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Everything posted by Karbust

  1. clang with c++2a on FreeBSD 13 (just upgraded from 12, same error) (compiling and running), and yes, I use the -j flag...
  2. This is the function, already checks if c is null and allocates a new... void CClientManager::PutItemCache(TPlayerItem * pNew, bool bSkipQuery) { CItemCache * c; if (!pNew) return; c = GetItemCache(pNew->id); // 아이템 새로 생성 if (!c) { if (g_log) sys_log(0, "ITEM_CACHE: PutItemCache ==> New CItemCache id%d vnum%d new owner%d", pNew->id, pNew->vnum, pNew->owner); c = new CItemCache; //crashes here... m_map_itemCache.insert(TItemCacheMap::value_type(pNew->id, c)); } // 있을시 else { if (g_log) sys_log(0, "ITEM_CACHE: PutItemCache ==> Have Cache"); // 소유자가 틀리면 if (pNew->owner != c->Get()->owner) { // 이미 이 아이템을 가지고 있었던 유저로 부터 아이템을 삭제한다. TItemCacheSetPtrMap::iterator it = m_map_pkItemCacheSetPtr.find(c->Get()->owner); if (it != m_map_pkItemCacheSetPtr.end()) { if (g_log) sys_log(0, "ITEM_CACHE: delete owner %u id %u new owner %u", c->Get()->owner, c->Get()->id, pNew->owner); it->second->erase(c); } } } // 새로운 정보 업데이트 c->Put(pNew, bSkipQuery); TItemCacheSetPtrMap::iterator it = m_map_pkItemCacheSetPtr.find(c->Get()->owner); if (it != m_map_pkItemCacheSetPtr.end()) { if (g_log) sys_log(0, "ITEM_CACHE: save %u id %u", c->Get()->owner, c->Get()->id); else sys_log(1, "ITEM_CACHE: save %u id %u", c->Get()->owner, c->Get()->id); it->second->insert(c); } else { // 현재 소유자가 없으므로 바로 저장해야 다음 접속이 올 때 SQL에 쿼리하여 // 받을 수 있으므로 바로 저장한다. if (g_log) sys_log(0, "ITEM_CACHE: direct save %u id %u", c->Get()->owner, c->Get()->id); else sys_log(1, "ITEM_CACHE: direct save %u id %u", c->Get()->owner, c->Get()->id); c->OnFlush(); } }
  3. BUMP @Finnis and @Separate tried to have at it but without luck. Thank you anyway to both of you.
  4. Well, I'm reliving this topic because recently got back at it and I haven't fixed it before... I get either one of this 2 errors, but they all end up crashing on PutItemCache... I also noticed this random items showing up on item table...
  5. First of all, thank you for this release. Since I use a hostname instead of an IP, this didn't work for me, this are the changes I made to make it work (also works with IP). CAccountConnector& rkAccountConnector = CAccountConnector::Instance(); struct hostent* remoteHost; if ((remoteHost = gethostbyname(rkAccountConnector.GetServerAddr())) == NULL) { #if defined(_DEBUG_RTT) TraceError("Unknown Hostname.\n\n"); #endif return; // Unkown Hostname } char* pDmsIP = inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)(remoteHost->h_addr_list[0])); ipaddr = inet_addr(pDmsIP);
  6. The IPs are correct? Have you enabled SSH from outside?
  7. Update Today I'm fixing the textures for most mobile devices. Since most mobile devices don't have support for S3 Texture Compression (S3TC) (DDS Textures), I'm adding the option to switch to PNG in case that extension doesn't exist on the browser. PNG textures are heavier than DDS, which may cause more network usage on mobile devices, but it's the only way to load them correctly. Also fixed a small bug on the 3D Model Viewer URL that didn't allow to select the sex and always stayed male (Thanks @DemOnJR for finding it).
  8. Update Today I'm launching armors and body costumes 3D preview. The 3D Model Viewer supports embedding form them, but currently only official items are supported (how-to on the website) I am aware the Halloween costumes of 2020 are showing black textures, I'm trying to understand why that's happening. Next thing to do is add a hair on armor preview and add hair preview. Thanks again to @xP3NG3Rx for the official updates and to @Mali, if it wasn't for his tool to convert MSM to JSON I wouldn't have done it yet.
  9. How will this affect duels? Does the distance moved while attacking count towards this? By default when you start attacking you can't move...
  10. Won't happen anything. This is the function that it executes, when it's less than 1 it will be set to 1 either way. LPEVENT event_create_ex(TEVENTFUNC func, event_info_data* info, long when) { LPEVENT new_event = NULL; /* 반드시 다음 pulse 이상의 시간이 지난 후에 부르도록 한다. */ if (when < 1) when = 1; #ifdef M2_USE_POOL new_event = event_pool.Construct(); #else new_event.reset(M2_NEW event); #endif assert(NULL != new_event); new_event->func = func; new_event->info = info; new_event->q_el = cxx_q.Enqueue(new_event, when, thecore_heart->pulse); new_event->is_processing = FALSE; new_event->is_force_to_end = FALSE; return (new_event); }
  11. Update Today I'm officially launching the 3D Model Viewer, currently only available to weapons, some etc items and wings (aka sash aka acce). I'll also support embedding of the 3D Model Viewer (how-to on the website). For official items it can be used without problems (same as the availability above). It also support the use of custom 3D models, but this is still in testing phase and may receive changes in the future. Also added the icons and 3D models for the new update 21.2.8 (thank you @xP3NG3Rx) and a lot of new unofficial icons (thank you @MrQuin)
  12. Does the user "mt2" exists on the database? If yes, is the password from the CONFIG correct?
  13. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello Since most of the work I do is in NodeJS (JavaScript and TypeScript), I needed to make a script to access the Metin2 API. GitHub: [Hidden Content] It has a JavaScript and a TypeScript version. To use just edit either file and set your server's data. This code is synchronous, meaning, it will block while waiting for a response from the server. It can be made asynchronous with Promises. On both files there's also a list of the most useful commands available, you can create more on the game source. You can find how to use it on the GitHub repository. Hope it's useful to someone.
  14. Update Added multi-language support. Instructions can be found on the README. [Hidden Content] Multi-language It ships with support for two languages, English (default) and Portuguese. These can be used as examples to add more languages. To add more languages, you must edit both src\i18n.ts and src_electron\i18n.ts. Three things are needed, import the translation file (.json) that must go inside the folder localization\, and add the language on resources and supportedLngs. Do not edit the placeholders ( {{ }} ) when creating a new language, otherwise it won't work as expected. To add flags edit the file src\components\Buttons.ts. There are flags for every language that are supported by the official, just need to add the button.
  15. You can remove it from the rubinum source, that's what I did (you can find the full source on the internet). And hwid ban isn't a magic thing, it still can be bypassed, and if you don't block VM's, that's one way to bypass it.
  16. Updated README with a video tutorial (requested by @DemOnJR) Fixed a typo on package.json (build.compression) not allowing to build the electron app. [Hidden Content]
  17. Updated README with a better explanation on how to start on development environment. Added the .env for the React app with some parameters. [Hidden Content]
  18. Another update Metin2 Icon Database has now a new domain. [Hidden Content] All requests are now being redirected to the new domain.
  19. Today I launched a new update that allows search's and multi-language. Previously I added search's, but only by the ID, it wasn't enough, now it also search's by name. The names are based on the language set (it can be auto detected or changed using the flag icon). If you find any errors on any translation (except icons, using the official names), please, let me know.
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