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Posts posted by TMP4

  1. 21 hours ago, AthenaBazooka said:

    Thanks but i found one more problem.


    German Translation didden work, im tryed all

    I replaced locale_string and did all like on ur readme.

    Please try again, german language works for me:


    You can check the vid, I'm changing the lang to hungarian but it's the same for german, just use de files instead of hu: https://youtu.be/gzo6JK8_K9Y?t=481

    10 hours ago, catiswater77 said:

    @ TMP4small bug on Help window


    I know about this one, there are other occurances when the thinboard windows sticks to the mouse. It's this buggy in every client unless someone fixed it somehow. No plan for me to try fix it, but if there's a public fix, I can apply if somebody give a link.


    On 12/30/2022 at 9:39 PM, Ulas said:

    If you're check ProtoReader.cpp can saw big problem ?

        string arSize[] = { "SAMLL", "MEDIUM", "BIG"};


        string arSize[] = { "SMALL", "MEDIUM", "BIG"};



    And have one problem 

    myshop_pricelist doesnt work.

    SAMLL is a typo, it's an enum so the word does not matter. Also size is unused column. I may correct the word, idk.
    I treat this things like Easter eggs of Ymir, this is my favorite of them: 



    I will try to check & fix myshop_pricelist in the next days. It's unused but I know it never worked correctly.

    • Lmao 1
    • Good 1
  2. 42 minutes ago, CITY said:

    I'm not defaming, I have proof, does blazingfast have trunspilot?


    Since you did not attach or tell any proof, you did defame them here. That's not enough to tell you have proof unless you attach/tell it.

    You said in the attached picture that a Blazingfast's employee posted your personal data to somewhere. If that's true then contact your local GDPR authority which I found after a quick Google search: the Hellenic Data Protection Authority https://www.dpa.gr/en and tell them your story.

    • Love 1
  3. 15 hours ago, FuveZeq said:

    Ha már úgyis magyar vagy.. ? az volt a baja nem tudom miért most nézem hogy mikor a funkciót hozzáadtam az IsGM alá kapta a blokkot, és valamiért nem tetszett neki szóval úgy let megoldva hogy char.cpp char.h IsLowGM felül IsGM alul
    Már csak annyi a problémám hogy ha meg is adom neki így az értékeket:

    return m_pointsInstant.gm_level > GM_PLAYER && m_pointsInstant.gm_level > GM_LOW_WIZARD && m_pointsInstant.gm_level < GM_IMPLEMENTOR;

    Akkor IMPLEMENTOR alatt tudnak kereskedni egymással, de implementor nem tud velük csak playerekkel, erre tudnál valamit mondani?

    sorry for litle hungary 

    It's against the rules to write in non-english. (His question was why implementors can't trade with LowGMs)

    Implementors can't trade with LowGMs because of this line: if (!IsLowGM() && victim->IsLowGM())
    If you want to enable implementors trading with LowGMs add an exclusion for the checks for implementors like this:

    bool CHARACTER::ExchangeStart(LPCHARACTER victim)
       if (GetGMLevel() != GM_IMPLEMENTOR) {
          if (!IsLowGM() && victim->IsLowGM())
              ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("You cannot trade items with a Game Master."));
              return false;
          if (IsLowGM() && !victim->IsLowGM())
              ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("Game Masters cannot trade items with players."));
              return false;
  4. Quote

    return m_pointsInstant.gm_level > GM_PLAYER && m_pointsInstant.gm_level > GM_HIGH_WIZARD && m_pointsInstant.gm_level < GM_IMPLEMENTOR;

    That means higher then a player and HIGH_WIZARD but lower then GM_IMPLEMENTOR. Modify it to your needs. If you want to restrict every GM except Impelentor, do this:

    BOOL CHARACTER::IsLowGM() const
    	return m_pointsInstant.gm_level > GM_PLAYER && m_pointsInstant.gm_level < GM_IMPLEMENTOR;
  5. 58 minutes ago, Danilo89 said:

    thank you for the answer I don't know how to do it

    He meant you should open existing quests and check their code, see how they work, and write your own quest by the information you gathered.
    The problem with your topic is that it's not a question & answer and while it's like a 3 minute job, if we do it for you, you'll never learn it.

    I suggest to check main & sub quests. Like subquest_01.quest ending you have to talk with an npc, and if you have an item, you'll get a reward. Basicly you need to extend it to check not 1 but 5 items (just add 'and' after pc.count_item(30130) >= 1) and you probably want to check the player's class for the armor, you'll find an example for that in give_basic_weapon.quest for example. Good luck ?

  6. 99,99% of the time someone contacted me with such problem was they opened locale_string.txt, translate.lua etc via notepad++ with auto character encoding turned on (it's turned on by default in the newer versions...) then the file got "corrupt".

