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Everything posted by lordzokarum

  1. no, just look at your fields in account db and the source. thats all
  2. its not because of mysql, its about the fields for creating account @ TMP4 ansewered it a few days ago.
  3. that happens when you not read the explanation ? . Thank you very very very much for your answeres
  4. I guess I didn't express myself properly with this DEX HP DEFENCE stuff. Please look at the video you will understand video explanation [Hidden Content]
  5. maybe I have write it wrong I was meaning the stats where you can ıncrease them @ TMP4 which offline shop do you suggest for this files?? thank you
  6. metin2cms Market is not working properly, I suggest NOT to use this it. Because 1. put a item to sell 2. drop this item on the ground 3. login to the website with a different account and buy it 4. Pick this item again from the ground 5. BOTH buyer and seller have the same item
  7. @ TMP4 Found an interesting situation. 1. Open Character Status window (click c) 2. click on Defence increase button (the + plus button) = Defence is NOT increasing 3. click on HP increase button (the + plus button) = HP increases BUT Defence increases TOO can anyone help?? Thanks
  8. I did tried it too but couldnt success, and I dont know the solution, better to say I had a game compile error. But I will try again and post here if everything goes well
  9. I think you have made some mistakes with the codes, it works fine for me
  10. $UserID=mysqli_real_escape_string($sqlServ, $_POST["UserID"]); $Password=mysqli_real_escape_string($sqlServ, $_POST["Password"]); $Password2=mysqli_real_escape_string($sqlServ, $_POST["Password2"]); $Email=mysqli_real_escape_string($sqlServ, $_POST["Email"]); $UserName=mysqli_real_escape_string($sqlServ, $_POST["UserName"]); $DeleteCode=mysqli_real_escape_string($sqlServ, $_POST["DeleteCode"]); $exec="insert into account (Login,Password,Real_name,Email,social_id) values('$UserID',password('$Password'),'$UserName','$Email','$DeleteCode')"; mysqli_query($sqlServ, "set names big5 "); mysqli_query($sqlServ, "set CHARACTER big5 "); mysqli_query($sqlServ, $exec); PS : same happened with metin2CMS too
  11. Did anyone tried to create a user account from webpage?? the registration page will say " account created successfully" BUT you navicat >> account table will be still empty, does anyone know the solution?
  12. did you find any solution?? ı have ld: error: unable to find library -lIL error
  13. You did a great job, thank you for your hard work. You have prepared a hard-to-find file. I wish it was FreeBSD 13, 12 is so slow. Do we need to follow the updates on Github from now on? is there a link?
  14. hi, ii need you help, with GM i dont have any problem with bonus switch but as a player i must wait 10 minutes for every bonus switch. is there a away to fix it? maybe in src too 40K game 1.) in der config : ATTR_CHANGE_LIMIT: 0 2.) /e change_itemattr_cycle 0 (something like this) i have tryed it but i didnt fined any way to fix it. i search and didnt find anything please help me
  15. ich hab es mit versucht, nun werde ich mal warten ob es wider OFF wird. Danke.
  16. if have this lines in all my CONFIG's ADMINPAGE_ENABLE: 1 ADMINPAGE_NO_LOCALHOST: 0 adminpage_ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx BIND_IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx PUBLIC_IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx INTERNAL_IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is there a link how i can block it from firewall
  17. hello, after some time only ch3 is closing itself i found this in syserr, SYSERR: Apr 15 17:48:27 :: pid_init: Start of pid: 6347 SYSERR: Apr 15 17:48:31 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/horse_event1/03.msa' SYSERR: Apr 15 17:48:31 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa' SYSERR: Apr 15 17:48:31 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa' SYSERR: Apr 15 17:48:31 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa' SYSERR: Apr 15 17:48:31 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa' SYSERR: Apr 15 17:48:31 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa' SYSERR: Apr 15 17:48:31 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa' SYSERR: Apr 15 17:48:31 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/horse_event1/03.msa' SYSERR: Apr 16 00:07:38 :: Analyze: Accept shutdown p2p command from <-- WHAT IS THIS - IS SOMEONE CLOSİNG THE CH FROM REMOTE HOW CAN I BLOCK SYSERR: Apr 16 00:07:38 :: Process: UNKNOWN HEADER: 100, LAST HEADER: 5(1), REMAIN BYTES: 999, fd: 21 thanx
  18. hi, sagen wir mal einer cheatet im Spiel und er bekommt block, er holt sich einen neuen Account kommt nochmal online und cheatet weiter, er wird wieder geblockt, er holt wieder einen Account weil er nun sauer ist und cheatet weiter und wird wieder geblockt durch ip block, egal er schaltet seinen Modem aus und ein nun hat er eine neue IP und das geht so weiter und weiter. Gibt es dafür keinenn anderen Weg, kann mann solche idioten nicht anderswie vollkommen blockieren? ich bitte um Hilfe.
  19. hi, is it a big deal to add day night button and or quick CH button to the metin2 client. I want to learn but i dont know how to begin :S thanx
  20. maybe you can it find from an other client.
  21. why do you need 12 inventorys? are you smuggling something to a different map
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