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Everything posted by Grudge

  1. Thanks, you have any idea how can i open the launcher with key? Like this: public static string exename = "--grudge game.exe";
  2. Hi dev's. How can I change this text size? "name" : "SubPage3", "type" : "button", "x" : 182+14, "y" : 8, "text" : "Stop", "text_color" : 0xFFFFE3AD,
  3. Add me on skype, I made the web part. ID: non.grudge99
  4. I did this in input_main.cpp For me work.
  5. Hi dev's. Before that.. i pressed only ctrl+c, and compilation was interruped. Now, when i start compile again, all.. function are undefined.. Code with error: Someone have any idea why do so?
  6. add it LoadLibraryA("dllname.dll") and dll with this name "dllname.dll" put in your client and he is loaded by launcher
  7. int pc_is_trade(lua_State* L) { LPCHARACTER ch = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); if (NULL != ch) { lua_pushboolean(L, (ch->GetExchange() != NULL) ? true : false); } else { lua_pushboolean(L, false); } return 1; } Use like this: if pc.is_trade == true then
  8. I solved this. I'm mega noob xD. Horse functions quest. horse.is_summon()
  9. Hey devs. What is wrong with this code? The problem is this: [Hidden Content] LPCHARACTER ch = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); lua_pushboolean(L, ch->GetHorse() ? true : false); return 1; When the horse is already called, something happen. Thanks.
  10. I have source. But I need to know how they do this. BUMP and Thanks again !
  11. Hello devs. The title say all. How I can set PK mode for a time? Then after passing this time automatic set another mode. Thanks !
  12. Try this: TOKEN ("emotion_without_mask") { int flags = 0; str_to_number (flags, value_string); if (flags == 1) { emotion_without_mask = true; fprintf (stderr, "EMOTION_WITHOUT_MASK: 1"); } else if (!flags) { fprintf (stderr, "EMOTION_WITHOUT_MASK: 0"); }}
  13. char_battle.cpp remove this if (number(1, 100) < iNoPenaltyProb) pkKiller->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("용신의 보호로 아이템이 떨어지지 않았습니다.")); else { if (g_iUseLocale && pkKiller->GetParty()) { FPartyAlignmentCompute f(-20000, pkKiller->GetX(), pkKiller->GetY()); pkKiller->GetParty()->ForEachOnlineMember(f); if (f.m_iCount == 0) pkKiller->UpdateAlignment(-20000); else { sys_log(0, "ALIGNMENT PARTY count %d amount %d", f.m_iCount, f.m_iAmount); f.m_iStep = 1; pkKiller->GetParty()->ForEachOnlineMember(f); } } else pkKiller->UpdateAlignment(-20000); } and this if (GetLevel() - pkAttacker->GetLevel() >= -10) if (pkAttacker->GetRealAlignment() < 0) { if (pkAttacker->IsEquipUniqueItem(UNIQUE_ITEM_FASTER_ALIGNMENT_UP_BY_KILL)) pkAttacker->UpdateAlignment(34); else pkAttacker->UpdateAlignment(27); } else pkAttacker->UpdateAlignment(12);
  14. Try change this void CHARACTER::UseArrow(LPITEM pkArrow, DWORD dwArrowCount) { int iCount = pkArrow->GetCount(); DWORD dwVnum = pkArrow->GetVnum(); iCount = iCount - MIN(iCount, dwArrowCount); pkArrow->SetCount(iCount); if (iCount == 0) { LPITEM pkNewArrow = FindSpecifyItem(dwVnum); sys_log(0, "UseArrow : FindSpecifyItem %u %p", dwVnum, get_pointer(pkNewArrow)); if (pkNewArrow) EquipItem(pkNewArrow); } } to this void CHARACTER::UseArrow(LPITEM pkArrow, DWORD dwArrowCount) { } char_battle.cpp or remove function
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