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Everything posted by .InyaProduction

  1. This is not Arkosia.. it hast just the old client Design of Arkosia And atm there is no other client
  2. Use this lib folder for you client: ExternPython26lib copy the whole one to your client
  3. Kill counted twice fix: 0017F637: 89 90 0017F638: 5C 90 0017F639: 24 90 0017F63A: 04 90 0017F63B: 89 90 0017F63C: 04 90 0017F63D: 24 90 0017F63E: E8 90 0017F63F: 9D 90 0017F640: DC 90 0017F641: 00 90 0017F642: 00 90
  4. You would have to make a jump to an unused function and overwrite that one with the if from above then jump back. Cause you cant insert lines by dif.. just change them
  5. Item.remove is meant to remove the stack.. pc.remove_item(item.vnum, wished number) is made to remove only a number
  6. Yes. Therefor is the function search in files... xD Just search a part of the function described at top with notepad++ and the file name will be showed
  7. There is something called search in files function in notepad ++
  8. how about your windows computer? Ram usage: 1 Game Core without players: ~500 MB Auth: ~50MB DB: ~100MB Xampp Mysql: ~200MB
  9. http://metin2dev.org/board/topic/378-paid-service-allround-quest-clientmods-guis-server-modifications-etc/
  10. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) This one is just interesting for ppl with php knowledge. You have to have an active mysql connection to your server with SELECT rights to player.player There are 2 methods for now: loadPlayerByName($string); loadPlayerById($int); it will return an array with the most important information, aswell as caching the informations for 5 minutes (variable with setCacheTime($seconds) The cache will look like this atm: ID:::11159 NAME:::Rain LEVEL:::80 ACC_ID:::1 EXP:::277 JOB:::6 X:::64184 Y:::183833 MAP:::21 E_X:::64184 E_Y:::183833 E_MAP:::21 HP:::3693 MP:::1722 PLAYTIME:::79 VIT:::3 STR:::5 INT:::5 DEX:::3 STATS:::238 GOLD:::0 IP::: SKGRP:::1 HORSE_LEVEL:::0 RIDING:::0 HSTATS:::0 STATRESET:::0 CHANGENAME:::0 SKILL_POINT:::0 LAST_PLAY:::2011-05-16 16:02:57 ALIGNMENT:::491 Ok without further speaking heres the code (at the bottom is an example for initialising an an print_r on the return: <?php class char{ function __construct(){ $this->charinfo['id'] = 0; $this->charinfo['name'] = ""; $this->charinfo['level'] = 0; $this->charinfo['account_id'] = 0; $this->charinfo['exp'] = 0; $this->charinfo['job'] = 0; $this->charinfo['x'] = 0; $this->charinfo['y'] = 0; $this->charinfo['map_index'] = 0; $this->charinfo['exit_x'] = 0; $this->charinfo['exit_y'] = 0; $this->charinfo['exit_map_index'] = 0; $this->charinfo['hp'] = 0; $this->charinfo['mp'] = 0; $this->charinfo['playtime'] = 0; $this->charinfo['ht'] = 0; $this->charinfo['st'] = 0; $this->charinfo['iq'] = 0; $this->charinfo['dx'] = 0; $this->charinfo['stat_point'] = 0; $this->charinfo['skill_point'] = 0; $this->charinfo['alignment'] = 0; $this->charinfo['last_play'] = ""; $this->charinfo['gold'] = 0; $this->charinfo['ip'] = ""; $this->charinfo['skill_group'] = 0; $this->charinfo['horse_level'] = 0; $this->charinfo['horse_riding'] = 0; $this->charinfo['horse_skill_point'] = 0; $this->charinfo['stat_reset_count'] = 0; $this->charinfo['change_name'] = 0; $this->cache = new char_cachemanager(); } public function loadPlayerById($id, $reload = false){ $cached_char = $this->cache->loadCharById($id); if($cached_char != false && $reload == false){ $this->charinfo['id'] = $id; $this->charinfo['name'] = $cached_char['NAME']; $this->charinfo['level'] = $cached_char['LEVEL']; $this->charinfo['account_id'] = $cached_char['ACC_ID']; $this->charinfo['exp'] = $cached_char['EXP']; $this->charinfo['job'] = $cached_char['JOB']; $this->charinfo['x'] = $cached_char['X']; $this->charinfo['y'] = $cached_char['Y']; $this->charinfo['map_index'] = $cached_char['MAP']; $this->charinfo['exit_x'] = $cached_char['E_X']; $this->charinfo['exit_y'] = $cached_char['E_Y']; $this->charinfo['exit_map_index'] = $cached_char['E_MAP']; $this->charinfo['hp'] = $cached_char['HP']; $this->charinfo['mp'] = $cached_char['MP']; $this->charinfo['playtime'] = $cached_char['PLAYTIME']; $this->charinfo['ht'] = $cached_char['VIT']; $this->charinfo['st'] = $cached_char['STR']; $this->charinfo['iq'] = $cached_char['INT']; $this->charinfo['dx'] = $cached_char['DEX']; $this->charinfo['stat_point'] = $cached_char['STATS']; $this->charinfo['skill_point'] = $cached_char['SKILL_POINT']; $this->charinfo['alignment'] = $cached_char['ALIGNMENT']; $this->charinfo['last_play'] = $cached_char['LAST_PLAY']; $this->charinfo['gold'] = $cached_char['GOLD']; $this->charinfo['ip'] = $cached_char['IP']; $this->charinfo['skill_group'] = $cached_char['SKGRP']; $this->charinfo['horse_level'] = $cached_char['HORSE_LEVEL']; $this->charinfo['horse_riding'] = $cached_char['RIDING']; $this->charinfo['horse_skill_point'] = $cached_char['HSTATS']; $this->charinfo['stat_reset_count'] = $cached_char['STATRESET']; $this->charinfo['change_name'] = $cached_char['CHANGENAME']; return $this->charinfo; } else { $player_mysql = mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `account_id`, `name`, `job`, `voice`, `dir`, `x`, `y`, `z`, `map_index`, `exit_x`, `exit_y`, `exit_map_index`, `hp`, `mp`, `stamina`, `random_hp`, `random_sp`, `playtime`, `level`, `level_step`, `st`, `ht`, `dx`, `iq`, `exp`, `gold`, `stat_point`, `skill_point`, `quickslot`, `ip`, `part_main`, `part_base`, `part_hair`, `skill_group`, `skill_level`, `alignment`, `last_play`, `change_name`, `mobile`, `sub_skill_point`, `stat_reset_count`, `horse_hp`, `horse_stamina`, `horse_level`, `horse_hp_droptime`, `horse_riding`, `horse_skill_point` FROM `player`.`player` WHERE id = ".$id); $player = mysql_fetch_array($player_mysql); if(!$player) return false; foreach ($player as $key => $info){ if(!is_numeric($key)) $this->charinfo[$key] = $info; } $this->cache->writeCache($this->charinfo); return $this->charinfo; } } public function loadPlayerByName($name, $reload = false){ $cached_char = $this->cache->loadCharByName($name); if($cached_char != false && $reload == false){ $this->charinfo['id'] = $cached_char['ID']; $this->charinfo['name'] = $cached_char['NAME']; $this->charinfo['level'] = $cached_char['LEVEL']; $this->charinfo['account_id'] = $cached_char['ACC_ID']; $this->charinfo['exp'] = $cached_char['EXP']; $this->charinfo['job'] = $cached_char['JOB']; $this->charinfo['x'] = $cached_char['X']; $this->charinfo['y'] = $cached_char['Y']; $this->charinfo['map_index'] = $cached_char['MAP']; $this->charinfo['exit_x'] = $cached_char['E_X']; $this->charinfo['exit_y'] = $cached_char['E_Y']; $this->charinfo['exit_map_index'] = $cached_char['E_MAP']; $this->charinfo['hp'] = $cached_char['HP']; $this->charinfo['mp'] = $cached_char['MP']; $this->charinfo['playtime'] = $cached_char['PLAYTIME']; $this->charinfo['ht'] = $cached_char['VIT']; $this->charinfo['st'] = $cached_char['STR']; $this->charinfo['iq'] = $cached_char['INT']; $this->charinfo['dx'] = $cached_char['DEX']; $this->charinfo['stat_point'] = $cached_char['STATS']; $this->charinfo['skill_point'] = $cached_char['SKILL_POINT']; $this->charinfo['alignment'] = $cached_char['ALIGNMENT']; $this->charinfo['last_play'] = $cached_char['LAST_PLAY']; $this->charinfo['gold'] = $cached_char['GOLD']; $this->charinfo['ip'] = $cached_char['IP']; $this->charinfo['skill_group'] = $cached_char['SKGRP']; $this->charinfo['horse_level'] = $cached_char['HORSE_LEVEL']; $this->charinfo['horse_riding'] = $cached_char['RIDING']; $this->charinfo['horse_skill_point'] = $cached_char['HSTATS']; $this->charinfo['stat_reset_count'] = $cached_char['STATRESET']; $this->charinfo['change_name'] = $cached_char['CHANGENAME']; return $this->charinfo; } else { $player_mysql = mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `account_id`, `name`, `job`, `voice`, `dir`, `x`, `y`, `z`, `map_index`, `exit_x`, `exit_y`, `exit_map_index`, `hp`, `mp`, `stamina`, `random_hp`, `random_sp`, `playtime`, `level`, `level_step`, `st`, `ht`, `dx`, `iq`, `exp`, `gold`, `stat_point`, `skill_point`, `quickslot`, `ip`, `part_main`, `part_base`, `part_hair`, `skill_group`, `skill_level`, `alignment`, `last_play`, `change_name`, `mobile`, `sub_skill_point`, `stat_reset_count`, `horse_hp`, `horse_stamina`, `horse_level`, `horse_hp_droptime`, `horse_riding`, `horse_skill_point` FROM inyaproduction_.