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Everything posted by M.Sorin

  1. You can make it with affect . For example : IsVIP() , IsAdmin , IsBlaBla , IsDeveloper. Original function : IsGameMaster , take a look here.
  2. Wait , i edit you code. if (pkKiller->GetLevel() >= 15 && abs(pkKiller->GetLevel() - pkChr->GetLevel()) <= 5) { int pct = quest::CQuestManager::instance().GetEventFlag("mondi_drop"); if (pct > 0) { if (number(1,100) <= pct) { const static DWORD moon_treasure = 50011; pkKiller->AutoGiveItem(moon_treasure, 1); } } }
  3. Hmm , i checked too and ur right. I`ll try tonight to search for all sequence lines Edit: SendInternalBuffer(); just removed this and seems like the game is working fine now when i enter the game
  4. ^ Tested and this guy have right! The header 10 error will appear like this: SYSERR: May 22 13:44:44 :: Process: SEQUENCE 373be300 mismatch 0x76 != 0x46 header 10 SYSERR: May 22 13:44:44 :: Process: SEQUENCE_LOG [[Name]------------- [109 : 0xd9] [006 : 0xea] [241 : 0x84] [010 : 0x76]
  5. Probably he missed that one
  6. ch->GetInventoryItem(i); or just remove that pc->
  7. bool CActorInstance::__IsRightHandWeapon(DWORD type) { if (CItemData::WEAPON_DAGGER == type || (CItemData::WEAPON_FAN == type && __IsMountingHorse())) return true; else if (CItemData::WEAPON_BOW == type) return false; else if (CItemData::WEAPON_CLAW == type) return true; else return false; } Show the rest of the code for attach.
  8. Search input_login.cpp this: After this: Add this And it should look something like this:
  9. 19 + 3 = 22 22 + 3 = 25 just simple calculation
  10. Paste here [Hidden Content] the content of gametype.h from userinterface and costumewindow.py from uiscript.
  11. Paste here the content of: enum EWearPositions - lenght.h
  12. #define VERIFY_MSG(exp, msg) \ if (true == (exp)) { \ ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT(msg)); \ return false; \ } Make it like this.
  13. This issue is from the vnum_range. Because your item_proto has something like this : 1000~99 And the database cant read that.
  14. Did you make or install a custom system? HEADER_CG_CHAT = 3 HEADER_GC_LOVER_INFO = 131, Check this and leave a reply . They MUST be the same for client/server!
  15. Try this: SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `loginlog2` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `loginlog2`; CREATE TABLE `loginlog2` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `type` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `is_gm` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `login_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `channel` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `account_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `pid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `client_version` varchar(11) DEFAULT NULL, `ip` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, `logout_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `playtime` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=390511 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
  16. Second problem: function split(str, delim, maxNb) if str == nil then return str end if string.find(str, delim) == nil then return { str } end if maxNb == nil or maxNb < 1 then maxNb = 0 end local result = {} local pat = "(.-)" .. delim .. "()" local nb = 0 local lastPos for part, pos in string.gfind(str, pat) do nb = nb + 1 result[nb] = part lastPos = pos if nb == maxNb then break end end if nb ~= maxNb then result[nb + 1] = string.sub(str, lastPos) end return result end
  17. Got this Error... Create at the end of locale_game.txt this: SYSTEM_CHANGE_CH Change Channel
  18. Esti si destept ... Try this: cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg make make install clean Then type pkg2ng
  19. Edit systemdialog.py from locale_xx(where xx is your used locale )
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