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Everything posted by Draveniou1

  1. #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp> #include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #include <boost/unordered_map.hpp> #include <boost/shared_array.hpp> add
  2. hi i have deleted the snows from my files i wanted to know if we can make snows with a different method thanks
  3. I Think All system have #ifdef in my files I always have #ifdef I don't think it's hard to define #ifdef on your systems
  4. you go in locale_inc.h seaarch #define ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM change with #ifdef DISABLE_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM #endif if you have another system add in #ifdef DISABLE_SYSTEM and your system disabled if the system exists on the server it does the same in the service.h game source
  5. Error: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[34080] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/npc_pet/halloween_tar/halloween_tar.msm Metin2 not load 34080 from npc_pet why you add folder(halloween_tar) in npc_pet x2 load why ? Lets go to fix 1. OPEN GameLib folder 2. OPEN RaceManager.cpp 3. Search: if (race >= 30000) { if (race==34028 || race==34029) { vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/npc_pet/"); vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/npc2/"); } else { vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/npc2/"); vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/npc_pet/"); } vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/npc/"); vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/monster/"); vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/monster2/"); vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/guild/"); } 4. Change with: if (race >= 30000) { if (race==34028 || race==34029) { vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/npc_pet/"); vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/npc2/"); } else if (race==34080) // Load only from normal folder npc2 my halloween_tar :) and not load from npc_pet { vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/npc2/"); } else { vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/npc2/"); vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/npc_pet/"); } vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/npc/"); vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/monster/"); vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/monster2/"); vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/guild/"); } 34080 else { vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/npc2/"); vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/npc_pet/"); } i will add my number from pet if (race==34080) // Load only from normal folder npc2 my halloween_tar and not load from npc_pet { vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/npc2/"); } vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/npc2/"); pet this load from this npc2 If there are extra pets you can add example: if (race==34080 || race==34081 || race==34082 ) 34081 and 34082 = load npc2 if not load from npc2 and load from npc_pet add new code if (race==34080 || race==34081 || race==34082 ) // Load only from normal folder npc2 my halloween_tar and not load from npc_pet { vec_stPathes.push_back ("d:/ymir work/npc_pet/"); } Error fixed without hide error // TraceError("CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[%u] LOAD MSMFILE[%s] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.", dwRaceIndex, stMSMFileName.c_str());
  6. https://metin2.top/ except you forgot something players don't see it, only those who deal with metin2dev see it players don't deal with metin2dev they want to play they are players and not programmer
  7. turn off vps and start after checking tample maintain and analyze check if tample account.account working good if working good send pm in your company for checking anti-ddos filter if have problems
  8. i have a ask why don't you guys make your own files and keep searching for new files? Go make your own serverfiles im tired of seeing steal and scam posts
  9. for me, daroo is better, I've tried it and I know it needs changes I have been a Daroo client for 5 years
  10. daroo client yes but it needs a lot of corrections for the novaline source to read it locale to localeinfo change True to TRUE it needs a lot of changes daroo is the only clean client
  11. why buy and you can't make your own? it's not difficult, you need a clean daroo client and source mainline with novaline client source, finally you fix the bugs and you have something clean you should not buy server files from anyone I suggest you create something of your own. I gave you the solution
  12. Check bonus anti-critical if work in your server if anti-crit doesn't work on your server it won't be able to do what you're asking
  13. Your serverfiles working this bonus ANTI-CRITICAL ?
  14. iDam = iDam * (-25 - pkVictim->GetPoint(POINT_ANTI_CRITICAL)) I Think anti-critical you should now put anti-critical in the game you can with missions or anything else you can think of
  15. @ Baltazar Critical filters will also be affected by this method I have tried it
  16. and for damage normal you go in char_skill if (pkWeapon) switch (pkWeapon->GetSubType()) { case WEAPON_SWORD: char skill.cpp this method have problem with pottion critical + my friends
  17. You add bonus anti-critical in weapon BATTLE.CPP search: if (pkWeapon) switch (pkWeapon->GetSubType()) { case WEAPON_SWORD: iDam = iDam * (150 - pkVictim->GetPoint(POINT_RESIST_SWORD)) / 150; change EXABLE: if (pkWeapon) switch (pkWeapon->GetSubType()) { case WEAPON_SWORD: iDam = iDam * (150 - pkVictim->GetPoint(POINT_RESIST_SWORD)) / 150; iDam = iDam * (-25 - pkVictim->GetPoint(POINT_ANTI_CRITICAL)) / -25; //critical 0% in hit ony critical if (pkWeapon) switch (pkWeapon->GetSubType()) { case WEAPON_SWORD: iDam = iDam * (150 - pkVictim->GetPoint(POINT_RESIST_SWORD)) / 150; iDam = iDam * (-25 - pkVictim->GetPoint(POINT_ANTI_CRITICAL)) / -25; //critical 25% + if X player anti-crit ;) you should see anti-critical to not have crit reduction you can also with perforation or add perforation 25 and -25 if you can 0 critical change with -25 (you test first)
  18. check up class ItemToolTip(ToolTip): in uitooltip.py and check uitooltip: defGrade = item.GetValue(1) defBonus = item.GetValue(5)*2 ## 방어력 표시 잘못 되는 문제를 수정 if defGrade > 0: self.AppendSpace(5) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE % (defGrade+defBonus)
  19. You [GM] [GM] have extra damage You go test without [GM] normal player vs normal player
  20. i don't have time xD if i find time i will make it and post it in this post I believe within the week I have it ready I just work and don't have time
  21. and for create button for on/off this system from systemoptiondialog.py ?
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