`player` WHERE name = '".$name."'") or die(mysql_error()); $player = mysql_fetch_array($player_mysql); if(!$player) return false; foreach ($player as $key => $info){ if(!is_numeric($key)) $this->charinfo[$key] = $info; } $this->cache->writeCache($this->charinfo); return $this->charinfo; } } public function setCacheTime($seconds){ $this->cache->setCacheTime($seconds); } function __destruct(){ } } class char_cachemanager{ function __construct(){ $this->cachedir = "./cached_chars/"; if(!is_dir($this->cachedir)){ mkdir($this->cachedir); } $this->chars = array(); if(!$this->loadCachedChars()) die("Character Cache: Error on loading cache"); $this->cachetime = 300; //5 minutes } public function setCacheTime($seconds){ $this->cachetime = $seconds; } public function loadCachedChars(){ $cachefiles = scandir($this->cachedir); foreach ($cachefiles as $file) { if(!($file == "." or $file == "..")){ $filename = $file; $temp = explode(".", $file); $file = $temp[0]; $data = explode("_", $file); $this->chars[$data[0]]['name'] = $data[1]; $this->chars[$data[0]]['time'] = $data[2]; $this->chars[$data[0]]['filename'] = $filename; } }; return true; } public function loadFile($filename){ if(file_exists($this->cachedir.$filename)){ $data = file_get_contents($this->cachedir.$filename); $lines = explode("n", $data); $character = array(); foreach($lines as $line){ $detail = explode(":::", $line); $character[$detail[0]] = $detail[1]; } return $character; } return false; } public function loadCharById($id){ if(isset($this->chars[$id]) && $this->chars[$id]['time'] + $this->cachetime < time()) return $this->loadFile($this->chars[$id]['filename']); return false; } public function loadCharByName($name){ foreach($this->chars as $key => $char){ if($char['name'] == $name && $this->chars[$key]['time'] + $this->cachetime < time()) return $this->loadFile($this->chars[$key]['filename']); } return false; } public function writeCache($array){ $filename = $array['id']."_".$array['name']."_".time(); $file = fopen($this->cachedir.$filename, 'w'); $text = " ID:::".$array['id']." NAME:::".$array['name']." LEVEL:::".$array['level']." ACC_ID:::".$array['account_id']." EXP:::".$array['exp']." JOB:::".$array['job']." X:::".$array['x']." Y:::".$array['y']." MAP:::".$array['map_index']." E_X:::".$array['exit_x']." E_Y:::".$array['exit_y']." E_MAP:::".$array['exit_map_index']." HP:::".$array['hp']." MP:::".$array['mp']." PLAYTIME:::".$array['playtime']." VIT:::".$array['ht']." STR:::".$array['st']." INT:::".$array['iq']." DEX:::".$array['dx']." STATS:::".$array['stat_point']." GOLD:::".$array['gold']." IP:::".$array['ip']." SKGRP:::".$array['skill_group']." HORSE_LEVEL:::".$array['horse_level']." RIDING:::".$array['horse_riding']." HSTATS:::".$array['horse_skill_point']." STATRESET:::".$array['stat_reset_count']." CHANGENAME:::".$array['change_name']." SKILL_POINT:::".$array['skill_point']." LAST_PLAY:::".$array['last_play']." ALIGNMENT:::".$array['alignment']; fwrite($file, $text); } } $character = new char(); print_r($character->loadPlayerByName("Rain")); Have fun with that
  11. Nice but the arrow texture is a bit fail done
  12. Like i already said you if you would finish and make it a playable game it would be awesome!
  13. Had the same problem some time ago So it was easy to solve
  14. Unable to allocate 465183 bytes (465148 requested by r:/granny/rt/granny_oodle1_compression.cpp:246). Not enough RAM.. open exe with CFF Explorer and make a tick at can handle 2GB
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