server ?

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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