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Everything posted by luzzo

  1. You type quite right. So first of all be carefull doing query like this(that's and implicit join). Note: You have to specify table and attr to not be ambiguos. Anyway in your case: To Extract and update this is the right syntax: UPDATE mob_proto SET mob_proto.damage_min=(SELECT damage_min FROM mob_proto_copy WHERE mob_proto.vnum=mob_proto_copy.vnum); To check if all is gone well then type something like this: select vnum from mob_proto where NOT EXISTS(select * from mob_proto_copy where mob_proto.vnum = mob_proto_copy.vnum and mob_proto.damage_min = mob_proto_copy.damage_min);
  2. i see you have already corrected it.. I mean before you where returning 0 if n == 0 and that's ok but what i mean is that you should return if is not allowed number something like "" or better nil, so in this case you can check the function in an if statment before printing like: local numberconverted = intoroman(somenumber) if numberconverted then print(numberconverted) else print("i can't convert this number")
  3. Thats' a better solution without thousands loops.. [Hidden Content] According with lua syntax keep in mind is always better return same time. According with Romans enumeration you have to check the upperbound due to the ascii chars limit Anyway good job.
  4. Then compile your binary and try Let me know if it worked it will not. He have to add even this in PythonApplicationModule.cpp
  5. char_item.cpp case ITEM_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY_S:
  6. open cmd_general.cpp find if (ch->GetWarMap() && !ch->IsObserverMode()) some lines under this you have ch->ReviveInvisible(5); Here you set the invisible time.
  7. if you have guilds skillbooks you haven't added the controll that i wrote about it.
  8. my fail sorry. There is another part to modify. The fist one you edited is right and is for /do_book or for 50300 from box. The missing part is for 50300 drop on ground. Open item_manager.cpp search for if (vnum == 50300 || vnum == ITEM_SKILLFORGET_VNUM) and edit like this
  9. Obviously in this way you have the same drop percentage for each book but the game will do more clicle becase there is an hight range of non valid value.
  10. No there isn't. In the same funtion there is a check for a valid skill value. Or to be more clear you can even check that the type of skill is not 0 (like sun zii etc.) for example
  11. According with first problem, if you are talking about 50300 skillbook you can fix in this way Open char.cpp Find void CHARACTER::GiveRandomSkillBook() In this function you have to edit this dwSkillVnum = number(1, 111); changing 111 with last lycan's skill value
  12. You have to define in your launcher ENABLE_WOLFMAN_CHARACTER
  13. i try to be a bit more clear... This is some code(that you already have) from char_item.cpp Here there is the code about blocking potion in Arena map. First check if char is in arena map ** Second if arena_potion_limit flag is > 0 char can't use potion Third if arena_potion_limit flag is 0 or lower check for max use potion that you can set from arena_potion_limit_count flag **According with checking char in ArenaMap, game calls IsArenaMap function. Your problem is that your char isn't in ArenaMap How to add the right index for arena map? Wanderfull!We got the function! Well and how to call it from lua? That's Amazing! We have all we need! So we have to use arena.add_map! Settings.lua Replace arena.add_map(112, 8534, 101, 8564, 101) arena.add_map(112, 8584, 101, 8614, 101) arena.add_map(112, 8534, 155, 8564, 155) arena.add_map(112, 8584, 155, 8514, 155) with arena.add_map(322, 8534, 101, 8564, 101) arena.add_map(322, 8584, 101, 8614, 101) arena.add_map(322, 8534, 155, 8564, 155) arena.add_map(322, 8584, 155, 8514, 155)
  14. Probably you have inserted wrong data.. $textQuery3s = "INSERT INTO player.item_award (login, vnum, count, why, socket0, socket1, socket2, mall) VALUES ('".$_SESSION['namelogin']."', '$vnum', '$qntpos', 'Item Shop', 1, 1, 1, 1);"; Here you have a query example
  15. Replace arena.add_map(112, 8534, 101, 8564, 101) arena.add_map(112, 8584, 101, 8614, 101) arena.add_map(112, 8534, 155, 8564, 155) arena.add_map(112, 8584, 155, 8514, 155) WIth arena.add_map(322, 8534, 101, 8564, 101) arena.add_map(322, 8584, 101, 8614, 101) arena.add_map(322, 8534, 155, 8564, 155) arena.add_map(322, 8584, 155, 8514, 155)
  16. usually 112.. You have to check in your setting.lua for arena.add_map
  17. you probably have some wrong settings on index map... The event i showed you is for ARENA map....
  18. probably you weren't in arena map. the event that you have to set is arena_potion_limit with a value > 0
  19. you can do this command in game /e arena_potion_limit 1
  20. ​ehm.. in pvp arena people can open safebox and up potts reds.. i need close all red potts in pvp arena.. ​ Game already check for potions in arena. You have just to set the gameflag!
  21. Are you getting this bug just in the new interface too or even in the the classic one? Nice, will you release it ? Yes i'll do Are you using this newintrocreate? Witch launcher do you have? Yes, I'm using this GUI to create new PJ, the bin I use is 1.0.28 of Test Cient 40250. By putting the GUI to 0 in constinfo.py, the description of each of the races is perfect, using the new GUI, is when I present the error. Well can you send me, introcreate.py and newintrocreate.py and i ll solve your problem Sure, these are, thanks [Hidden Content] i checked the file and the only thing according with the character description that i found, shouldn't be the reason of your bug. Are you sure that in introcreate that you send to me doesn't have this bug? Because i don't have this on my client =S -I missed to update the post with slot m/w today -The other things are for me useless and i disabled it. Anyway nice job
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