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Posts posted by TMP4

  1. 1 hour ago, waghoppe said:

    @ TMP4

    parece que encontrei um bug, fiz a instalação do 4 inventario, no inventario 3 e 4 os itens somem ao dar reboot no servidor, alguma maneira de solucionar isso?

    os itens funcionaram bem, não obtive outro bug até então. somente esse em que os itens somem. Sou novato ainda, talvez estou reiniciando errado o servidor? se sim alguem sabe ou tem um tutorial de como fazer da forma correta?

    "It seems like I've encountered a bug. I installed the 4th inventory, and in inventories 3 and 4, the items disappear upon reboot on server. Is there any way to solve this?"

    "Items worked fine for me, and I haven't encountered any other bugs so far. It's just this issue where the items disappear. I'm still a beginner, so perhaps I'm restarting the server incorrectly? If so, does anyone know or have a tutorial on how to do it correctly?" 

    The only thing syserr client:

    0709 03:14:52923 :: CRaceManager::GetRaceDataPointer: cannot load data by dwRaceIndex 40228 


    Edit: good after making a recording and analyzing it I verified that possibly the items are not actually disappearing, but a rollback is happening



    It is not a bug and it has nothing to do with the 4 inventory.

    Item flush to db (save to db) time is every 7 minute by default in Metin2. If you reboot the whole operating system (why tho? close.sh is enough to close the server..) then of course the save is not happening.

    If you wanna close the server and let items save to db you can do the following:

    • /shutdown then wait at least 7 minute then sh close.sh (or reboot..)
    • Type 'killall game' to the terminal, then with the 'ps' command you keep checking if all cores stopped, then type 'killall db'.

    Latter is way faster then waiting 7 minute. You can do the latter with a script if you will, save it as close2.sh or something and use that...

    echo -e "\033[31m \n The server is shutting down.. \033[0m"
    while pgrep "game"; do
    	echo -e "Waiting for game to stop.."
    	killall game
    	sleep 3
    while pgrep "db"; do
    	echo -e "Waiting for db to stop.."
    	killall db
    	sleep 3
    echo -e "\033[31m \n The server shut down successfully!\033[0m"
    • Love 1
  2. 17 hours ago, SweexMan said:

    Hi, i was trying to make the server over my external ip but it does not work for me... i changed config files, removed the hashtag at the beginning and opened the ports but it will not let me log in. If i put my internal ip in client then i will log in but after i choose the character I will get kicked out. Any help please ?

    Login via public (external) ip and check if your ports are opened succesfully here: https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/

  3. 3 hours ago, Krynn said:

    yes, I understand you, but my server is not active, so only my friend and I are on a vds server, so how should bots know about my server? so i don't know

    Bots alyways monitors hosting's ip addresses frequently. Your ip is not new, and they don't care if your metin2 server not opened yet, your virtual dedicated server is live and they can reach it and they know your ip address.

    What's more, if you open the windows remote desktop port on your home computer (3389) and have a password for your pc with a strength like 123456789, your computer will be compromised in a few days at max.

    • Love 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Krynn said:

    I have a database problem as in the attachment, the server deletes the database after 3-4 days and writes the following there. "All your data was backed up. You need to email us at [email protected] to recover your data. (more information: go to xxx) ALLWAYS CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER! OR YOU MAY MISS OUR MAILS
    If you dont answer we will leak and expose all your data and in 48hs delete it forever from our server."

    Maybe change the password from 123456789 to somewhat stronger so bots won't do this with you? ?

  5. If anyone using @ Mali's automatic ox system then we need some edit since he rewrote a lot of things in OX's base code.


    bool COXEventManager::Enter(LPCHARACTER pkChar, std::uint8_t bState)
    	if ((bState & STATE_ATTENDER) && !CheckIpAddress(pkChar)) // here
    		return false; // Will send you to your empire, if you are not GM
    	m_common_ox[pkChar->GetPlayerID()] = bState;
    	return true;
    bool COXEventManager::CheckIpAddress(LPCHARACTER ch)
    	int IPCount = std::count_if(m_common_ox.begin(), m_common_ox.end(), [ch](const decltype(*m_common_ox.begin())& v) -> bool
    		LPCHARACTER tch = CHARACTER_MANAGER::Instance().FindByPID(v.first);
    		if (!tch || !tch->GetDesc())
    			return false;
    		return !strcmp(ch->GetDesc()->GetHostName(), tch->GetDesc()->GetHostName()) && (v.second & STATE_ATTENDER);
    	const int MaxPlayer = 2;
    	return !(IPCount >= MaxPlayer);
    void COXEventManager::RemoveFromAttenderList(DWORD dwPID)
    	auto it = m_common_ox.find(dwPID);
    	if (it != m_common_ox.end())
    		if (it->second & STATE_ATTENDER)

