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Everything posted by Shisui

  1. Can you explain a litle bit more about this?
  2. When you're creating a new virtual machine, you put the Name, choose Type to BSD and then in Version you choose FreeBsd (64 bit). Must be it.
  3. What I did was, take a mysql folder from some files, and then replace (inside mysql folder /var/db/mysql) with test mysql. Then, I edit the CONFIG'S like the CONFIG'S from the game (same files that I take the mysql).
  4. How can I solve this? I know this ain't an error to concern but is annoying.
  5. Compiled successfuly. Thanks for your time.
  6. Verify if item_proto & mob_proto are loaded from MySQL. ( message input when start db.sh ) or check if db is opened ( type 'ps' ) Try to restart db , or restart mysql-server and try again. I needed to start db first. Thanks. Edit: Where or how can I choose the skills? Btw, thank you very much Syron for your support!! I really appreciated! Make a quest like the Skill-Teachers , and set Skill_Group to (1) I forgot about the quests. Thanks. Edit: When compiling the game start_position.cpp:17: error: conflicting declaration 'long int g_start_map [4]' start_position.h:8: error: 'g_start_map' has a previous declaration as 'long int g_start_map [7]' start_position.cpp:25: error: conflicting declaration 'DWORD g_start_position [4][2]' start_position.h:7: error: 'g_start_position' has a previous declaration as 'DWORD g_start_position [7][2]' start_position.cpp:43: error: conflicting declaration 'DWORD g_create_position [4][2]' start_position.h:9: error: 'g_create_position' has a previous declaration as 'DWORD g_create_position [7][2]' start_position.cpp:51: error: conflicting declaration 'DWORD g_create_position_canada [4][2]' start_position.h:10: error: 'g_create_position_canada' has a previous declaration as 'DWORD g_create_position_canada [7][2]' gmake: *** [OBJDIR/start_position.o] Error 1
  7. Verify if item_proto & mob_proto are loaded from MySQL. ( message input when start db.sh ) or check if db is opened ( type 'ps' ) Try to restart db , or restart mysql-server and try again. I needed to start db first. Thanks. Edit: Where or how can I choose the skills? Btw, thank you very much Syron for your support!! I really appreciated!
  8. I get connection refused.
  9. Ok last thing, I hope... Do I need to change start scripts? When I do sh start.sh Thanks so far.
  10. There is no MySQL password , it's a backup without mysql folder.You can make a default user instead , here are the steps: 1. cd /var/db 2. rm -rf mysql ( service mysql-server stop before ) 3. service mysql-server start 4. mysql ( run this in SSH ) 5. use mysql; 6. create user 'default'@'%' identified by 'yourpassword'; 7. grant all privileges on * . * to 'default'@'%' with GRANT option; 8. flush privileges; 9. exit 10. service mysql-server restart And you have your own user with full privileges. Then just put up the Test Server MySQL. Ok, do I need to change anything in configs?
  11. What's the mysql password?
  12. CONFIG's ATTR_CHANGE_LIMIT: 0 Try it out.
  13. do you own these types of files? iMer does.
  14. You need to put a lib. Or, if you want you can use some files that already has that PROBLEM solved. Download
  15. What he's trying to say is that is time to move on and let xp behind.
  16. Ok I managed to compile the client. Now explain that step.
  17. 1>------ Début de la génération : Projet : UserInterface, Configuration : Release Win32 ------ 1>....sourceUserInterfaceUserInterface.rc(11): fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'. 1> ========== Génération : 0 a réussi, 1 a échoué, 15 mis à jour, 0 a été ignoré ==========My visual is in french, I can't put in english.
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