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Everything posted by xGalardo

  1. Hello! I would like to ask how I can speed up or slow down the speed of slotactiveeffect?
  2. The client is not accidentally closed. It is cheap not a "solution" to the problem.
  3. I had the client on a tray for 12 hours, it works perfectly, no ejections, etc. I also installed Marty's fix, which really fixed the Flame Ghost monster "bug". I don't know if it matters, but i use Marty's source.
  4. Not work. class TargetBoard(ui.ThinBoard): if app.ENABLE_SEND_TARGET_INFO: class InfoBoard(ui.ThinBoard): class ItemListBoxItem(ui.ListBoxExNew.Item): def __init__(self, width): ui.ListBoxExNew.Item.__init__(self) image = ui.ExpandedImageBox() image.SetParent(self) image.Show() self.image = image nameLine = ui.TextLine() nameLine.SetParent(self) nameLine.SetPosition(32 + 5, 0) nameLine.Show() self.nameLine = nameLine if app.ENABLE_SEND_TARGET_INFO_EXTENDED: rarity = ui.TextLine() rarity.SetParent(self) rarity.SetPosition(32 + 5, 11) rarity.Show() self.rarity = rarity self.SetSize(width, 32 + 5) def LoadImage(self, image, name = None): self.image.LoadImage(image) self.SetSize(self.GetWidth(), self.image.GetHeight() + 5 * (self.image.GetHeight() / 32)) if name != None: self.SetText(name) def SetText(self, text): self.nameLine.SetText(text) if app.ENABLE_SEND_TARGET_INFO_EXTENDED: def SetRarity(self, rarity): if rarity <= 0: return real_rarity = rarity / 10000 self.rarity.SetText(str(self.GetRarity(real_rarity))) def GetRarity(self, rarity): if rarity >= 100: return "|cFFFFFFFFGarantált|r" elif rarity < 100 and rarity >= 70: return "|cFFFFFFFFÁtlagos|r" elif rarity < 70 and rarity >= 50: return "|cFF32CD32Átlagon felüli|r" elif rarity < 50 and rarity >= 30: return "|cFF9400D3Ritka|r" elif rarity < 30 and rarity >= 11: return "|cFF1E90FFEpikus|r" elif rarity <= 10: return "|cFFFFD700Legendás|r" return "" def RefreshHeight(self): ui.ListBoxExNew.Item.RefreshHeight(self) self.image.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0 - float(self.removeTop) / float(self.GetHeight()), 0.0, 0.0 - float(self.removeBottom) / float(self.GetHeight())) self.image.SetPosition(0, - self.removeTop) MAX_ITEM_COUNT = 5 EXP_BASE_LVDELTA = [ 1, # -15 0 5, # -14 1 10, # -13 2 20, # -12 3 30, # -11 4 50, # -10 5 70, # -9 6 80, # -8 7 85, # -7 8 90, # -6 9 92, # -5 10 94, # -4 11 96, # -3 12 98, # -2 13 100, # -1 14 100, # 0 15 105, # 1 16 110, # 2 17 115, # 3 18 120, # 4 19 125, # 5 20 130, # 6 21 135, # 7 22 140, # 8 23 145, # 9 24 150, # 10 25 155, # 11 26 160, # 12 27 165, # 13 28 170, # 14 29 180, # 15 30 ] RACE_FLAG_TO_NAME = { 1 << 0 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_ANIMAL, 1 << 1 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_UNDEAD, 1 << 2 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_DEVIL, 1 << 3 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_HUMAN, 1 << 4 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_ORC, 1 << 5 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_MILGYO, 1 << 6 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NEWRACE_INSECT, 1 << 7 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NEWRACE_FIRE, 1 << 8 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NEWRACE_ICE, 1 << 9 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NEWRACE_DESERT, 1 << 10 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NEWRACE_TREE, } SUB_RACE_FLAG_TO_NAME = { 1 << 11 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_ELEC, 1 << 12 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_FIRE, 1 << 13 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_ICE, 1 << 14 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_WIND, 1 << 15 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_EARTH, 