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Everything posted by luzzo

  1. Nice, will you release it ? Yes i'll do Are you using this newintrocreate? Witch launcher do you have? Yes, I'm using this GUI to create new PJ, the bin I use is 1.0.28 of Test Cient 40250. By putting the GUI to 0 in constinfo.py, the description of each of the races is perfect, using the new GUI, is when I present the error. Well can you send me, introcreate.py and newintrocreate.py and i ll solve your problem
  2. Nice, will you release it ? Yes i'll do Are you using this newintrocreate? Witch launcher do you have?
  3. the new_introselect.py from official has a lot of bugs and a lot of things missing. With a few work i got this.
  4. " You will find all you need in the archives. " I have done some checks before to leave a reply and that's not true Again i can't understand why you are talking about something that doesn't match with the new_introcreate.. The archive is about root side(written by me) and just new_createcharacterwindow.py the other things are already in the archive posted yesterday.. " This interface is not compatible with wolfman for now " That's 50% true ( I mean there are some modifications related to wolfman ) 6% 30% 50% 80% is it a percentage game? With this file and no changes you can't use wolfman or i m wrong? Again if you or others have some problem with this, you have just to ask for help here.
  5. 1. There is no way, Luzzo have .py files combined with 3 diffrent locales : locale_us, locale_de, and maybe locale_ymir_ui 2. There is a chance that Luzzo forgot to relase more files excepting locales... I guess, it should be a really nice thing, if you,before speaking or saying that's CRAP, think and read what topic is about. I posted just rootside of introcreate. Maybe you didn't read the third lines ? =S Why are you talking about new_instroselect? Why are you talking about app.enable_new_interface? i haven't added NEW_CREATE = 0 in constinfo for fun. If you have a problem with this you can just ask for help. Learn to say thanks before say CRAP
  6. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Some file of this interface has been released without root side cause tha was cythonized and that's what i done. I want to puntualized that this interface doesn't match with wolfman. Screen: Modified Archives root locale etc What i done? -Modified ui.py file by adding two new classes ThinBoardGold ThinBoardCircle -Modified networkmodule.py file It's possible to choice interfacemode by constinfo file -Modified constinfo.py file You have to insert this in your's NEW_CREATE = 0 0 Normal 1 NewInterface -Done newintrocreate.py file It's just an introcreate modified for the new interface Notes: You will find all you need in the archives. This interface is not compatible with wolfman for now The new select interface will come soon =D Finally thanks to *~*TeacheR*~* for the other side. Link: Download
  7. In half hour of work i get it =D I will post root side tomorrow =)
  8. but this for no txt? cuz me db from sql, no txt if you want to listen me i'll solve your problem. check your socket value ( i want to bet are 127)
  9. could you check in your item_proto if in socket0 to socket5 there is 127 as value
  10. i didn't see attmob in your request, anyway it should be an attribute to make npc killable
  11. I think is better for you to use google traslate.. Anyway...Set pet item non tradable , use an npc to unsummon the pet, remove the pet item and give a box that drop the pet. Enjoy
  12. open client_manager.cpp(db source) serch for: pt_log("[%9d] return %d/%d/%d/%d async %d/%d/%d/%d", or sys_log(0, "[%9d] return %d/%d/%d async %d/%d/%d", and comment/remove what log you want. That log is about the pulse of core.
  13. I prefear use somethin like this: d.setf("mobs_left", d.count_monster()) when kill with not pc.is_pc() begin local count = d.getf("mobs_left")-1 d.setf("mobs_left", count) d.notice(count.." mobs left") --if count <= 0 then -- do something --end end remember to check that you are in a dungeon and you are in the right map =D
  14. hi invictus. i have checked those two function on 40k function. d.count_monster() seems not have any delay on monster count. -it just call a dungeon istance and do a foreach entity that is not a charachter by incrementing n++ and return n(number of mob) d.check_eliminated() doesn't do what you think. -It accepts and go on with 2 suboption. -1 exitallateliminate -2 warpallateliminate -There is a final condition in case mob_count is 0 and 1 & 2 conditiones are false. it just write a syslog this three cases are able just in the condition of mobcount = 0 if you can specifize what you want to do exactly, i ll try to help you
  15. he solved this afternoon. The problem is here in playersettingmodule.py Probably you have it too
  16. that isn't a bug of horse level but just a client bug.
  17. That is the horriblest way to do the duel system i ever seen. 1) You are setting: pc.setqf("asesinatos", pc.getqf("asesinatos")+1) Is it usefull for something? Do you use any check on it? 2) After the Ultrakill the system count return 0 and start again.. If you are doing a long series of kill you ll do multiple pentakill wtf? 3) There isn't any delay to check the time between kills.In this way i can collect my pentakill in for example 20 day.. 4)Quest didn't check if the player is killed during his killing spree. 5)No sounds or any control for the killed player. Finally i want belive that you describe it as duel kill like to the video one..
