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Everything posted by DragonBlack94

  1. Hi, practically in game, the ch1 cannot talk to the ch2 ... How can I join the 2 ch in universal calls?
  2. Added the string also on atlasinfo.txt root + local? Inserted the value of the map in the cores? Did you also insert the coordinates in client + server settings?
  3. Hello I would like to modify this mission by putting it in time, where example after 1 hour it is canceled if you do not finish it Anyone kind enough to help me?
  4. DragonBlack94

    50 NPC's

    I have implemented the files, how come these errors come out? you do not see the npc 1123 21:22:33938 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[60398] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/guild/ace_peoplemen/ace_peoplemen.msm] ERROR 1123 21:22:33938 :: CRaceManager::GetRaceDataPointer: cannot load data by dwRaceIndex 60398 1123 21:22:33938 :: CPythonCharacterManager::CreateInstance VID[54] Race[60398]
  5. Hi I have a problem with mobs so I'll explain: they are the same mobs of the same author only that the mobs which have the small name example "cat" and not "Cat" you read them to me instead "Cat" with a big "C" does not show them to me in game. Is there a way to solve this problem? In fact, if I put everything small "cat.gr2" even in the .msm, the path does not show them to me anyway. If I open the .gr2 file, I go into texture showing me the path with the large letter "Cat". Possible to solve?
  6. Hi, I know how to edit the skybox (day) but I can't edit the (night) file, I tried to edit the moon.dss file but it keeps showing me the all black sky or the standard metin2 one, how can I also edit the night with a new skybox? Please help
  7. Hi I would like to add more uploading images, I added the images inside the local etc. added the sub files modified inside with the name of the loading2,3,4,5, etc I always upload the 4 standard images, how can I have the others read and uploaded as well?
  8. i already tried to spawn mob but it still doesn't work May 8 10:32:31 :: RunState: LUA_ERROR: [string "Carta_mostro"]:2: attempt to index global `spawn_boss' (a nil value) SYSERR: May 8 10:32:31 :: WriteRunningStateToSyserr: LUA_ERROR: quest Carta_mostro.start click SYSERR: May 8 10:40:00 :: mob_spawn_group: invalid argument SYSERR: May 8 10:40:00 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 0
  9. Hi I have a problem I would like to create an item that when you click spaws a random boss among those chosen, can you help me? quest Carta_mostro begin state start begin when 50283.use begin say_title ( "Carta Mostro:") say ( "Questo e' la carta mostro, vuoi aprirla?" ) local yesno = select ( "Apri" , "Non aprire" ) pc.removeitem(50283,1) local dragon = number(1,4) local dragon1 = number(2,5) local dragon2 = {102,103,104,105} mob_vnum(dragon2[dragon],dragon1) end end end
  10. I solved it by creating a quest even though I wanted to give the function like the gold and silver chests. To speed up I did the quest with the type 18 on both the key and the chest. Thank you all very much for helping me.
  11. Yes, I did if I click on the trunk it opens normally, but if I drag the key on it they swap places in the inventory without any function. type chest: 23 type key: 18 if instead I copy the type of the chest / golden key the chest does not open and if I drag the key above they move from slot without any function
  12. I tried to insert for example value 50 to both items but the result does not change. (value 0) I put those values in (value0) by copying them from the gold chest / key. But as I said I also tried to put the same value (50) the result does not change.
  13. Chest: INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('50134', 0xC0CCC6C4C0C720BBF3C0DA, 0x4D6973746572696F736F204261756C65207A61666669726F, '20', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '50152', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '0', '0', '0'); Key: INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('50152', 0xC0CCC6C4C0C720BBF3C0DA, 0x436869617665207A61666669726F, '21', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '50134', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '0', '0', '0'); Need anything else?
  14. So I copied the value / types of the items 50006/50008, but if I drag the golden key on the chest it tells me that "the key seems to be wrong" instead WITH THE SAME VALUE the sapphire chest / key does not give me any function (yes swap places in the inventory.
  15. Hi guys I have a question, I would like to smuggle the chests (open with the key). If I drag sapphire key example onto the sapphire chest, they swap places without opening. type chest: 23 type key: 18 Need a quest? or do you need to add a function in the source? If you know how to solve it, please explain the process or ask me a quest to get them to open. I will thank you from my heart!!!!
  16. Could you please put them in the right place? I can't get it to start quest Missione_bambina begin state start begin when login or levelup with pc.level >= 16 begin set_state ( "startmissione" ) end end state startmissione begin when letter begin local v = find_npc_by_vnum ( 20027 ) if v != 0 then target.vid ( "__TARGET__" , v, "bambina" ) end send_letter_ex("Chi cerca trova", "blue,blink,ex", "scroll_open_blue.tga") end when button or info begin addimage(-140, -350, "ground.tga") say_reward ( "Miriam:" ) say ( "Miriam la bambina della capitale," ) say ( "cerca aiuto, trovala." ) say ( "Lo trovi nella Capitale" ) say ( "" ) end when 20027.chat."Ciaooo" begin target.delete ( "__TARGET__" ) addimage(-140, -350, "ground.tga") say_title ( "Miriam:") say ( "Ciao, piacere Miriam mi serve aiuto.." ) say ( "Quando sono andato con papa' nel villaggio ho perso" ) say ( "la spilla di mia mamma che mi ha regalato al mio compleanno." ) say ( "Mentre mio papa' parlava con mio zio io mi sono imbattuta" ) say ( "in dei brutti ceffi che si fanno chiamare" ) say ( "Maniaco del vento oscuro, ti prego riportami la spilla." ) local yesno = select ( "Ok piccola" , "Non mi interessa" ) if yesno == 1 then set_state ( "uccidimob" ) else set_state ( "completo" ) end end end state uccidimob begin when letter begin send_letter_ex("Chi cerca trova", "blue,blink,ex", "scroll_open_blue.tga") end when button or info begin addimage(-140, -350, "ground.tga") say_reward ( "Uccidi Maniaci del vento oscuro fin quando" ) say_reward ( "non trovi la spilla di Miriam." ) say("Hai ucciso "..pc.getqf("kill_cnt_metinf").." Maniaci del vento osc.[ENTER]") say ( "" ) end when 402.kill begin local cntNow = pc.getqf("kill_cnt_metinf") if(cntNow < 49) then pc.setqf("kill_cnt_metinf", cntNow+1) q.set_counter_value(49-cntNow) else pc.setqf("kill_cnt_metinf", cntNow+1) q.set_counter_value(49-cntNow) addimage(-140, -350, "ground.tga") say_reward ( "Hai trovato la spilla" ) say ( "Torna da Miriam in Capitale." ) set_state ( "ritorna" ) local v = find_npc_by_vnum ( 20027 ) if v != 0 then target.vid ( "__TARGET__" , v, "bambina" ) end end end end state ritorna begin when 20027.chat."Trovato?" begin target.delete ( "__TARGET__" ) addimage(-140, -350, "ground.tga") say_title ( "Miriam:") say ( "Hai trovato la mia spilla? Grazieeee" ) say ( "Non so come ringraziarti, ci tengo molto a questa" ) say ( "spilla.. Tieni questi possono servirti." ) wait() addimage(-140, -350, "ground.tga") say_reward ( "Miriam ti ha dato una ricompensa per aver trovato la spilla" ) say ( "" ) say ( "Ecco la Ricompensa:" ) say ( "" ) say_reward("Hai ricevuto: 100.000 yang") pc.changegold ( 100000 ) pc.delqf ( "caccia_1" ) set_state ( "completo" ) end end state completo begin end end
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