1 << 16 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_DARK, } STONE_START_VNUM = 28030 STONE_LAST_VNUM = 28042 BOARD_WIDTH = 250 def __init__(self): ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self) self.HideCorners(self.LT) self.HideCorners(self.RT) self.HideLine(self.T) self.race = 0 self.hasItems = False self.itemTooltip = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip() self.itemTooltip.HideToolTip() self.stoneImg = None self.stoneVnum = None self.lastStoneVnum = 0 self.nextStoneIconChange = 0 self.itemScrollBar = None self.SetSize(self.BOARD_WIDTH, 0) def __del__(self): ui.ThinBoard.__del__(self) def __UpdatePosition(self, targetBoard): self.SetPosition(targetBoard.GetLeft() + (targetBoard.GetWidth() - self.GetWidth()) / 2, targetBoard.GetBottom() - 17) def Open(self, targetBoard, race): self.__LoadInformation(race) self.SetSize(self.BOARD_WIDTH, self.yPos + 10) self.__UpdatePosition(targetBoard) self.Show() def Refresh(self): self.__LoadInformation(self.race) self.SetSize(self.BOARD_WIDTH, self.yPos + 10) def Close(self): self.itemTooltip.HideToolTip() self.itemScrollBar = None self.Hide() def __LoadInformation(self, race): self.yPos = 7 self.children = [] self.race = race self.stoneImg = None self.stoneVnum = None self.nextStoneIconChange = 0 self.__LoadInformation_Default(race) self.__LoadInformation_Race(race) self.__LoadInformation_Resists(race) self.__LoadInformation_Drops(race) def __LoadInformation_Default_GetHitRate(self, race): attacker_dx = nonplayer.GetMonsterDX(race) attacker_level = nonplayer.GetMonsterLevel(race) self_dx = player.GetStatus(player.DX) self_level = player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL) iARSrc = min(90, (attacker_dx * 4 + attacker_level * 2) / 6) iERSrc = min(90, (self_dx * 4 + self_level * 2) / 6) fAR = (float(iARSrc) + 210.0) / 300.0 fER = (float(iERSrc) * 2 + 5) / (float(iERSrc) + 95) * 3.0 / 10.0 return fAR - fER def __LoadInformation_Resists(self, race): self.AppendSeperator() self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RESISTS) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RESISTS_LINE0 % (nonplayer.GetResist(race, nonplayer.MOB_RESIST_SWORD), nonplayer.GetResist(race, nonplayer.MOB_RESIST_TWOHAND), nonplayer.GetResist(race, nonplayer.MOB_RESIST_BELL))) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RESISTS_LINE1 % (nonplayer.GetResist(race, nonplayer.MOB_RESIST_DAGGER), nonplayer.GetResist(race, nonplayer.MOB_RESIST_FAN), nonplayer.GetResist(race, nonplayer.MOB_RESIST_BOW))) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RESISTS_LINE2 % (nonplayer.GetResist(race, nonplayer.MOB_RESIST_MAGIC))) def __LoadInformation_Default(self, race): self.AppendSeperator() self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_MAX_HP % localeInfo.DottedNumber(nonplayer.GetMonsterMaxHP(race))) # calc att damage monsterLevel = nonplayer.GetMonsterLevel(race) fHitRate = self.__LoadInformation_Default_GetHitRate(race) iDamMin, iDamMax = nonplayer.GetMonsterDamage(race) iDamMin = int((iDamMin + nonplayer.GetMonsterST(race)) * 2 * fHitRate) + monsterLevel * 2 iDamMax = int((iDamMax + nonplayer.GetMonsterST(race)) * 2 * fHitRate) + monsterLevel * 2 iDef = player.GetStatus(player.DEF_GRADE) * (100 + player.GetStatus(player.DEF_BONUS)) / 100 fDamMulti = nonplayer.GetMonsterDamageMultiply(race) iDamMin = int(max(0, iDamMin - iDef) * fDamMulti) iDamMax = int(max(0, iDamMax - iDef) * fDamMulti) if iDamMin < 1: iDamMin = 1 if iDamMax < 5: iDamMax = 5 self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_DAMAGE % (str(iDamMin), str(iDamMax))) idx = min(len(self.EXP_BASE_LVDELTA) - 1, max(0, (monsterLevel + 15) - player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL))) iExp = nonplayer.GetMonsterExp(race) * self.EXP_BASE_LVDELTA[idx] / 100 self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_EXP % localeInfo.DottedNumber(iExp)) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_GOLD_MIN_MAX % (localeInfo.DottedNumber(nonplayer.GetMobGoldMin(race)), localeInfo.DottedNumber(nonplayer.GetMobGoldMax(race)))) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_REGEN_INFO % (nonplayer.GetMobRegenPercent(race), nonplayer.GetMobRegenCycle(race))) def __LoadInformation_Race(self, race): dwRaceFlag = nonplayer.GetMonsterRaceFlag(race) self.AppendSeperator() mainrace = "" subrace = "" for i in xrange(17): curFlag = 1 << i if HAS_FLAG(dwRaceFlag, curFlag): if self.RACE_FLAG_TO_NAME.has_key(curFlag): mainrace += self.RACE_FLAG_TO_NAME[curFlag] + ", " elif self.SUB_RACE_FLAG_TO_NAME.has_key(curFlag): subrace += self.SUB_RACE_FLAG_TO_NAME[curFlag] + ", " if nonplayer.IsMonsterStone(race): mainrace += localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_METIN + ", " if mainrace == "": mainrace = localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_RACE else: mainrace = mainrace[:-2] if subrace == "": subrace = localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_RACE else: subrace = subrace[:-2] self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_MAINRACE % mainrace) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_SUBRACE % subrace) def __LoadInformation_Drops(self, race): self.AppendSeperator() if race in MONSTER_INFO_DATA: if len(MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]) == 0: if self.itemScrollBar.IsShow(): self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_DEBUG) else: self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_ITEM_TEXT) else: itemListBox = ui.ListBoxExNew(32 + 5, self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT) itemListBox.SetSize(self.GetWidth() - 15 * 2 - ui.ScrollBar.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, (32 + 5) * self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT) height = 0 for curItem in MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]: if curItem.has_key("vnum_list"): height += self.AppendItem(itemListBox, curItem["vnum_list"], curItem["count"], curItem["rarity"]) else: height += self.AppendItem(itemListBox, curItem["vnum"], curItem["count"], curItem["rarity"]) if height < itemListBox.GetHeight(): itemListBox.SetSize(itemListBox.GetWidth(), height) self.AppendWindow(itemListBox, 15) itemListBox.SetBasePos(0) if len(MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]) > itemListBox.GetViewItemCount(): itemScrollBar = ui.ScrollBar() itemScrollBar.SetParent(self) itemScrollBar.SetPosition(itemListBox.GetRight(), itemListBox.GetTop()) itemScrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(32 * self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT + 5 * (self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT - 1)) itemScrollBar.SetMiddleBarSize(float(self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT) / float(height / (32 + 5))) itemScrollBar.Show() itemListBox.SetScrollBar(itemScrollBar) self.itemScrollBar = itemScrollBar else: self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_ITEM_TEXT) def AppendTextLine(self, text): textLine = ui.TextLine() textLine.SetParent(self) textLine.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() textLine.SetText(text) textLine.SetPosition(0, self.yPos) textLine.Show() self.children.append(textLine) self.yPos += 17 def AppendSeperator(self): img = ui.ImageBox() img.