    OXEvent.h (same)

    		bool CheckIpAddress(LPCHARACTER ch);
    		void RemoveFromAttenderList(DWORD dwPID);

    Char.cpp (same)

    #include "OXEvent.h"
    	if (GetMapIndex() == OXEVENT_MAP_INDEX)

    Use with caution on live server, I just tested it quickly.

  6. 1 hour ago, Nuzzo said:

    I upgraded visual studio to the latest version to test.
    Compilation works even without this:


    "- Added StdAfx.h to EterBase\Poly, it just includes the ../StdAfx.h."
    "- In Userinterface/Userinterface.rc I changed #include "afxres.h" to #include <Windows.h>"

    Is it no longer necessary?

    • "afxres.h" to <Windows.h>" only needed if you don't want to install C++ MFC. The launcher does not use MFC so it is totally fine to replace it.
    • Eterbase/Poly's StfAfx.h only needed if you disable Precompiled headers. We're re-enabled them so you don't need them but if you place it, it won't harm you and if you disable precompiled headers for any reason in the future, you'll still be able to compile.

    If you can compile you're good. What I reccomend is keep using precompiled headers to have better build time and if you'll have problems with precompiled headers (stdafx.h) then turn off the "Build ISO C++23 Standard Library Modules" as in my previous post.

    • Love 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Nuzzo said:

    Is it also necessary to include it in EterBase.vcxproj?


    Also, if I haven't encountered any problems so far, is this an upgrade that needs to be done?

    I noticed that the compilation time has quadrupled

    So the problem came from the latest Visual Studio 2022 (v17.6). (May need a clean install to reproduce)

    While disabling Precompiled headers can solve it as I did yesterday, it may not the best solution since it increases build time as you noticed.

    After a hour of Google search I finally found this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76296911/precompiled-header-errors-in-visual-studio-2022-version-17-6


    To fix this problem, change this setting: Project properties > C/C++ > Language > Build ISO C++23 Standard Library Modules > No.


    Update: apparently in msvc, the std lib modules replace the precompiled headers! Which makes sense. However, if your code needs to work with other compilers, it might be best not to replace these PCHs too quickly. 

    Disabling Build ISO C++23 Standard Library Modules really solves the problem. Is worth to mention manylegged comment as


    You can also fix it by setting 'C++ Language Standard' to 'ISO C++20 Standard (/std:c++20)' or something else besides latest.

    That is also true, I just tested it. But I decided to keep using /std:c++latest. Why it works with /std:c++20? because the Build ISO C++23 Standard Library Modules option only affect /std:c++latest!

    Edit: Updated the Mega.nz archive again:

    2023.06.11: - Re-enabled precompiled headers in client source. To be able to build with pecompiled headers enabled in the latest
                  Visual Studio with /std:c++latest which this project uses, we have to select No for the "Build ISO C++23 Standard
                  Library Modules" in Project properties -> C/C++ -> Language (in each project in the solution). Longer explanation:

    @Nuzzo @Krynn @gleskpem1 @ricrd


    @gantretv Try with this (please re-download ClientVS22 just to be sure you have everything right) and check if you can start it now.

