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Everything posted by .InyaProduction

  1. I think the new bin you selfcompile (or the 40250 test client) is safe from py injection. I tried to inject Ingame Map Object editor to it and it didnt work. The client crashed imidietly
  2. Its a short quest now but a hard to understand quest lib
  3. Thats an Alpha map. Do this: "Back to main Menu" -> Meshes -> Disable Texalpha and you will see the normal weapon
  4. Valentines day is over for this year.. xD
  5. Some users got it working. So you done something wrong
  6. huh? Did i miss a rule in my own board? no there is no restriction on the source. You can post parts of it if you want
  7. The mob_proto.txt that has to go to DB core folder he meant
  8. It will set your skillgroup to perfect master. special.active_skill_list contains an structured array of all skills which get selected by pc.get_job()
  9. itemsalchemie[0][ran][1] will return the amount you specified at the top of a random item from table one.. the other give empty table error. if you want to return the whole table: local output = "" for i = 0, table.getn(itemsalchemie[0]), 1 do output = output..itemsalchemie[0][i].." " end syschat(output)
  10. local ran = itemsalchemie[0][number(0, table.getn(itemsalchemie[0]))]
  11. Dont put the item.remove into the for loop put it after the for loop
  12. This would be really great. Its one of the most missing quest function
  13. pc.get_player_id() would be the better soulution
  14. Nice one. But a black background? o.O i would like some blue colored city or that stuff
  15. Hey guys, as you know Vanilla has her excellent project "Vanilla Core". But for me there's one thing missing. A core for Windows. You can test much better (e.g. you see what the Core is doing and you see all the errors). You don't have to use Filezilla or WinScp for Quests and so on. So as I'm bored some times i wanted to ask you if you would need Windows standard files? Would you want it to have extensions like 6 inventorys optional? And don't expect that core to be as good as the Vanilla one. I think she has much more knowledge than me Greets Inya
  16. I know its for checking speedhack but this values are way to low Found another "bug". When youre Polymorphed and try to change sex, that wont work int src_race = GetRaceNum(); switch (src_race) GetRaceNum(); will return the polymorphed vnum. So consider using int src_race = m_points.job; switch (src_race) This will return the real Job Function: bool CHARACTER::ChangeSex()
  17. input_main.cpp if (((false == ch->IsRiding() && fDist > 25) || fDist > 40) && OXEVENT_MAP_INDEX != ch->GetMapIndex()) Change that values to a higher amount. This will fix the backport bug if youre on a too fast mount
  18. [Hidden Content] is that you or im gonna report that kid on epvp?
  19. Rebuild didnt help Just taking a new clean client project and dont choose the convert option at the beginning helped me #closed
  20. I tried to compile the bin with vs2013 now. Got this errors: Fehler 9 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl Ymir_WideCharToMultiByte(unsigned int,unsigned long,wchar_t const *,int,char *,int,char const *,int *)" (?Ymir_WideCharToMultiByte@@YAHIKPB_WHPADHPBDPAH@Z) referenced in function "public: static int __cdecl CGraphicTextInstance::Hyperlink_GetText(char *,int)" (?Hyperlink_GetText@CGraphicTextInstance@@SAHPADH@Z) C:UsersInyaProductionDesktopTakuya2SourceClientUserInterfaceeterlib.lib(GrpTextInstance.obj) Fehler 10 error MSB6006: "link.exe" wurde mit dem Code 1120 beendet. C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0PlatformsWin32Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.targets 268 Fehler 11 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "wchar_t __cdecl Arabic_ConvSymbol(wchar_t)" (?Arabic_ConvSymbol@@YA_W_W@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall CGraphicTextInstance::Update(void)" (?Update@CGraphicTextInstance@@QAEXXZ) C:UsersInyaProductionDesktopTakuya2SourceClientUserInterfaceeterlib.lib(GrpTextInstance.obj) Fehler 12 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "bool __cdecl Arabic_IsInPresentation(wchar_t)" (?Arabic_IsInPresentation@@YA_N_W@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall CGraphicTextInstance::Update(void)" (?Update@CGraphicTextInstance@@QAEXXZ) C:UsersInyaProductionDesktopTakuya2SourceClientUserInterfaceeterlib.lib(GrpTextInstance.obj) Fehler 13 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "bool __cdecl Arabic_HasPresentation(wchar_t *,int)" (?Arabic_HasPresentation@@YA_NPA_WH@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall CGraphicTextInstance::Update(void)" (?Update@CGraphicTextInstance@@QAEXXZ) C:UsersInyaProductionDesktopTakuya2SourceClientUserInterfaceeterlib.lib(GrpTextInstance.obj) Fehler 14 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "bool __cdecl Arabic_IsInSymbol(wchar_t)" (?Arabic_IsInSymbol@@YA_N_W@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall CGraphicTextInstance::Update(void)" (?Update@CGraphicTextInstance@@QAEXXZ) C:UsersInyaProductionDesktopTakuya2SourceClientUserInterfaceeterlib.lib(GrpTextInstance.obj) Fehler 15 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "unsigned int __cdecl Arabic_MakeShape(wchar_t *,unsigned int,wchar_t *,unsigned int)" (?Arabic_MakeShape@@YAIPA_WI0I@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall CGraphicTextInstance::Update(void)" (?Update@CGraphicTextInstance@@QAEXXZ) C:UsersInyaProductionDesktopTakuya2SourceClientUserInterfaceeterlib.lib(GrpTextInstance.obj) Fehler 16 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl Ymir_MultiByteToWideChar(unsigned int,unsigned long,char const *,int,wchar_t *,int)" (?Ymir_MultiByteToWideChar@@YAHIKPBDHPA_WH@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall CGraphicTextInstance::Update(void)" (?Update@CGraphicTextInstance@@QAEXXZ) C:UsersInyaProductionDesktopTakuya2SourceClientUserInterfaceeterlib.lib(GrpTextInstance.obj) Fehler 17 error LNK1120: 7 unresolved externals C:UsersInyaProductionDesktopTakuya2SourceClientbinmetin2client.exe or in a picture [Hidden Content]
  21. As its easy to compile on windows you can just change the path to the folders
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