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/seperator.tga") self.AppendWindow(img) img.SetPosition(img.GetLeft(), img.GetTop() - 15) self.yPos -= 15 #def AppendItem(self, listBox, vnums, count): def AppendItem(self, listBox, vnums, count, rarity = 0): if type(vnums) == int: vnum = vnums else: vnum = vnums[0] item.SelectItem(vnum) itemName = item.GetItemName() if type(vnums) != int and len(vnums) > 1: vnums = sorted(vnums) realName = itemName[:itemName.find("+")] if item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN: realName = localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_STONE_NAME itemName = realName + "+0 - +4" else: itemName = realName + "+" + str(vnums[0] % 10) + " - +" + str(vnums[len(vnums) - 1] % 10) vnum = vnums[len(vnums) - 1] myItem = self.ItemListBoxItem(listBox.GetWidth()) myItem.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName()) if count <= 1: myItem.SetText(itemName) else: myItem.SetText("%dx %s" % (count, itemName)) if app.ENABLE_SEND_TARGET_INFO_EXTENDED: myItem.SetRarity(rarity) myItem.SAFE_SetOverInEvent(self.OnShowItemTooltip, vnum) myItem.SAFE_SetOverOutEvent(self.OnHideItemTooltip) listBox.AppendItem(myItem) if item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN: self.stoneImg = myItem self.stoneVnum = vnums self.lastStoneVnum = self.STONE_LAST_VNUM + vnums[len(vnums) - 1] % 1000 / 100 * 100 return myItem.GetHeight() def OnShowItemTooltip(self, vnum): item.SelectItem(vnum) if item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN: self.itemTooltip.isStone = True self.itemTooltip.isBook = False self.itemTooltip.isBook2 = False self.itemTooltip.SetItemToolTip(self.lastStoneVnum) else: self.itemTooltip.isStone = False self.itemTooltip.isBook = True self.itemTooltip.isBook2 = True self.itemTooltip.SetItemToolTip(vnum) def OnHideItemTooltip(self): self.itemTooltip.HideToolTip() def AppendWindow(self, wnd, x = 0, width = 0, height = 0): if width == 0: width = wnd.GetWidth() if height == 0: height = wnd.GetHeight() wnd.SetParent(self) if x == 0: wnd.SetPosition((self.GetWidth() - width) / 2, self.yPos) else: wnd.SetPosition(x, self.yPos) wnd.Show() self.children.append(wnd) self.yPos += height + 5 def OnUpdate(self): if self.stoneImg != None and self.stoneVnum != None and app.GetTime() >= self.nextStoneIconChange: nextImg = self.lastStoneVnum + 1 if nextImg % 100 > self.STONE_LAST_VNUM % 100: nextImg -= (self.STONE_LAST_VNUM - self.STONE_START_VNUM) + 1 self.lastStoneVnum = nextImg self.nextStoneIconChange = app.GetTime() + 2.5 item.SelectItem(nextImg) itemName = item.GetItemName() realName = itemName[:itemName.find("+")] realName = realName + "+0 - +4" self.stoneImg.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName(), realName) if self.itemTooltip.IsShow() and self.itemTooltip.isStone: self.itemTooltip.SetItemToolTip(nextImg)
  5. Thanks, but not work! class TargetBoard(ui.ThinBoard): if app.ENABLE_SEND_TARGET_INFO: class InfoBoard(ui.ThinBoard): class ItemListBoxItem(ui.ListBoxExNew.Item): def __init__(self, width): ui.ListBoxExNew.Item.__init__(self) image = ui.ExpandedImageBox() image.SetParent(self) image.Show() self.image = image nameLine = ui.TextLine() nameLine.SetParent(self) nameLine.SetPosition(32 + 5, 0) nameLine.Show() self.nameLine = nameLine if app.ENABLE_SEND_TARGET_INFO_EXTENDED: rarity = ui.TextLine() rarity.SetParent(self) rarity.SetPosition(32 + 5, 11) rarity.Show() self.rarity = rarity self.SetSize(width, 32 + 5) def LoadImage(self, image, name = None): self.image.LoadImage(image) self.SetSize(self.GetWidth(), self.image.GetHeight() + 5 * (self.image.GetHeight() / 32)) if name != None: self.SetText(name) def SetText(self, text): self.nameLine.SetText(text) if app.ENABLE_SEND_TARGET_INFO_EXTENDED: def SetRarity(self, rarity): if rarity <= 0: return real_rarity = rarity / 10000 self.rarity.SetText(str(self.GetRarity(real_rarity))) def GetRarity(self, rarity): if rarity >= 100: return "|cFFFFFFFFGarantált|r" elif rarity < 100 and rarity >= 70: return "|cFFFFFFFFÁtlagos|r" elif rarity < 70 and rarity >= 50: return "|cFF32CD32Átlagon felüli|r" elif rarity < 50 and rarity >= 30: return "|cFF9400D3Ritka|r" elif rarity < 30 and rarity >= 11: return "|cFF1E90FFEpikus|r" elif rarity <= 10: return "|cFFFFD700Legendás|r" return "" def RefreshHeight(self): ui.ListBoxExNew.Item.RefreshHeight(self) self.image.