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.plechito' last won the day on October 15 2021

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  1. First dungeon is out, the next ones are coming!
  2. Hello! Summer is almost here and i bring you a new themed event for this year. I decided to go back to ancient egypt since its a very rich theme in my opinion. Dungeons will be out in next days since they are still being coded.
  3. I found a pretty old images in my PC, i think its already lost and you can not find it anywhere on the internet. I remember when it came out since im true veteran here on the scene. They released almost everything from the plan, however the new character and the fucking lava stone are pretty good imo, never been released tho. Let's have some nostalgia together with this presenation.
  4. Hey everyone! Christmas is coming, as every year I'm preparing lots of stuff for this event. As i did in previous events, i created a specific theme and will make everything fit this theme. For this year I made my own story and theme called "Frosted Kingdom". For now, only story teaser is done. Check this topic for future updates for the whole Christmas event.
  5. Download: Check out my full Halloween 2023 presentation
  6. Hello! As with every year, I bring you new seasonal delights. This Halloween, I've chosen to explore the Jiangshi theme, which resonates closely with the Metin2 world in general. I've tried to fit it with the game as seamlessly as possible. A substantial amount of time has been invested in the dungeons, as well as in all the costumes, mounts, and pets. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated! Enjoy, and Happy Halloween! You can find all informations on my website, click below: Halloween 2023 You can find all videos in the playlist below
  7. Hello everyone, summer is here again along with new content! I have decided to revisit the pirate theme, as I believe it is one of the most epic themes that perfectly complements the summer atmosphere. I have put in a lot of effort to create a wide range of content, ensuring that you have more than enough for your server's event! Please share your thoughts in the comments section; I would greatly appreciate any feedback you have to offer! All videos and more info about the dungeon and map can be found on my web as always! Click here
  8. The latest supported version for granny 2.9 is 2014 version. The released one ofc.
  9. You have been asking a lot of ramadan stuff in past years, so this year i finally decided to make full event. I hope you like it!
  10. Spring has sprung and Easter is just around the corner! I'm excited to share with you my new easter stuff! I was tried of eggs and bunnies everywhere, so i choose "NATURE" theme as main theme for this easter. I hope you like it!
  11. Hello, like every year and every bigger event, i bring you some seasonal stuff for your events! It was a bit difficult this year, i couldn't come up with anything good, after days of thinking and searching through some christmas movies and tons of images i came up with "Rudolph revenge" theme, since Rudolph is pretty icoinc Christmas character I think it turned out kinda well ? Merry Christmas!
  12. Download Metin2 Download Hey everyone, official halloween stuff are out and the new 2022 pet seems to be better as a metinstone skin rather than a pet for me. I made both color versions, use it however you want. Downlaod:
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