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Speachless last won the day on January 2 2021

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  1. In my case it was that the click ramained locked on the client and you can't unclick it so everywhere you will move the mouse, the client will follow. Happens if you try to drag the client before it's fully opened.
  2. Right click remains stuck when you use it as soon as the client opens, before it fully loads. As a quick fix, I enabled your solution only after the login is initialized. I did not found any other bug, nor my players reported any. Thank you for the fix!
  3. Go talk to him. He's about to make this things clear. He hoped at least they will pay him eventually, but looks like he was just used so no reason to keep things like that.
  4. No, he just created that graphics and made the Zenaris server known. currently he hasn't made even 1 euro from it. They still refuse to pay him ? He has no access to the server as an admin etc.
  5. No, me (calliope) and fame (rodnia) worked directly with Jettyx. Zenaris owners did not paid Jettyx any money, and because of the leak, he decided at least get some money with us. At least our servers are old, and we paid him asap.
  6. That leak is before the opening and has bugs on the graphics binary side. There is no database leak
  7. There is one guy on my server pretending to be friend with the other old players and asks to borrow some yang then sells it for real money. And you won't believe how many people actually gave high amounts of yang to the supposed "friend" while being on a level 1 character! 2023...
  8. It's different than using len() ? for the lenght
  9. It's been years most servers uses this including mine and it worked as if it was upgraded by source code. Everyone can use safely.
  10. Be aware of what lordzokarum said. Nobody ever should develop a website-game item or yang data transfer. Simply because you can duplicate the items. For every action you do in game like item drop, add into a shop or something you need to add a function that blocks other actions and etc and that's an workaround. I don't see how this can be safely made.
  11. Visual Studio Code it's life savior for everything. You can code 10 times faster than notepad++. Finding game functions is a lot easier. You can find anything you want in a matter of a second. Visual studio is good too, but i don't like the interface. My screen is too big and i find visual studio code better.
  12. Maybe it's because you added that questflag directly to it. Try with something like local mobVnum = ADD_VNUM_HERE if true == horsesystem.is_summon(mobVnum) then and the vnum to be different than 0
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