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0 - float(self.removeTop) / float(self.GetHeight()), 0.0, 0.0 - float(self.removeBottom) / float(self.GetHeight())) self.image.SetPosition(0, - self.removeTop) MAX_ITEM_COUNT = 5 EXP_BASE_LVDELTA = [ 1, # -15 0 5, # -14 1 10, # -13 2 20, # -12 3 30, # -11 4 50, # -10 5 70, # -9 6 80, # -8 7 85, # -7 8 90, # -6 9 92, # -5 10 94, # -4 11 96, # -3 12 98, # -2 13 100, # -1 14 100, # 0 15 105, # 1 16 110, # 2 17 115, # 3 18 120, # 4 19 125, # 5 20 130, # 6 21 135, # 7 22 140, # 8 23 145, # 9 24 150, # 10 25 155, # 11 26 160, # 12 27 165, # 13 28 170, # 14 29 180, # 15 30 ] RACE_FLAG_TO_NAME = { 1 << 0 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_ANIMAL, 1 << 1 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_UNDEAD, 1 << 2 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_DEVIL, 1 << 3 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_HUMAN, 1 << 4 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_ORC, 1 << 5 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_MILGYO, 1 << 6 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NEWRACE_INSECT, 1 << 7 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NEWRACE_FIRE, 1 << 8 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NEWRACE_ICE, 1 << 9 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NEWRACE_DESERT, 1 << 10 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NEWRACE_TREE, } SUB_RACE_FLAG_TO_NAME = { 1 << 11 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_ELEC, 1 << 12 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_FIRE, 1 << 13 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_ICE, 1 << 14 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_WIND, 1 << 15 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_EARTH, 1 << 16 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_DARK, } STONE_START_VNUM = 28030 STONE_LAST_VNUM = 28042 BOARD_WIDTH = 250 def __init__(self): ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self) self.HideCorners(self.LT) self.HideCorners(self.RT) self.HideLine(self.T) self.race = 0 self.hasItems = False self.itemTooltip = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip() self.itemTooltip.HideToolTip() self.stoneImg = None self.stoneVnum = None self.lastStoneVnum = 0 self.nextStoneIconChange = 0 self.itemScrollBar = None self.SetSize(self.BOARD_WIDTH, 0) def __del__(self): ui.ThinBoard.__del__(self) def __UpdatePosition(self, targetBoard): self.SetPosition(targetBoard.GetLeft() + (targetBoard.GetWidth() - self.GetWidth()) / 2, targetBoard.GetBottom() - 17) def Open(self, targetBoard, race): self.__LoadInformation(race) self.SetSize(self.BOARD_WIDTH, self.yPos + 10) self.__UpdatePosition(targetBoard) self.Show() def Refresh(self): self.__LoadInformation(self.race) self.SetSize(self.BOARD_WIDTH, self.yPos + 10) def Close(self): self.itemTooltip.HideToolTip() self.itemScrollBar = None self.Hide() def __LoadInformation(self, race): self.yPos = 7 self.children = [] self.race = race self.stoneImg = None self.stoneVnum = None self.nextStoneIconChange = 0 self.itemScrollBar = None self.__LoadInformation_Default(race) self.__LoadInformation_Race(race) self.__LoadInformation_Resists(race) self.