  8. 1 hour ago, Vegaz said:

    @ TMP4

    I did as you wrote to move the base using the tar -xf command and now I have such errors:

    230610 16:27:40 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /var/db/mysql/vps38992.my.domain.pid ended
    230610 16:28:28 mysqld_safe Logging to '/var/db/mysql/xxx.my.domain.err'.
    230610 16:28:28 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/db/mysql
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details).
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 0 [Note] /usr/local/libexec/mysqld (mysqld 5.6.51) starting as process 862 ...
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] InnoDB: Using atomics to ref count buffer pool pages
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] InnoDB: Memory barrier is not used
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.12
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] InnoDB: Using CPU crc32 instructions
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0M
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] InnoDB: 128 rollback segment(s) are active.
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] InnoDB: Waiting for purge to start
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] InnoDB: 5.6.51 started; log sequence number 1601096
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] RSA private key file not found: /var/db/mysql//private_key.pem. Some authentication plugins will not work.
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] RSA public key file not found: /var/db/mysql//public_key.pem. Some authentication plugins will not work.
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): '*'; port: 3306
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] IPv6 is available.
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note]   - '::' resolves to '::';
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] Server socket created on IP: '::'.
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Warning] Insecure configuration for --pid-file: Location '/var/db/mysql' in the path is accessible to all OS users. Consider choosing a different directory.
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
    2023-06-10 16:28:29 862 [Note] /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections.
    Version: '5.6.51'  socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'  port: 3306  Source distribution

    I apologize in advance for another post but I don't have an edit option and I wanted to let you know.

    There's no error there. That's fine. What's your problem actually? Can't connect to the Metin2 server? If mysql woring and you can conenct via navicat/heidisql etc then check the metin2 server's db and game cores.

  9. Did you install your database correctly? By using .sql or tar.gz/tgz via tar -xf. People get such error when they unzip on windows and upload files individually via winscp.

    Anyway check that ibdata1 files's permission, owner and group.


    • Metin2 Dev 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Krynn said:

    It's a pity not to get help from you

    Just to be clear, I owe you literally nothing for using my free server file.

    2023.06.10: - In Userinterface/Userinterface.rc I changed #include "afxres.h" to #include <Windows.h> since the launcher
                  does not use MFC, so you no longer required to install C++ MFC while installing Visual Studio.
                - Disabled precompiled headers in all project to be able to build them in latest Visual Studio. You can do it by 
                  right click on a project and select properties, then in Configuration -> C/C++ -> Precompiled Headers select 
                  "Not using Precompiled Headers" for Precompiled Header. You have to do this for each project in the solution.
                - Added StdAfx.h to EterBase\Poly, it just includes the ../StdAfx.h.

    In Mega.nz. Tested on a freshly installed Windows 11 and Visual Studio 2022.

    • Love 1
  11. 14 hours ago, Krynn said:

    You are using vs2019 in the video, but it says vs22 in the rar, I have the same build problem. for client

    I can't get build even though I do windows.h vs2022 is installed

    The Video is 2 years old. I did countless update in the meantime including upgrade for vs2022 if you check changelog.

    As I stated in the topic, I did not make the base SRCs. This release using Mali's. 

    If you guys having problem, better to ask there. But do not annoy him in DM or in any way.

    Currently I'm not able to reinstall my windows just to reproduce your problem. I'm using latest Windows 11 and just updated my VS to latest. Can build fine and can start the game fine.

  12. 2 hours ago, gleskpem1 said:

     i already installed.

    (To my previous answer: It was actually true for afxres.h, so it's irrelevant here.)

    So I used a image to text extractor and translated your error message. It was about precompiled headers. When I have such error, clean build usually solves it. Try to rebuild the solution. Click on "Build" on top menu, and select "Rebuild solution" (or the equivalent in Turkish).

  13. 3 hours ago, gleskpem1 said:

    @ TMP4 After formatting my computer, I am getting this error even though I installed the necessary package. What is the reason. https://metin2.download/picture/u4PGypf1Y32W4q0vLJKUriMI4okSKOu2/.png

    I don't speak that language. But if it's say stdafx.h missing, then that's part of the C++ MFC for latest v143 build tools what you have to install seperately (Readme.txt in ClientVS22.zip).

    Edit: That's not for stdafx.h but afxres.h, sorry.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Nuzzo said:

    # Boost
    INCDIR += -I../../../extern/include/boost

    Is this not needed in the makefile in the game folder?


    This :

    typedef boost::unordered_map<DWORD, TCubeResultList> TCubeMapByNPC;

    Gives me this error when I compile:

    no template named 'unordered_map' in namespace 'boost';


    1. In the last version boost is in extern/include so 

    # Miscellaneous external libraries
    INCDIR += -I../../../extern/include
    LIBDIR += -L../../../extern/lib

    includes boost. You don't need + /boost to your include unless you have boost/boost folder structure.

