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Everything posted by Shisui

  1. So you want someone to work for you without getting paid? If that's not the case then I recommend you this guy (). He's hard worker and has what you need. If you don't have money atm I recommend you to see some tutorials, reading them carefuly and eventualy you'll understand. Or if you don't have the patience to see/read tutorials nor paying someone, then you should quit this and focus on studies or back at the first option and pay someone to do your job.
  2. You should care, otherwise they'll close this.
  3. Send me your selectcharacterwindow.py.
  4. Is it possible to make like this? if item.get_vnum() == 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 then
  5. selectcharacterwindow.py in line 335 has bad TAB.
  6. You're missing this kernel32.dll
  7. I'm not sure if there's a fix for that problem.The official still has it.
  8. That's what I have.I want to know more about that switch function.
  9. So will be like this? if (ch->GetGMLevel() == GM_IMPLEMENTOR) else if (ch->GetGMLevel() == GM_HIGH_WIZARD) else if (ch->GetGMLevel() == GM_LOW_WIZARD) else if (ch->GetGMLevel() == GM_GOD) switch(ch->GetGMLevel() ) { case GM_IMPLEMENTOR: strlcpy(buf, LC_TEXT("Implementor"), sizeof(buf)); std::string staff_color = "|cFFFFC700|H|h["; staff_color += buf; staff_color += "]|cFFA7FFD4|H|h"; sprintf(chatbuf_global, "%s %s", staff_color.c_str(), chatbuf); case GM_HIGH_WIZARD: strlcpy(buf, LC_TEXT("High"), sizeof(buf)); std::string staff_color = "|cFFFFC700|H|h["; staff_color += buf; staff_color += "]|cFFA7FFD4|H|h"; sprintf(chatbuf_global, "%s %s", staff_color.c_str(), chatbuf); }
  10. And if I want to make more than one tag for each GM level?
  11. Hello, I want to make the tag for GM's when they talk in chat. I followed this tutorial My input_main.cpp locale_string.txt "Staff"; "Staff";When I speak shows the kingdom tag. What am I missing?
  12. by @Endymion & .py by @Theodor I swear that doenst work so you get bugs and cant buy any items from slots 46+ I've done it by myself...
  13. I had the same problem, download this vstudio. [Hidden Content]
  14. I'm doing doble post for you to close this. The problem was in item_proto
  15. The only error I get 0223 19:02:05388 :: invalid idx 0
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