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MySQL Backup Script + FTP

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I don't see why it shouldn't work.


By the way if you run a live server and have problems with the server lagging at backup time, here's a solution

$MYSQLDUMP -u $MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASS $db | $GZIP -9 | cstream -t 16m > $LOCAL_FOLDER/$FILE


Installing cstream (pkg install cstream) will allow you to set a bandwidth for the dump, in this case I set it at 16 mb per second. Tune to your liking.


There are other issues related to backing up a live server though, mainly the consistency - while we are backing up something, something else may get updated creating an inconsistency or worse,corrupting the table. Also MyISAM tables get locked during a backup, potentially crashing or lagging the game in the meantime. Consider switching to InnoDB.

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