__LoadInformation_Drops(race) def __LoadInformation_Default_GetHitRate(self, race): attacker_dx = nonplayer.GetMonsterDX(race) attacker_level = nonplayer.GetMonsterLevel(race) self_dx = player.GetStatus(player.DX) self_level = player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL) iARSrc = min(90, (attacker_dx * 4 + attacker_level * 2) / 6) iERSrc = min(90, (self_dx * 4 + self_level * 2) / 6) fAR = (float(iARSrc) + 210.0) / 300.0 fER = (float(iERSrc) * 2 + 5) / (float(iERSrc) + 95) * 3.0 / 10.0 return fAR - fER def __LoadInformation_Resists(self, race): self.AppendSeperator() self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RESISTS) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RESISTS_LINE0 % (nonplayer.GetResist(race, nonplayer.MOB_RESIST_SWORD), nonplayer.GetResist(race, nonplayer.MOB_RESIST_TWOHAND), nonplayer.GetResist(race, nonplayer.MOB_RESIST_BELL))) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RESISTS_LINE1 % (nonplayer.GetResist(race, nonplayer.MOB_RESIST_DAGGER), nonplayer.GetResist(race, nonplayer.MOB_RESIST_FAN), nonplayer.GetResist(race, nonplayer.MOB_RESIST_BOW))) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RESISTS_LINE2 % (nonplayer.GetResist(race, nonplayer.MOB_RESIST_MAGIC))) def __LoadInformation_Default(self, race): self.AppendSeperator() self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_MAX_HP % localeInfo.DottedNumber(nonplayer.GetMonsterMaxHP(race))) # calc att damage monsterLevel = nonplayer.GetMonsterLevel(race) fHitRate = self.__LoadInformation_Default_GetHitRate(race) iDamMin, iDamMax = nonplayer.GetMonsterDamage(race) iDamMin = int((iDamMin + nonplayer.GetMonsterST(race)) * 2 * fHitRate) + monsterLevel * 2 iDamMax = int((iDamMax + nonplayer.GetMonsterST(race)) * 2 * fHitRate) + monsterLevel * 2 iDef = player.GetStatus(player.DEF_GRADE) * (100 + player.GetStatus(player.DEF_BONUS)) / 100 fDamMulti = nonplayer.GetMonsterDamageMultiply(race) iDamMin = int(max(0, iDamMin - iDef) * fDamMulti) iDamMax = int(max(0, iDamMax - iDef) * fDamMulti) if iDamMin < 1: iDamMin = 1 if iDamMax < 5: iDamMax = 5 self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_DAMAGE % (str(iDamMin), str(iDamMax))) idx = min(len(self.EXP_BASE_LVDELTA) - 1, max(0, (monsterLevel + 15) - player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL))) iExp = nonplayer.GetMonsterExp(race) * self.EXP_BASE_LVDELTA[idx] / 100 self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_EXP % localeInfo.DottedNumber(iExp)) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_GOLD_MIN_MAX % (localeInfo.DottedNumber(nonplayer.GetMobGoldMin(race)), localeInfo.DottedNumber(nonplayer.GetMobGoldMax(race)))) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_REGEN_INFO % (nonplayer.GetMobRegenPercent(race), nonplayer.GetMobRegenCycle(race))) def __LoadInformation_Race(self, race): dwRaceFlag = nonplayer.GetMonsterRaceFlag(race) self.AppendSeperator() mainrace = "" subrace = "" for i in xrange(17): curFlag = 1 << i if HAS_FLAG(dwRaceFlag, curFlag): if self.RACE_FLAG_TO_NAME.has_key(curFlag): mainrace += self.RACE_FLAG_TO_NAME[curFlag] + ", " elif self.SUB_RACE_FLAG_TO_NAME.has_key(curFlag): subrace += self.SUB_RACE_FLAG_TO_NAME[curFlag] + ", " if nonplayer.IsMonsterStone(race): mainrace += localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_METIN + ", " if mainrace == "": mainrace = localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_RACE else: mainrace = mainrace[:-2] if subrace == "": subrace = localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_RACE else: subrace = subrace[:-2] self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_MAINRACE % mainrace) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_SUBRACE % subrace) def __LoadInformation_Drops(self, race): self.AppendSeperator() if race in MONSTER_INFO_DATA: if len(MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]) == 0: if self.itemScrollBar.IsShow(): self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_DEBUG) else: self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_ITEM_TEXT) else: itemListBox = ui.ListBoxExNew(32 + 5, self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT) itemListBox.SetSize(self.GetWidth() - 15 * 2 - ui.ScrollBar.