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Posts posted by TMP4

  1. 8 hours ago, TOXZIK said:

    Not sure what is wrong with you accusing without even waiting for the post author to answer before.

    It was just a meme, don't get too personally. 

    But that multilang system is posted to this forum: 

    And since you did not ask your question in the topic of the system and you didn't say which one u use, I could conclude that you just found a paid system.

  2. They target you / your company with a cease and desist letter, not the hosting.
    The last closure was WOM2 as far as I know, in March 2021.

    "also how to "prevent" or delay being hunted"
    Aeldra owned by a company located in Dubai. It would probably be more difficult for Gameforge to handle a Dubai company than a German or other EU company and especially a private person.

    • Love 1
  3. Mega archive updated. 

    2023.01.11: - DevIL's libs are now statically linked to the game file by default, so you don't need
                  to install any libs on your vps. Also cleaned libdevil and libmysql and some Makefiles.
                  Modified files and folders to grab if you want to update manually:
                  If you want to use shared objects (.so) again for DevIL, there's a switch for it in the
                  game's Makefile: ENABLE_STATIC_DEVIL = 1, set it to 0.
                - Libs.txt and Libs.zip deleted since you don't need them anymore.
                - FAQ.txt updated with "What packages are needed to compile the source?"
                - Installed a fix about player change name item duplication exploit:

    I compiled the DevIL myself from the ports, only modification is in cmake to make static lib instead of shared, so there should be no problem, but if you experience anything unusual with images (guild logo) please let me know. 

    I wanted to make this change at least a year ago since people always had trouble with dependencies, and other serverfiles especially paid serverfiles doing the same to make it easier for customers. Well better to do it now than never ?

    • Good 1
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  4. 16 minutes ago, porexemplo said:

    Thank you.

    Can you check if the shut.sh on your files are working well?

    echo -e "All Processes Terminated"
    killall game db

    I think I made this change, and it worked like a charm.

    The close.sh what calls the shut.shs in the cores what reads pid files for checking the needed pid to kill is original code. I think Ymir made this because they run multiple metin2 servers in one machine and killall game db would kill every server.

    Only problem with the original way if someone runs a clean.sh that deletes the pid file.. ? So close.sh will not work and they have to stop the server in another way (like killall game db in console). Excluding pid files from clean.sh can solve this problem.

    While yes if you have 1 server on the machine killall game db works fine, but I keep it original.

    • Love 1
  5. 1 minute ago, porexemplo said:

    Thanks for the elaborated reply @ TMP4

    I bought a VPS from BF, and they don't have a 13.0+ ISO (I already talk to the team, asking for)

    I'm trying to update the BSD to 13, but it takes a long time. Furthermore, I'm not sure if they blocked the OS update.

    Should it work on FreeBSD 11 x32 ? Or I have to compile?

    No it won't work on FreeBSD11. I'm sure it is harder to recompile it in FreeBSD11.x so do not downgrade your system.

    My personal opinion if a hosting does not let you use custom ISO and does not update the installable os every few months, just leave. You gonna use 12.0 when 14.0 releases soon?

  6. 1 hour ago, porexemplo said:
    ld-elf32.so.1: /usr/local/lib/liblcms2.so.2: unsupported file layout

    After install this files on a VPS with FreeBSD 12 x64

    What pkg commands to this files on a VPS

    I tried to update Libs with others and the error is the same.

    There are 2 problems here.


    The precompiled game and db was compiled in FreeBSD 13.1 so it won't work on FreeBSD 12.
    You can update your system to 13.1 or you have to recompile the game and db in a FreeBSD 12.x version.


    Metin2 (game,db file) is an x32 application with x32 dependencies. Just like windows, you can run x32 applications on x64 systems, don't worry. The problem here is the dependencies. Pkg installs x64 packages (libs/dependencies) while Metin2 needs x32 dependencies. I attached a libs.zip in the mega archive with tutorial to install x32 dependencies manually what is a dirty method but it is what it is. There's no plan for me to port it to x64, that wouldn't be "reference" anymore and I may does not even have the knowledge to fix everything what needs to be changed during the process.

