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The Naid

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Everything posted by The Naid

  1. You failed editing query in safebox. You propably want add new sockets and you failed this.
  2. You don't see buildings because you use shit packer. repack property don't help you, you must unpack stock property and add your things.
  3. Please don't help this guy. Why? Because this guy is a thief.
  4. Why you don't remove null pointer from CreateFly function? #C++_Noob (if player kill mob and kick from server same time, game crash)
  5. Your problem: SYSERR: May 17 21:30:04.296395 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 20 SYSERR: May 17 20:24:24.289977 :: Process: FDWATCH: peer null in event: ident 21
  6. def __youtube(self): os.system("start " + "[Hidden Content]")
  7. Buy models from professional 3d artists not from retards.
  8. Pet's last hit = 0 drop. Great solution bro, Next time use brain.
  9. Haa thanks! And you can say me name of this 3 files? Haa thanks! And you can say me name of this 3 files? Hm, input_login.cpp and 2 other, you must search LC_TEXT from this function.
  10. If you change anything in common you must compile db too.
  11. where? If you change exchange, you must search in exchange. Logic.
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