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, (32 + 5) * self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT) height = 0 for curItem in MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]: if curItem.has_key("vnum_list"): height += self.AppendItem(itemListBox, curItem["vnum_list"], curItem["count"], curItem["rarity"]) else: height += self.AppendItem(itemListBox, curItem["vnum"], curItem["count"], curItem["rarity"]) if height < itemListBox.GetHeight(): itemListBox.SetSize(itemListBox.GetWidth(), height) self.AppendWindow(itemListBox, 15) itemListBox.SetBasePos(0) if len(MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]) > itemListBox.GetViewItemCount(): itemScrollBar = ui.ScrollBar() itemScrollBar.SetParent(self) itemScrollBar.SetPosition(itemListBox.GetRight(), itemListBox.GetTop()) itemScrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(32 * self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT + 5 * (self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT - 1)) itemScrollBar.SetMiddleBarSize(float(self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT) / float(height / (32 + 5))) itemScrollBar.Show() itemListBox.SetScrollBar(itemScrollBar) else: self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_ITEM_TEXT) def AppendTextLine(self, text): textLine = ui.TextLine() textLine.SetParent(self) textLine.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() textLine.SetText(text) textLine.SetPosition(0, self.yPos) textLine.Show() self.children.append(textLine) self.yPos += 17 def AppendSeperator(self): img = ui.ImageBox() img.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/seperator.tga") self.AppendWindow(img) img.SetPosition(img.GetLeft(), img.GetTop() - 15) self.yPos -= 15 #def AppendItem(self, listBox, vnums, count): def AppendItem(self, listBox, vnums, count, rarity = 0): if type(vnums) == int: vnum = vnums else: vnum = vnums[0] item.SelectItem(vnum) itemName = item.GetItemName() if type(vnums) != int and len(vnums) > 1: vnums = sorted(vnums) realName = itemName[:itemName.find("+")] if item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN: realName = localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_STONE_NAME itemName = realName + "+0 - +4" else: itemName = realName + "+" + str(vnums[0] % 10) + " - +" + str(vnums[len(vnums) - 1] % 10) vnum = vnums[len(vnums) - 1] myItem = self.ItemListBoxItem(listBox.GetWidth()) myItem.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName()) if count <= 1: myItem.SetText(itemName) else: myItem.SetText("%dx %s" % (count, itemName)) if app.ENABLE_SEND_TARGET_INFO_EXTENDED: myItem.SetRarity(rarity) myItem.SAFE_SetOverInEvent(self.OnShowItemTooltip, vnum) myItem.SAFE_SetOverOutEvent(self.OnHideItemTooltip) listBox.AppendItem(myItem) if item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN: self.stoneImg = myItem self.stoneVnum = vnums self.lastStoneVnum = self.STONE_LAST_VNUM + vnums[len(vnums) - 1] % 1000 / 100 * 100 return myItem.GetHeight() def OnShowItemTooltip(self, vnum): item.SelectItem(vnum) if item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN: self.itemTooltip.isStone = True self.itemTooltip.isBook = False self.itemTooltip.isBook2 = False self.itemTooltip.SetItemToolTip(self.lastStoneVnum) else: self.itemTooltip.isStone = False self.itemTooltip.isBook = True self.itemTooltip.isBook2 = True self.itemTooltip.SetItemToolTip(vnum) def