    2. Use std::unordered_map

    typedef std::unordered_map<DWORD, TCubeResultList>				TCubeMapByNPC;				// °˘°˘ŔÇ NPCş°·Î ľî¶˛ °É ¸¸µé Ľö ŔÖ°í Ŕç·á°ˇ ąşÁö...
    typedef std::unordered_map<DWORD, std::string>					TCubeResultInfoTextByNPC;	// °˘°˘ŔÇ NPCş°·Î ¸¸µé Ľö ŔÖ´Â ¸ń·ĎŔ» Á¤ÇŘÁř Ć÷¸ËŔ¸·Î Á¤¸®ÇŃ Á¤ş¸
    • Love 1
  15. You have 3 errors (all AttributeErrors), the first of which is: 'module' object has no attribute 'OFFLINE_SHOP_SLOT_COUNT' the root of the problems.

    So, in the uiOfflineShop.py's Refresh function, you used the OFFLINE_SHOP_SLOT_COUNT attribute and that does not exist. Check the tutorial agin and find out if OFFLINE_SHOP_SLOT_COUNT is included. It will be there, because I have installed Ken's offshop about 3 times so far. It's a simple constant, found in PythonShop.cpp.


    You don't have to deal with errors number 2 and 3 for the time being, because they were only caused by this, if you fix this OFFLINE_SHOP_SLOT_COUNT, they will also disappear.

  16. 25 minutes ago, Raysiel said:

    Now i have some other problems.
    Iam using the files from TMP4 40250. Are there some missing files?
    @ TMP4 can you check this



    I put a Readme.txt in the ClientVS22 folder, you forgot to read it ?

    afxres.h is not part of the project, it comes with the C++ MFC.

    You need to install C++ MFC for latest v143 build tools too when you install your visual studio.
    If you did not install that then open Microsoft Visal Studio Installer and you can install retrospectively.
    Check Install.png.
    A possible dirty workaround if you don't want to install updates is to open
    ClientVS22\source\UserInterface\UserInterface.rc and modify #include "afxres.h" to #include <Windows.h>
  17. 1 hour ago, gleskpem1 said:

    i know. i mean, on some servers these values do not increase. Are there any places that we need to deactivate to at least optimize? It increases from 1% to 6%.  can we reduce the increment amount? In addition, when the server is started for the first time, the game, db values see 60% and then drop, what is the reason for this? Note: I'm asking because I'm curious. I appreciate the work

    "when the server is started for the first time, the game, db values see 60% and then drop, what is the reason for this?"

    It's loading stuffs, for example reads every table from db, read files like drops, quests, mirror protos etc etc..
    The % depends on your pc (or virtual server) resources.

    "It increases from 1% to 6%.  can we reduce the increment amount?"

    As I said, memory/CPU increase for a sec at teleport is present on every file. I think it's normal, game-db is working there. The 5% may looks a little high but I don't know your specs, or if you talk about cpu or memory. (Probably cpu) Last year on Discord we talked about this with Gurgarath, he showed some footage of his dedicated server, he had cpu increase of 0.7->1.3% at warp on his dedicated server. I having about 3% on my vdi at home. % depends on the machine and resources.

    I don't think I can help you optimize metin2's memory and processor management. But that was not the purpose of this server file. I recommend opening a topic here if you want to continue with this matter.

    • Good 1
  18. 15 hours ago, gleskpem1 said:

    What is the reason for the increased "game % value" in the first login and teleports?

    Sh1t code made by Ymir 20 years ago? :kekw:

    • Ram/CPU increase at first player login is pretty normal, the server is working and loding stuffs there.
    • At teleport there is a little ram/CPU increase for a sec, but it goes back after teleport ends. Some people thinks it only happens on 40k game core but not, it's always been like that, I tried with a 2089m game file from 2011, it did the same thing. It could certainly be optimized, but that was not the purpose of this server file.

    Since nowdays cheap VPSs have 8GB of ram, I think you won't have a problem because of these.

  19. 1 minute ago, Nuzzo said:

    I thank you for your answer, so if in addition to:

    if (IsImmune(IMMUNE_POISON)) 

    I would add for example:

    if (IsImmune(IMMUNE_SLOW)) 

    I could give slowdown immunity?

