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Everything posted by Shisui

  1. Here you're saying that you want to see Costume and not armour And here you're saying that you want to see armour and not costume. I might did understood what you're trying to say, but explain a bit more about what do you want.
  2. Probably because you replace the whole file, instead of copy the lines from bonus files and add to your client.
  3. I'm sorry but I couldn't understand what's this for. Could you explain more please?
  4. go to userinterface.cpp and change this #ifdef _DISTRIBUTE stRegisterDebugFlag = "__DEBUG__ = 0"; #else stRegisterDebugFlag = "__DEBUG__ = 1"; #endifwith this #ifdef _DISTRIBUTE stRegisterDebugFlag = "__DEBUG__ = 0"; #elif _DEBUG stRegisterDebugFlag = "__DEBUG__ = 1"; #else stRegisterDebugFlag = "__DEBUG__ = 0"; #endif
  5. Are you using vanilla core? If so, you might used 4 inventory game/db. Change both with 2 inventory.
  6. This heappens when I upgrade for the very first time. Then, If I use again the same item.
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