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Everything posted by BeHappy4Ever

  1. Just a suggestion,if the language is tr the server will read text from translate_tr.lua for example.Can someone make sonething like this? It would be so helpful for me. Thanks
  2. Use a newer version of enigma protection it will be better.and upgrade the version is the best thing that u could do . Hope i helped u
  3. Try using a clean source and gamefile bro for ex source of kraizy
  4. Better use the source it will be much safer and helpfull for you
  5. I had made it to my server but now i havent got pc i am in holidays.
  6. Easily put a quest for showing mapindex at login. About the empires i am not prety sure from source
  7. Please release the 3d models and whatever models need
  8. Hello guys , can i have the translate lua from the sg files please fast?
  9. I mean the function that horse dies from food or energy.In nowdays at 95%percent of P servers this is just a bullshit because the food is at a store:p
  10. Remove the function that the horse has got health and dies (just a suggestion)
  11. Not recommended for greek people ,nostradame37 is in the team heh
  12. Dont use surakopf. If ur revision is small send me a message to help y upgrade it
  13. Item proto at db.there is somewhere a value that u must * it.i dont remember exactly which is the value :/
  14. Mabe the client can t understand the fuction?try by loggining with another client to see if the problem is at the client. Then try to use another core and db file to see if the problem is in the souece andcheckk if u puted time in the loli. Hope i helped u
  15. Bro this is just the name of the variable, if you want u can put even poutsoxima for variable name hahaha. Did u changed the types at bin and serverside? Well i have started learning c++ before some days,if u need help send me a msg and i ll try to help u. P.S. I am greek too xD Heheh i think that only some greek devs can find such a fault in the code like this. Hehehe
  16. Hello guys! First of all merry christmas to you . I ve got an question ,does any one knows if vanillaa core has got the lycan included at the version 2.6? Also does anyone could say me what must i make to prepare the source of vanilla 2.6 for compile and send me the source?t Best regards, Behappy4ever
  17. Eterhost is the best for me. Quality host is the worst
  18. Hahahahahah i wont bro ,i will be hiding under the christmas tree hahaahha Thank u a lot thanks for help
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