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Everything posted by Shogun

  1. This thread is intended for requests of files which are not published in this forum already, with the exception of the official packs which have their own thread. Make sure you have used the search function before making your request and do not post your request twice.
  2. Yes Setting.txt serverside must have the same coordinates
  3. TXT_STARTUP = 1 if you want to use txt protos TXT_STARTUP = 0 If you want to use db protos Notice it's = not : Your CONFIG is totally wrong MAX_STATUS: unsigned int You don't have to type "unsigned int" you have to type an unsigned integer number.
  4. You can choose with a CONFIG setting if you want to read protos from txt or DB. And yes, it's definately better. The people who know how to make difs are working with the source now, 40250 is a dead end.
  5. He is asking if there's a protection against injection I guess.
  6. If the last item you equipped is not the shield, inmune doesn't work at all, that's the bug since the creation of Metin.
  7. You don't need to post it a dozen times. Thread closed.
  8. And which port did you assigned to it?
  9. You already have a core running on that address. Shut down the server and use killall game to kill the cores (assuming your game file is called "game")
  10. Hi, I was setting up your core for an user today. I would suggest TXT_STARTUP is 1 by default as this is the official's game behavior ^^ Also you typed TXT_STARTUP: 1 in the OP and it's actually TXT_STARTUP = 1 @Alecs this thread is about Vanilla Core, and there's no reason to use 40250 when this project exists and gives you much more control over your server. Edit: translating at the moment for the spanish forum metin2zone where I am admin: [Hidden Content]
  11. Dif for invisibility bug in 40250 by Endymion game 00027E49: E8 90 00027E4A: 22 90 00027E4B: 60 90 00027E4C: 01 90 00027E4D: 00 90 00027E4E: 84 90 00027E4F: C0 90 00027E7D: E8 90 00027E7E: AE 90 00027E7F: 6D 90 00027E80: 01 90 00027E81: 00 90
  12. There is (I think) a limited range of vnums for equipment. Try a vnum that is between other weapon vnums and it should work.
  13. 75069 WEAPON icon/item/75060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/75060.gr2 Is there a space or a TAB between "tga" and "d:"? Should be a tab
  14. if locale.IsEUROPE(): Are you sure the locale is Europe and not Singapore?
  15. thats called magic metal 25041 Çöö ITEM_USE USE_TUNING 1 ANTI_DROP | ANTI_SELL | ANTI_GIVE | ANTI_STACK | ANTI_MYSHOP NONE NONE NONE 5000 5000 0 0 0 LIMIT_NONE 0 LIMIT_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  16. You should have a make script on your quest folder, run it
  17. I don't have difs for game 404 and I didn't find any anywhere... that's another reason not to use it.
  18. 25040 ÃູÀÇ ¼­ ITEM_USE USE_TUNING 1 NONE ITEM_STACKABLE | LOG NONE NONE 5000 5000 0 0 0 LIMIT_NONE 0 LIMIT_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I dont know what a Magic Stone is o.o
  19. Do yourself a favor and use Vanilla Core. If you want to create an oldschool server just remove the pet quest or whatever you feel is too new for your liking. but do not use such an old gamefile. You are making your server extremely easy to hack in or take down due to the multiple security issues and exploits available.
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