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Everything posted by nazox

  1. This problem is because you have problems with packets src game and client, check if you have 253 in game and client, or check for example this error, in your game have CG_NAZOX = 250 and src client CG_NAZOX = 253, idk but the problems is packet, check 1 for 1, but the systems you add, not defaults
  2. Yep I think so too, Still, I hope they manage to repair it, it is not easy if they do not know much about c ++, I was able to defend myself because I knew something and in the end I succeeded, but it is as you say, prioritize gcc before clang, have a good day
  3. The guide as a base is very good, but you have to do many more things, In my case have to change extern, boost, change more lines, add others that I did not have, in short, it depends a lot on the source you have, you will have to do half source or just change things xD, keep trying, I was +6 months.
  4. Thanks, work great, but i want ask you something, the first, if someone have this error go to lzo.cpp on EterBase and add: Solved
  5. Hello, actually i'm tryiying to update my src around 1 year and today i finish :)!, this problem for me, is coming to Extern, sometime ins wrong, i recommend you, using a this vdi And using BlackDragon61 guide to gcc (i think you use this guide), change gcc7 to gcc10 and g++10 and c++17 or 11 (i'm using 11) and you can use extern and cryptoPP about this vdi because is actually if you have other problem tell me, sorry my english
  6. Hey sorry to revive this, i have a littel problem when i compile config.cpp someone can give me any idea? pd: i don't edit config.cpp and working great if i don't upgrade source thanks
  7. Amazing!! i hope you can find the web bro!! and it's crazy, ddmt2 online O.o... maybe i try to play, i wonder if the DDmt2 using old files... anyway, I'll be waiting for that website, and I'm sending you strength, by the way, not long ago I saw in some Chinese forums that there was still an official gameforce server.
  8. Thanks for all i hope someday find old web for example ddmt2 .... I don't understand why nothing related to the Asian Metins has survived, it's as if everything suddenly disappeared ... Jp metin2: [Hidden Content] reason for closing: they had problems with the vps, losing all kinds of backups. if someone have know about old webs tell my :(((
  9. Omg @.plechito ' amazing!!! congratulation!! when you finish this dungeon i want i buy!! the best.
  10. edit @ Mali61 i update gcc9 to Clang9, and solved all problems, but i have this error on the end:
  11. source client: Open eterPythonLib / PythonSlotWindow.h search and delate or coment: CGraphicImageInstance * pInstanceLevel; search now in the same file and delate or coment too: void SetSlotLevelImage(DWORD dwIndex, CGraphicImage * levelImage); Now open eterPythonLib / PythonSlotWindow.cpp and search and delate or coment: Slot.pInstanceLevel = NULL; Now search and delate or coment: void CSlotWindow::SetSlotLevelImage(DWORD dwIndex, CGraphicImage * levelImage) { TSlot * pSlot; if (!GetSlotPointer(dwIndex, &pSlot) || !levelImage) return; assert(NULL == pSlot->pInstanceLevel); pSlot->pInstanceLevel = CGraphicImageInstance::New(); pSlot->pInstanceLevel->SetDiffuseColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); pSlot->pInstanceLevel->SetImagePointer(levelImage); } Search and delate or coment: if (pSlot->pInstanceLevel) { CGraphicImageInstance::Delete(pSlot->pInstanceLevel); pSlot->pInstanceLevel = NULL; } search and delate or coment: if (rSlot.pInstanceLevel) { rSlot.pInstanceLevel->SetPosition(m_rect.left + rSlot.ixPosition, (m_rect.top + rSlot.iyPosition + rSlot.byyPlacedItemSize*ITEM_HEIGHT) - 32); rSlot.pInstanceLevel->Render(); } Now Open eterPythonLib / PythonWindowManagerModule.cpp and search and delate or coment this: PyObject * wndMgrSetSlotImage(PyObject * poSelf, PyObject * poArgs) { UI::CWindow * pWin; if (!PyTuple_GetWindow(poArgs, 0, &pWin)) return Py_BuildException(); int iSlotIndex; if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 1, &iSlotIndex)) return Py_BuildException(); char * szImagePath; if (!PyTuple_GetString(poArgs, 2, &szImagePath)) return Py_BuildException(); if (!pWin->IsType(UI::CSlotWindow::Type())) return Py_BuildException(); UI::CSlotWindow * pSlotWin = (UI::CSlotWindow *)pWin; CGraphicImage * pImage = (CGraphicImage *)CResourceManager::Instance().GetResourcePointer(szImagePath); if (!pImage) return Py_BuildException(); pSlotWin->SetSlotLevelImage(iSlotIndex, pImage); return Py_BuildNone(); } now search delate this or coment this: { "SetSlotLevelImage", wndMgrSetSlotImage, METH_VARARGS }, Now compile and go to root.py/ui.py and search and delate or coment this: ####Item level text/icon ### itemName=item.GetItemName().strip() itemNameP=item.GetItemName().rfind('+') if itemNameP>0 and len(itemName)>itemNameP+1: level=itemName[itemNameP+1:] if level.isdigit(): wndMgr.SetSlotLevelImage(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber, ("icon/level/%d.tga"%int(level))) ####Item level text/icon END ### go to icon and delate folder level.
  12. Hello people, the first, i hope all goes well, i write this post, because I wanted to know if someone could answer me a few questions about the mob_drop_item.txt. The question is that I was wondering if there is any way to make a random object drop from +0 to +9 in the mob_drop, without having to add the same id repeatedly, that is, for example this is the normal mob_drop: Group Nazox { Type drop Mob 171 1 11290 1 20 2 11295 1 10 3 11299 1 10 } and my idea: Group Nazox { Type drop Mob 171 1 11290~99 1 20 } or something else xD!, I also wanted to know if there is any way to balance the drop, since if for example I place a 50% drop, when killing many mobs that item falls many times, but if on the contrary I place a normal number like 2 it hardly falls, as shown Could I do so that it does not fall too much so fast or so little, that is to say in equilibrium? I know this would be via source, but any ideas? I see @VegaS™ talk about Wikipedia has a API to get said files with that drop, because i want something like official mob_drop_item.txt thanks.
  13. I think you need edit mob_drop_item.txt Change kill_drop with { Type limit Mob 2315 level_limit 80 1 11299 1 } You need lv80 for recibe this ítem
  14. @ASIKOOhttps://mega.nz/file/x4RQRJSS#Cbes7Wi1POtHkcP6KoQaBb3SXPYQS7rEcL-aucPTDnE
  15. Simple Notice! #Solved Next I will explain how to fix the problem in case someone else happens to you. The first, the problem happens, when you have implemented the bonus table system like the official one and you try to install the quest category system. This creates a conflict with a few lines in the uiCharacter.py file and does not allow us to open the character tab, and when you correct it, it only lets us see the missions section and not the bonuses. 1.Before implementing the system. (working great) 2.After implementing the system, what is selected in red doesn't appear. (have some problems with BTN, extend, etc, but category system work) 3.Fix ALL Okey, once the whole system is implemented, we go to uiCharacter.py and search: [Hidden Content] The problem is that it creates a conflict with the mainboard, expandbtn, minimizeBTN lines and the defs initcharacterdetails, etc. The solution is to move the bonus table system higher like the official, so delate this: and now, search: and paste this: it has to look like this: and working all now. Thanks.
  16. Hey Mali! work great i fix 70057, but i look you have a bug with sun elixir.. if you use elixir, when you click short, your elixir have again 100% and books change name, you have solution???
  17. sorry my english xD i see i try now and i comment here!
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