OnHideItemTooltip(self): self.itemTooltip.HideToolTip() def AppendWindow(self, wnd, x = 0, width = 0, height = 0): if width == 0: width = wnd.GetWidth() if height == 0: height = wnd.GetHeight() wnd.SetParent(self) if x == 0: wnd.SetPosition((self.GetWidth() - width) / 2, self.yPos) else: wnd.SetPosition(x, self.yPos) wnd.Show() self.children.append(wnd) self.yPos += height + 5 def OnUpdate(self): if self.stoneImg != None and self.stoneVnum != None and app.GetTime() >= self.nextStoneIconChange: nextImg = self.lastStoneVnum + 1 if nextImg % 100 > self.STONE_LAST_VNUM % 100: nextImg -= (self.STONE_LAST_VNUM - self.STONE_START_VNUM) + 1 self.lastStoneVnum = nextImg self.nextStoneIconChange = app.GetTime() + 2.5 item.SelectItem(nextImg) itemName = item.GetItemName() realName = itemName[:itemName.find("+")] realName = realName + "+0 - +4" self.stoneImg.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName(), realName) if self.itemTooltip.IsShow() and self.itemTooltip.isStone: self.itemTooltip.SetItemToolTip(nextImg)
  6. Hi guys, I found a "bug" in the target information system, namely, if I scroll down for many items and then open a monster that doesn't drop anything, the scrollbar stays there. I found a fix for it, put it in, but it didn't solve my problem. Image: Bug Thanks in advance for your help!
  7. tables.h server/packet.h char_item.cpp Client/Packet.h PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp I suspect PythonNetworkPhaseGame, I haven't found much code related to refine elsewhere. Where there is sysser, I have also rewritten them, of course.
  8. Hello! Today I successfully added the max yang to the server, but unfortunately I found 1 "bug", which I tried to fix, but unfortunately I couldn't. If anyone could help me with this, I would appreciate it. Also, please excuse my bad English. Bug
  9. It seems better, I have logged out about 30 times, but it still closes the client. 0729 12:29:22691 :: Phase Game does not handle this header (header: 4, last: 121, 4) 0729 12:29:22739 :: CPythonNetworkStream::RecvFlyTargetingPacket() - dwShooterVID[1818386798] NOT EXIST 0729 12:29:22739 :: Unknown packet header: 12, last: 4 69
  10. Sorry for the stupid question, but where do I write this?
  11. Configuration: [Hidden Content] Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5650 @ 2.67GHz Ram: 7 GB VCpu: 4 x 2,66 ghz
  12. Hello! I came across an interesting bug. I uploaded stuff from my home server to a newly purchased VPS, game, db started, runs fine. However, when I would enter the game, as soon as the character would appear, the client would close (Tested several times). I have collected the following packet errors. 0728 14:14:16188 :: Phase Loading does not handle this header (header: 115, last: 1, 115) 0728 14:14:16189 :: Unknown packet header: 64, last: 1 115 0728 14:16:14861 :: Phase Loading does not handle this header (header: 115, last: 1, 115) 0728 14:16:14862 :: Unknown packet header: 101, last: 1 115 0728 14:37:28114 :: Phase Game does not handle this header (header: 130, last: 75, 130) 0728 14:37:28147 :: Unknown packet header: 217, last: 75 130 When the client closes, it almost always complains about another packet error. (There is absolutely no such problem on a hosted server.) Thanks for the help in advance! What might also be of interest is that the game, db clang++-devel version is compiled backwards.
  13. Hello! I have a problem, I have an updated source (clang++-devel), which works perfectly on bsd 12, on a home server. I put it on vps, game,db, but it is missing libs on startup, which I can't do in any way. I've installed gcc, devel, etc. with pkg install. Anyone who can help me with this would be appreciated.
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