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Everything posted by SamuraiHUN

  1. Hey guys i now write how to can install svn to debian server. ( what is svn? ) SVN is an open source version control system build by Apache Foundation Team. It helps you keep track of a collection of files and folders. Any time you change, add or delete a file or folder that you manage with Subversion, you commit these changes to your Subversion repository, which creates a new revision in your repository reflecting these changes. You can always go back, look at and get the contents of previous revisions. This article will help you for step by step setup of Subversion (svn) server on Debian 10, Debian 9 and Debian 8 operating systems. source Step 1 – Install Apache We are using Apache web server to host SVN server. You need to install the Apache web server to access the svn server using HTTP URLs. Skip this step if you already have Apache web server on your system. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install apache2 Step 2 – Install SVN Server Use the following command to install subversion packages and their dependencies. Also, install svn module for Apache libapache2-mod-svn packages on your system. sudo apt-get install subversion libapache2-mod-svn libapache2-svn libsvn-dev After installation, enable required Apache modules and restart Apache service. sudo a2enmod dav sudo a2enmod dav_svn sudo service apache2 restart Step 3 – Configure Apache with Subversion Subversion Apache module package creates an configuration file /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.conf. You just need to make necessary changes to it. Alias /svn /var/lib/svn <Location /svn> DAV svn SVNParentPath /var/lib/svn AuthType Basic AuthName "Subversion Repository" AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd Require valid-user </Location> Step 4 – Create SVN Repository Use following commands to create your first svn repository with name myrepo. Also, set the required permissions on newly created directories. sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/svn/ sudo svnadmin create /var/lib/svn/myrepo sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/svn sudo chmod -R 775 /var/lib/svn Step 5 – Create Users for Subversion Now create first svn user in /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd file. These users will use for authentication of svn repositories for checkout, commit processes. sudo htpasswd -cm /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd admin To create additional users, use following commands. sudo htpasswd -m /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd user1 sudo htpasswd -m /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd user2 Step 6 – Access Repository in tortoisesvn download link right click -> tortoisesvn -> repobrowser -> write the url when you make your repo. (example: [Hidden Content]) right click -> svn commit (to upload files)
  2. Download Metin2 Download Hi guys, I thought to publish for you the adjustable version of the fov system. Video Github: FoV_With_Button
  3. Why comment the char.cpp function? I don't understand. battle.cpp my function: float CalcAttackRating(LPCHARACTER pkAttacker, LPCHARACTER pkVictim, bool bIgnoreTargetRating) { int attacker_dx = pkAttacker->GetPolymorphPoint(POINT_DX); int attacker_lv = pkAttacker->GetLevel(); int victim_dx = pkVictim->GetPolymorphPoint(POINT_DX); int victim_lv = pkAttacker->GetLevel(); int iARSrc = MIN(90, (attacker_dx * 4 + attacker_lv * 2) / 6); int iERSrc = MIN(90, (victim_dx * 4 + victim_lv * 2) / 6); float fAR = ((float) iARSrc + 210.0f) / 300.0f; // fAR = 0.7 ~ 1.0 if (bIgnoreTargetRating) return fAR; // ((Edx * 2 + 20) / (Edx + 110)) * 0.3 float fER = ((float) (iERSrc * 2 + 5) / (iERSrc + 95)) * 3.0f / 10.0f; return fAR - fER; } if (pMob) { iAtt = GetLevel() * 2 + GetPolymorphPoint(POINT_ST) * 2; lev + con iDef = GetLevel() + GetPolymorphPoint(POINT_HT) + pMob->m_table.wDef; } Before After
  4. What have you changed? The error just started sometime ago.
  5. You can tab just as well in notepad++, if you turn off the feature not to replace it with spaces. Remove the check mark [Hidden Content]
  6. Download Metin2 Download How to Update Client src c++20 Thanks lot of @ Mali First, we open the client source with visual studio 2022. Select all projects and right click on them -> properties -> General -> c++ language standard -> Here we choose c++20. [Hidden Content] need to make some step from this topic HowToc++20 If you don't understand something, you can ask your questions here.
