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Everything posted by flygun

  1. what about the specular problem ?? is there any solution ??
  2. make sure you did the last tow steps right ....
  3. ("SELECT coins from account.account WHERE id="..pc.get_account_id().." LIMIT 1;")[1][1]
  4. you can't ... you must do this press CTRL+H and replace every D3DMATERIAL8 to ---> 9 you will get many errors but keep doing this on every error and it'll compile fine ... this error is because terenzo's binary uses direct x 9 and the files you added uses 8 so you have to update them
  5. can you show me some codes ?? like the line 130 till 133 or maybe the function
  6. is there anything in syserr.txt ?? my first impression that you don't have the animations or they are in wrong place or the path to them are wrong form "playersettingmodule.py"
  7. cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql56-server && make BUILD_OPTIMIZED=yes BUILD_STATIC=yes && make WITH_XCHARSET=all install clean just change the (mysqlxx-xxxx) name
  8. for (int i = 0; i < loop; ++i) { if (CMonarch::instance().IsMonarch(dwPID[i],GetEmpire()) == true) return 4; } not tested
  9. Backup your source code with this script ... my source code include(client, server, tools, extern) which there size exactly = 4.69 GB (5,044,632,548 bytes) after compressing size of archive = 32.5 MB (34,117,184 bytes) but you must first install WinRar archiver which you can download it from here [Hidden Content] or from here [Hidden Content] import os , shutil, sys from os import path , system ignored = [".sdf",".opensdf", "",".pch", ".vcproj", ".tlog", ".log", ".exe", ".Release", ".obj", ".sbr", ".bak", ".ipch", ".pdb", ".cod", ".lastbuildstate", ".bsc" ,".res", ".idb" ,".cache", ".htm", ".cmd"] ignoreddirs = ["MfcDebug", "Release", "Debug","ipch","bin","obj", "Distribute", ".tlog", ".*cmd"] bCMD = "temp.cmd" i = 0 def comperess_writer(foldername): if not os.listdir(foldername): print("Error: %s folder is empty \nsystem will close the script now"%(foldername)) system("pause")# this is an optinal command if you want to see what is going on return x = open(bCMD, 'w') x.write('set path="C:\Program Files\WinRAR\";%path% c:/Program Files/WinRAR/\n') x.write('Rar.exe a -ac -r -m5 -esh -mc12t -ep1 ') i = 0 while i <= (len(ignoreddirs) - 1): x.write(' -x\*%s\*'%(ignoreddirs[i])) i += 1 x.write(" \"Backup\" ") chkdict = {} setdef = chkdict.setdefault for root, dirs, files in os.walk(foldername): for file in files: ext = path.splitext(file)[1] if ext in chkdict or ext in ignored: continue print("%s" % setdef(ext,ext)) x.write(foldername + "\*%s " % setdef(ext,ext)) x.write(" *makefile *Depend *readme *tags\npause") x.close() type = yes_no("Do you want to backup now?", "yes") if type == True: comperess() exit() def comperess(): os.system(bCMD) os.remove(bCMD) def yes_no(question, default="yes"): valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True, "no": False, "n": False} if default is None: prompt = " [y/n] " elif default == "yes": prompt = " [Y/n] " elif default == "no": prompt = " [y/N] " else: raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '%s'" % default) sys.stdout.write(question + prompt) choice = raw_input().lower() if default is not None and choice == '': return valid[default] if choice in valid: return valid[choice] else: sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' ", "(or 'y' or 'n').\n") def main(): global i if i == 0: print ("Hello This is Auto Backup program\nfor Metin2 C++ source code") print ("type the number of the command you want to execute") print ("1:Comperess\n2:Exit") type = raw_input("Type Number:") type = int(type) if type == 1: folder = raw_input("Folder Name:") if not os.path.isdir(folder): exit() comperess_writer(folder) if type == 2: exit() else: i +=1 os.system("cls") print ("Please Type 1 or 2") main() main() #updated --> fixed the archiving problem "archiving very folder in the current folder" #updated --> more compressing plus cleaning attributes after finishing
  10. it's stored in the memory and refreshed with a "reload p" or a restart. the db mirroring is useless as @ds_aim said. it's stored in the memory and refreshed with a "reload p" or a restart. the db mirroring is useless as @ds_aim said. It's not useless! But as I said, it is basically useless. I have not removed it, it is helpful to me when I use debug mode, and development. aha ok... i think i will leave it there until i make the source a bit more stable (as you said for debug and development uses) but it's not my problem at the moment the specular is my problem now ItemTable x MobTable from where read? TXT ? SQL ? what ?? you mean my server reads TXT or SQL .... i this is what are you asking i'm using TXT
  11. oh it's stored in the memory and refreshed with a "reload p" or a restart. the db mirroring is useless as @ds_aim said. it's stored in the memory and refreshed with a "reload p" or a restart. the db mirroring is useless as @ds_aim said. It's not useless! But as I said, it is basically useless. I have not removed it, it is helpful to me when I use debug mode, and development. aha ok... i think i will leave it there until i make the source a bit more stable (as you said for debug and development uses) but it's not my problem at the moment the specular is my problem now
  12. and how should the game save the item and mob protos ?? plus ... problem 2 is fixed ... it was python code problem :/
  13. i got this problem Boot: ITEM ID RANGE size error which came from nowhere i'v just defined __AUCTION__ and then commented the define and i got this problem second thing is that the specular doesn't work is there any fix for it ?
  14. try this commands chown -R mysql:mysql /var/db/mysql/ chmod -R 777 /var/db/mysql chmod -R 644 /var/db/mysql/*.cnf mysqlcheck -u root -p --all-databases --auto-repair
  15. because it goes to d:ymir work ^^
  16. Make pack modified by me [Hidden Content]
  17. unpack all the patches in pack folder and changes the keys in the archiver or the tool you are using then repack them
  18. Btw, the specular behavior never changed. It's for this: (alpha blending) The refine effect is detected from item vnum % 10 (e.g. 309 % 10 = 9) + socket_pct (0-3). It's quite a mess because if you want to show the "red effect" in a weapon with vnum e.g. 403, you have to set the socket_pct as "9". vnum socket_pct xx9 3 xx8 4 xx7 5 xx6 6 xx5 7 xx4 8 xx3 9 xx2 10 xx1 11 xx0 12 I'm serious. ^ This (ymir) system is pretty fucked up. can you tell me where is this function ... and is it necessary to make a Specular function in both server and client ??
  19. oh ... i thought that someone created new 3d characters and rewrote the source :/
  20. hey guys i was watching some videos on YouTube when accidentally i saw this video is this real??
  21. net.SendM2DevPacket(53 The fonction return SendSequence and not false ! I did a test to see if the packet is received by the game: But I have nothing in the syslog. The packet is not received. I don't understand at all what the problem is .... replace this net.SendM2DevPacket(53) with this net.SendM2DevPacket(self,53)
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