    To where? To AttackedByPoison function? No, don't extend that with IMMUNE_SLOW ? And don't remove !IsPC() from the if, or you'll ruin poison immunity to players.

    Slow and stun does not have their own function because they don't need calculation, they're only used in battle.cpp here:

    	AttackAffect(pkAttacker, pkVictim, POINT_STUN_PCT, IMMUNE_STUN,  AFFECT_STUN, POINT_NONE,        0, AFF_STUN, iStunDuration, "STUN");
    	AttackAffect(pkAttacker, pkVictim, POINT_SLOW_PCT, IMMUNE_SLOW,  AFFECT_SLOW, POINT_MOV_SPEED, -30, AFF_SLOW, 20,		"SLOW");

    Edit it like this:

    	if (pkVictim->IsPC() || (!pkVictim->IsPC() && !pkVictim->IsImmune(IMMUNE_STUN)))
    		AttackAffect(pkAttacker, pkVictim, POINT_STUN_PCT, IMMUNE_STUN,  AFFECT_STUN, POINT_NONE,        0, AFF_STUN, iStunDuration, "STUN");
    	if (pkVictim->IsPC() || (!pkVictim->IsPC() && !pkVictim->IsImmune(AFFECT_SLOW)))
    		AttackAffect(pkAttacker, pkVictim, POINT_SLOW_PCT, IMMUNE_SLOW,  AFFECT_SLOW, POINT_MOV_SPEED, -30, AFF_SLOW, 20,		"SLOW");


  20. On 5/21/2023 at 1:14 PM, Nuzzo said:

    Is it possible that there is a problem with EimmuneFlags?
    If I assign POISON to a mob, it still gets poisoned.

    Yes, everyone. Because Ymir did not do anything with that immuneflag. If you scan the source, only the TERROR is actually used. It is a guess, but I think they only made this for visual, if they set resist_poison (what is working and they use it), they ticked POISON in the immuneflag to have visual, maybe for wiki import or similar reason.

    But if you wanna make POISON immune actually works on mob, of course you can do it.

    char_resist.cpp find:

    	/*if (IsImmune(IMMUNE_POISON))

    (if you don't have this because you removed comments and unused codes then just place it to top of the func of CHARACTER::AttackedByPoison)


     	if (!IsPC() && IsImmune(IMMUNE_POISON))

    IsImmune does not do 100% immune, only 90%. If you wanna have 100% then edit this:

    bool CHARACTER::IsImmune(DWORD dwImmuneFlag)
    	if (IS_SET(m_pointsInstant.dwImmuneFlag, dwImmuneFlag))
    		int immune_pct = 90;
    		int	percent = number(1, 100);
    		if (percent <= immune_pct)	// 90% Immune
    			if (test_server && IsPC())
    				ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_PARTY, "<IMMUNE_SUCCESS> (%s)", GetName()); 
    			return true;
    			if (test_server && IsPC())
    				ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_PARTY, "<IMMUNE_FAIL> (%s)", GetName());
    			return false;
    	if (test_server && IsPC())
    		ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_PARTY, "<IMMUNE_FAIL> (%s) NO_IMMUNE_FLAG", GetName());
    	return false;

    to this:

    bool CHARACTER::IsImmune(DWORD dwImmuneFlag)
    	if (IS_SET(m_pointsInstant.dwImmuneFlag, dwImmuneFlag))
    		if (test_server && IsPC())
    			ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_PARTY, "<IMMUNE_SUCCESS> (%s)", GetName()); 
    		return true;
    	if (test_server && IsPC())
    		ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_PARTY, "<IMMUNE_FAIL> (%s) NO_IMMUNE_FLAG", GetName());
    	return false;

    Keep in mind other functions uses IsImmune too so you'll have 100% immune everywhere.

    • Love 1
  21. 4 hours ago, БlyatMAN said:

    on vps i have this problem : ReadSpecialDropItemFile: ReadSpecialDropItemFile : there is no item 경험치 : node 금장보물상

    but on local all is good and purfect.....any fix?

    If protos exists, then I suspect the encoding, because it is in 'good' korean letters: '경험치'.
    Either the special_item_group.txt or the item_proto.txt have different encoding.

    Compare it with local and check encodings.

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