  7. How to Update Client src c++17 Step 1: First, we open the client source with visual studio 2019/2022. Select all projects and right click on them -> properties -> General -> c++ language standard -> Here we choose c++17. [Hidden Content] Step 2: In each file (ctrl + shift +f) , we search for the following & delete them: using namespace std; Step 3: Now the following details need to be modified (every file): string pair make_pair vector to std::string std::pair std::make_pair std::vector Step 4: Open Eterbase project stl.h file and delete this code: namespace std { template <class _Ty> class void_mem_fun_t : public unary_function<_Ty *, void> { public: explicit void_mem_fun_t(void (_Ty::*_Pm)()) : _Ptr(_Pm) {} void operator()(_Ty *_P) const {((_P->*_Ptr)()); } private: void (_Ty::*_Ptr)(); }; template<class _Ty> inline void_mem_fun_t<_Ty> void_mem_fun(void (_Ty::*_Pm)()) { return (void_mem_fun_t<_Ty>(_Pm)); } template<class _Ty> class void_mem_fun_ref_t : public unary_function<_Ty, void> { public: explicit void_mem_fun_ref_t(void (_Ty::*_Pm)()) : _Ptr(_Pm) {} void operator()(_Ty& _X) const { return ((_X.*_Ptr)()); } private: void (_Ty::*_Ptr)(); }; template<class _Ty> inline void_mem_fun_ref_t<_Ty> void_mem_fun_ref(void (_Ty::*_Pm)()) { return (void_mem_fun_ref_t< _Ty>(_Pm)); } // TEMPLATE CLASS mem_fun1_t template<class _R, class _Ty, class _A> class void_mem_fun1_t : public binary_function<_Ty *, _A, _R> { public: explicit void_mem_fun1_t(_R (_Ty::*_Pm)(_A)) : _Ptr(_Pm) {} _R operator()(_Ty *_P, _A _Arg) const { return ((_P->*_Ptr)(_Arg)); } private: _R (_Ty::*_Ptr)(_A); }; // TEMPLATE FUNCTION mem_fun1 template<class _R, class _Ty, class _A> inline void_mem_fun1_t<_R, _Ty, _A> void_mem_fun1(_R (_Ty::*_Pm)(_A)) { return (void_mem_fun1_t<_R, _Ty, _A>(_Pm)); } } Step 5: In each file (ctrl + shift +f) , we search for the following & modify them: std::void_mem_fun to std::mem_fn this std::auto_ptr to: std::unique_ptr Step 6: Open userinterface/userinterface.cpp Search this: extern "C" { extern int _fltused; volatile int _AVOID_FLOATING_POINT_LIBRARY_BUG = _fltused; }; add under this: extern "C" { FILE __iob_func[3] = { *stdin,*stdout,*stderr }; } Step 7: Open Speherelib/spherepack.h modify this: inline void LostChild(SpherePack *pack); to: void LostChild(SpherePack *pack); Step 8: open etherBase/cipher.h search this: #include <cryptopp/cryptlib.h> #pragma warning(pop) add under this: using CryptoPP::byte; Step 9 Open etherpack/Eterpack.h #include <boost/unordered_map.hpp> #include <boost/shared_array.hpp> modify to: #include <unordered_map> Replace all file this: boost:: to: std:: Open etherpack/EterpackManager.h & EterPackPolicy_CSHybridCrypt.h modify this: #include <boost/unordered_map.hpp> to #include <unordered_map> Open GameLib/Area.cpp remove this: #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> and this: boost::algorithm::to_lower(attrFileName); modify to: std::transform(attrFileName.begin(), attrFileName.end(), attrFileName.begin(), [](unsigned char c) { return std::tolower(c); }); You can also delete the boost in the include folder. If you don't understand something, you can ask your questions here. thanks for @ Mali and @xXIntelXx some detail.
  8. I think it would only be a good idea to have a guild | group version, so that everyone can hear everyone else, which would lead to a lot of conflict.
  9. Is it possible that you didn't call locale_inc.h from the Userinterface project somewhere?
  10. ui.py class Window(object): search this: def GetLocalPosition(self): return wndMgr.GetWindowLocalPosition(self.hWnd) add under this: def GetGlobalPosition(self): return wndMgr.GetWindowGlobalPosition(self.hWnd) I don't know why lordsas wanted to add it to the Dragbutton class.
  11. [Hidden Content] 0.0.1 modification: Fixed the path to the uiaffectshower.py + add image ymir work/ui/dragonsoul folder.