  7. 10 minutes ago, 2DsSDKMN said:

    Because if you just INSTALLED server files without changes, it must work. // You did wrong install for me it is working or you did changes.

    So I talked with him in private. His gif is from another server, that's why it is different from my sf.
    His problem is: When you press stat button (he's not talking about 1 or 10 that's not important here) sometimes other stats are re-calculating too if you have plus bonus (e.g. equipment with int/dex/vit/str) so visually it goes down for a sec and goes up again to its value.

    It is a "visual glitch" or "bad code", presented in every basic serverfile. I do not have a fix for it, I did not even considered this thing in my brain because when I started playing in 2009 it was the same and I just got used to it over the years ?

    • Lmao 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, 2DsSDKMN said:

    So ..
    This is just sending info about what user done and where:
    src = xxxx, dst = xxxx , source_pos, target_pos

    for example from my post: when i try add 6/7 bonus to costume ( doesnt matter what item ).
    It will show you in debug where.


    That how it should work. That is a log to help you. Only visible from console, players will not see such things.
    From that log, you would know that it went through the client so the problem is in serverside and not clientside.
    And I showed you where was the problem in server side.

    Or what is your questions? I may not understand you this time if you want ask anything or not ?

    • Love 1
  9. 6 hours ago, covfefe said:

    Alchemy shows different values than what is in BaseApplys, anyone else noticed this?

    Do you mean that for example the diamond type have 10 int in your dragon_soul_table.txt but a minimum diamond have 1, and maxed out diamond have 12 int? The txt does not contains the max value, the source does a calculation in DSManager::PutAttributes depending on the grade and level of the dragon stone.

    If that's not what you meant, please explain.

  10. 2 hours ago, MuffinBoi said:

    I am trying to remove the need to wait a day every time you level up your horse.

    I tried to edit

    quest horse_levelup begin

    I removed this function :

                elseif get_time()<pc.getqf("next_time") then

    it did not work. 

    If you know how to do this please let me know thanks in advance ❤️

    Either remove next_time completly everywhere from the quest or just edit this:

    				if is_test_server() then
    					pc.setqf("next_time", get_time()+10)
    					pc.setqf("next_time", get_time()+number(16, 32)*60*60)

    to this:

    				pc.setqf("next_time", get_time()+10)

    Then the wait time will be 10 second.

    • Love 1
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  11. 1 hour ago, MrKarpiuk said:

    Whay map dont work corect 



    On map checked up map work but below im see respawn ston on map up and dont work correct?

    1 map map/gipfel_ork_map    748000    1815000    2    1

    2 map map/map_epvp2    748500    1842000    2    2

    cords @ Exygo

    Read the topic before pinging someone.


    make sure they are multiples of 25600 if you want to avoid unknown behavior such as: "Mobs can't walk on specific parts of the map" or "Players getting kicked because sectree manager cannot find tree at position x y"

  12. Mega archive updated:

    2023.01.05: - Size column's "SAMLL" value changed to "SMALL" (Dump_proto's ItemCSVReader.cpp and DB's ProtoReader.cpp)
                - Fixed myshop_pricelist (needs item 71049), tutorial: https://pastebin.com/kNb0Zh7A
                - SetRaceFlag column in mob_proto was missing some value, here's a query:
                  ALTER TABLE `mob_proto` MODIFY COLUMN `setRaceFlag` set('ANIMAL','UNDEAD','DEVIL','HUMAN',
                  'ATT_WIND','ATT_EARTH','ATT_DARK') CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci
                  NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `mount_capacity`;
                - Space between level and alignment (PythonTextTail.cpp CPythonTextTail::ArrangeTextTail)
    2023.01.07: - Added locale_string.txt translation for "şŻ°ć ˝ĂĹł ĽÓĽşŔĚ ľř˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů"; (6-7 bonus).
    • Love 2
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