  18. quest wymiana_ku begin state start begin when 20397.chat."Wymiana Ksiąg Umiejętności " begin say_green("Andrzej: ") say("Witaj! Mogę zaoferować Ci wymiane Ksiąg Umiejętności, ") say("Wystarczy, że posiadasz 3 Księgi Umiejętności. ") say("Następnie będziesz mógł wybrać tą, która Ci odpowiada. ") say_reward("Sprawdźmy czy posiadasz wszystkie Księgi Umiejętności. ") wait() if pc.countitem(50300) < 3 then say_green("Andrzej: ") say("Nie posiadasz 3 sztuk: ") say_item_vnum(50300) return elseif pc.countitem(50300) >= 3 then say_green("Andrzej: ") say("Posiadasz wystarczającą ilość Ksiąg Umiejętności. ") say("Chcesz kontynuować wymiane? ") local xx = select("Tak!", "Nie! ") if xx == 1 then local wybor = select("Wojownik", "Ninja", "Sura", "Szaman", "Wyjdź ") if wybor == 1 then local wojownik = select("Mocy Ciała", "Mocy Umysłu", "Wyjdź ") if wojownik == 1 then local przedmioty = { {50401, 1}, {50402, 1}, {50403, 1}, {50404, 1}, {50405, 1}, } local body = select(item_name(przedmioty[1][1]), item_name(przedmioty[2][1]), item_name(przedmioty[3][1]), item_name(przedmioty[4][1]), item_name(przedmioty[5][1]), "Anuluj") if body != 6 then pc.give_item2(przedmioty[body][1]) pc.remove_item(50300, 3) return end elseif wojownik == 2 then local przedmiotyxd = { {50416, 1}, {50417, 1}, {50418, 1}, {50419, 1}, {50420, 1}, } local mental = select(item_name(przedmiotyxd[1][1]), item_name(przedmiotyxd[2][1]), item_name(przedmiotyxd[3][1]), item_name(przedmiotyxd[4][1]), item_name(przedmiotyxd[5][1]), "Anuluj") if mental != 6 then pc.give_item2(przedmiotyxd[mental][1]) pc.remove_item(50300, 3) return end elseif wybor == 2 then local ninja = select("Mocy Ostrza", "Mocy Łuku", "Wyjdź ") if ninja == 1 then local przedmiotyxdd = { {50431, 1}, {50432, 1}, {50433, 1}, {50434, 1}, {50435, 1}, } local dagger = select(item_name(przedmiotyxdd[1][1]), item_name(przedmiotyxdd[2][1]), item_name(przedmiotyxdd[3][1]), item_name(przedmiotyxdd[4][1]), item_name(przedmiotyxdd[5][1]), "Anuluj") if dagger != 6 then pc.give_item2(przedmiotyxdd[dagger][1]) pc.remove_item(50300, 3) return end end end end end end end end
  19. &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; shogun you are not totally right.. Just think about the colored scroll.
  20. vanilla changed the use of kill event. you need to change 8015.kill with when kill with npc.get_race() == 8015 begin
  21. What rev are you using? Is it vanilla core? 8015 value got just one quest?
  22. Hi metin 2 dev , yesterday i was checking how give_exp works. And i founded a lot of thing that you can manage for your server. First of all you have to open char_battle.cpp and find static void GiveExp(LPCHARACTER from, LPCHARACTER to, int iExp) Well in this function you have all about the single attribution of exp on character. -1)Change 10% max exp from mob. Found this: iExp = MIN(to->GetNextExp() / 10, iExp); and replace with this if you want to give more of 10% iExp = MIN(to->GetNextExp() / 5, iExp); you can replace 5 with all numbers < 10. If you want to give less then 10% max exp replace iExp = MIN(to->GetNextExp() / 20, iExp); you can replace 20 with all numbers > 10. But there is a limit on max exp from mob with the self level. iExp = MIN(to->GetNextExp() / 1, iExp); How to solve this? Just comment the line =D. -2)Change value of exp ring and his exp rate. Found if (to->IsEquipUniqueItem(UNIQUE_ITEM_DOUBLE_EXP)) iExp += iExp * 50 / 100; Change UNIQUE_ITEM_DOUBLE_EXP with whatever value you want or open unique_item.h and change value to UNIQUE_ITEM_DOUBLE_EXP Change 50 with whatever value you want Ex: if (to->IsEquipUniqueItem(70006)) iExp += iExp * 75 / 100;
  23. For sure. This script is full of errors. self.Buttons["Button"+str(button)].ui.Button() must be self.Buttons["Button"+str(button)] = ui.Button() But even this is wrong beacause indexing must be an integer. self.Buttons[0] = ui.Button() But again even this is wrong because self.Buttons is just an empy table.
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