  12. if app.ENABLE_DS_SET: self.tooltipItem.BindInterface(self) add this before: self.tooltipItem = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip() interfacemodule.py
  13. #ifdef ENABLE_PLAYER_PER_ACCOUNT5 PyModule_AddIntConstant(poModule, "ENABLE_PLAYER_PER_ACCOUNT5", 1); #else PyModule_AddIntConstant(poModule, "ENABLE_PLAYER_PER_ACCOUNT5", 0); #endif but i don't know why use this wolfman. This system have a cringe code.
  14. #problem solved. Thank you @Ikarus_. I found the pythontextail.cpp one line differential.
  15. Hello guys, i have one question, what function set player, mob name? npc, myshop, offlineshop, pet/mount work perfectly, but player, mob didn't show name(s), level, rank, guild. Have anyone idea?
  16. My bugs opponent this. I saw npc/shop name but i didn't saw mob/characte name. void CHARACTER::EncodeInsertPacket(LPENTITY entity) { LPDESC d; if (!(d = entity->GetDesc())) return; // ±ćµĺŔ̸§ ąö±× ĽöÁ¤ ÄÚµĺ LPCHARACTER ch = (LPCHARACTER)entity; ch->SendGuildName(GetGuild()); // ±ćµĺŔ̸§ ąö±× ĽöÁ¤ ÄÚµĺ TPacketGCCharacterAdd pack; pack.header = HEADER_GC_CHARACTER_ADD; pack.dwVID = m_vid; #if defined(__WJ_SHOW_MOB_INFO__) if (IsMonster() || IsStone()) { pack.dwLevel = GetLevel(); pack.dwAIFlag = IsMonster() ? GetAIFlag() : 0; } else { pack.dwLevel = 0; pack.dwAIFlag = 0; } #endif pack.bType = GetCharType(); pack.angle = GetRotation(); pack.x = GetX(); pack.y = GetY(); pack.z = GetZ(); pack.wRaceNum = GetRaceNum(); if (IsPet()) { pack.bMovingSpeed = 150; } else { pack.bMovingSpeed = GetLimitPoint(POINT_MOV_SPEED); } pack.bAttackSpeed = GetLimitPoint(POINT_ATT_SPEED); pack.dwAffectFlag[0] = m_afAffectFlag.bits[0]; pack.dwAffectFlag[1] = m_afAffectFlag.bits[1]; pack.bStateFlag = m_bAddChrState; int iDur = 0; if (m_posDest.x != pack.x || m_posDest.y != pack.y) { iDur = (m_dwMoveStartTime + m_dwMoveDuration) - get_dword_time(); if (iDur <= 0) { pack.x = m_posDest.x; pack.y = m_posDest.y; } } d->Packet(&pack, sizeof(pack)); if (IsPC() == true || m_bCharType == CHAR_TYPE_NPC) { TPacketGCCharacterAdditionalInfo addPacket; memset(&addPacket, 0, sizeof(TPacketGCCharacterAdditionalInfo)); addPacket.header = HEADER_GC_CHAR_ADDITIONAL_INFO; addPacket.dwVID = m_vid; addPacket.awPart[CHR_EQUIPPART_ARMOR] = GetPart(PART_MAIN); addPacket.awPart[CHR_EQUIPPART_WEAPON] = GetPart(PART_WEAPON); addPacket.awPart[CHR_EQUIPPART_HEAD] = GetPart(PART_HEAD); addPacket.awPart[CHR_EQUIPPART_HAIR] = GetPart(PART_HAIR); #ifdef __ACCE_COSTUME_SYSTEM__ addPacket.awPart[CHR_EQUIPPART_ACCE] = GetPart(PART_ACCE); #endif addPacket.bPKMode = m_bPKMode; addPacket.dwMountVnum = GetMountVnum(); addPacket.bEmpire = m_bEmpire; addPacket.dwLevel = 0; addPacket.dwGuildID = 0; #if defined(__OFFLINE_PRIVATE_SHOP_SYSTEM__) addPacket.dwMyShopVID = (IsPC() ? COfflineShopManager::Instance().GetOfflineShopVID(GetPlayerID()) : 0); #endif strlcpy(addPacket.name, GetName(), sizeof(addPacket.name)); if (IsPC() == true) addPacket.dwLevel = GetLevel(); if (GetGuild() != NULL) { addPacket.dwGuildID = GetGuild()->GetID(); } addPacket.sAlignment = m_iAlignment / 10; d->Packet(&addPacket, sizeof(TPacketGCCharacterAdditionalInfo)); } if (iDur) { TPacketGCMove pack; EncodeMovePacket(pack, GetVID(), FUNC_MOVE, 0, m_posDest.x, m_posDest.y, iDur, 0, (BYTE)(GetRotation() / 5)); d->Packet(&pack, sizeof(pack)); TPacketGCWalkMode p; p.vid = GetVID(); p.header = HEADER_GC_WALK_MODE; p.mode = m_bNowWalking ? WALKMODE_WALK : WALKMODE_RUN; d->Packet(&p, sizeof(p)); } if (entity->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER) && GetDesc()) { LPCHARACTER ch = (LPCHARACTER)entity; if (ch->IsWalking()) { TPacketGCWalkMode p; p.vid = ch->GetVID(); p.header = HEADER_GC_WALK_MODE; p.mode = ch->m_bNowWalking ? WALKMODE_WALK : WALKMODE_RUN; GetDesc()->Packet(&p, sizeof(p)); } } if (GetMyShop()) { TPacketGCShopSign p; p.bHeader = HEADER_GC_SHOP_SIGN; p.dwVID = GetVID(); strlcpy(p.szSign, m_stShopSign.c_str(), sizeof(p.szSign)); d->Packet(&p, sizeof(TPacketGCShopSign)); } #ifdef __OFFLINE_PRIVATE_SHOP_SYSTEM__ if (IsOfflineShopNPC() && (GetRaceNum() == 30000 || (GetRaceNum() >= 30002 && GetRaceNum() <= 30008))) { if (entity->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER)) { LPOFFLINESHOP shop = GetOfflineShop(); if (shop) { TPacketGCShopSign p; p.bHeader = HEADER_GC_OFFLINE_SHOP_SIGN; p.dwVID = GetVID(); p.bBorderStyle = shop->GetBorderStyle(); strlcpy(p.szSign, shop->GetShopSign(), sizeof(p.szSign)); d->Packet(&p, sizeof(TPacketGCShopSign)); } } } #endif if (entity->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER)) { sys_log(3, "EntityInsert %s (RaceNum %d) (%d %d) TO %s", GetName(), GetRaceNum(), GetX() / SECTREE_SIZE, GetY() / SECTREE_SIZE, ((LPCHARACTER)entity)->GetName()); } } void CHARACTER::UpdatePacket() { if (IsPC() && (!GetDesc() || !GetDesc()->GetCharacter())) return; if (GetSectree() == NULL) return; TPacketGCCharacterUpdate pack; pack.header = HEADER_GC_CHARACTER_UPDATE; pack.dwVID = m_vid; pack.awPart[CHR_EQUIPPART_ARMOR] = GetPart(PART_MAIN); pack.awPart[CHR_EQUIPPART_WEAPON] = GetPart(PART_WEAPON); pack.awPart[CHR_EQUIPPART_HEAD] = GetPart(PART_HEAD); pack.awPart[CHR_EQUIPPART_HAIR] = GetPart(PART_HAIR); #ifdef __ACCE_COSTUME_SYSTEM__ pack.awPart[CHR_EQUIPPART_ACCE] = GetPart(PART_ACCE); #endif pack.bMovingSpeed = GetLimitPoint(POINT_MOV_SPEED); pack.bAttackSpeed = GetLimitPoint(POINT_ATT_SPEED); pack.bStateFlag = m_bAddChrState; pack.dwAffectFlag[0] = m_afAffectFlag.bits[0]; pack.dwAffectFlag[1] = m_afAffectFlag.bits[1]; pack.dwGuildID = GetGuild() ? GetGuild()->GetID() : 0; pack.sAlignment = m_iAlignment / 10; // pack.dwLevel = IsPC() ? GetLevel() : 0; pack.dwLevel = GetLevel(); pack.bPKMode = m_bPKMode; pack.dwMountVnum = GetMountVnum(); #if defined(__OFFLINE_PRIVATE_SHOP_SYSTEM__) pack.dwMyShopVID = (IsPC() ? COfflineShopManager::Instance().GetOfflineShopVID(GetPlayerID()) : 0); #endif PacketAround(&pack, sizeof(pack)); }
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