    Redownload the tgz and grab locale_string, translate.lua and put it to your server without opening it with notepad++.
    If it's work, turn off auto character encoding in your Notepad++ before you open them again.


  7. This bug is a basic bug, can happen in every serverfile unless someone fixed it somehow. For example, even Aeldra have this bug. I played on Aleldra (Zeta) since they opened their new server, and when I was leveling in grotto of exile 2, this bug happened to me every day within 1-2 hours after I started farming.

    It may happen more frequently with archer mobs to my experience.

    2 hours ago, TAUMP said:

    only on this mount?

    Every mount, original mounts, even horses are included. Not sure if it can happen without a mount, but I can't exclude it.

    29 minutes ago, garofolo said:

    in my case i use event manager system and have it 30 events set in one only day that make same bug in gif exemple.

    fix my problem put one 1 event.

    That's may cause server lag and can act similar, but not this bug.

  8. 19 hours ago, Pseudabo said:

    @ TMP4 I thought it might not be a bad idea to change the command clear to clean, because in freebsd clear is for console.. Not too much, but can be more friendly.

    Yeah you're right.

    2022.12.19: - Changed the command name clear to clean and clear.sh to clean.sh just to be match.
                  Clear command is used to clear the console output, now you can use it if you want.
    • Metin2 Dev 1
    • Love 1
  9. 1 hour ago, avertusss said:

    Can i use the newest update on freebsd 13.0? (compiling and running)

    It will work but you have to make your own 13.0 vm where you compile, because I bet your vps will be x64 where you can't compile.

    Why do you want 13.0 instead of 13.1? If your vps provider don't have the option for 13.1 yet, check if you can use your own iso to install 13.1, or just update 13.0 to 13.1 because it is possible.

  10. 2 hours ago, Filiq said:

    so, after some time i noticed db.core, i dumped and i get this:

    Core was generated by `./db'.
    Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
    Address not mapped to object.
    #0  0x20789ed2 in strtoul_l () from /lib/libc.so.7
    [Current thread is 1 (LWP 100222)]

    so the problem is like this:

    if i go to /usr/metin2/server/db and i run command ./db its working.

    if i run sh run.sh or i start the db in other way its crash and give that error, and if he crash and i try ./db same error, if i reboot the server and run ./db its working again :)) its so strange bcs i cant run the server with the bash script and i need to start everything from so many terminals :))

    and if i close the db or kill pid and try to start again, same error and to fix i need to reboot

    i hope you understand my english :)), i tried to get libc.so.7 from vdi and upload to my vps, but nothing, same result, with that lib.

    when i installed this

    cd /usr/ports/misc/compat9x/ && make install clean

    the command ./db start working but only in this way

    I understand what you're saying but starting the db or any executable via console and via bash script is basicly the same, open start.sh via notepad, you'll se it just uses the ./db command.

    Does your vps is FreeBSD13.1? Since the VM is FreeBSD13.1, the vps should be too. Otherwise you need to make a new vm or x32 jail in your vps to compile.

    There was this fix what people used to apply: 


    I did not applied it to this serverfile because starting db worked for me every time, also burning a fixed locale is not a good idea since I gave 15 languages to choose from.. ?
    But give it a try.

  11. 21 minutes ago, RnYPT said:

    I have a question regarding the windows server. Is there any disavantage in using this windows method instead of actual freebsd?

    Some functions may not work until modify. For example the function of dropping dragonstone shard will always return true in windows. That can be easily fixed of course.

    Although there is no serious obstacle to running a Windows server in a production environment, I would still not recommend it. All the pitfalls of FreeBSD servers are well-trodden, you will not encounter a bug that no one has encountered before.

    • Love 1
  12. Char_item.cpp



    Look for:

    								case USE_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE :
    									if (item2->GetAttributeSetIndex() == -1)
    										ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("속성을 변경할 수 없는 아이템입니다."));
    										return false;

    Scroll down to this case's bottom and you'll find this:

    item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - 1);

    Remove it, or If you have multiple changer and want only 71084 to be infinite then do this:

    if (item->GetID() != 71084)
    	item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - 1);




    Look for:

    								case USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE :
    									if (item2->GetAttributeSetIndex() == -1)
    										ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("속성을 변경할 수 없는 아이템입니다."));
    										return false;

    Scroll down to this case's bottom (It's a few line higher then bottom this time) and you'll find this:

    item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - 1);

    Remove it, or If you have multiple adder and want only 71085 to be infinite then do this:

    if (item->GetID() != 71085)
    	item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - 1);


    I recommend that you learn a little programming basic , because minor modifications like this do not require serious knowledge.

    • Metin2 Dev 1
  13. 1 hour ago, RazorExorcist said:

    I just changed the files in the serverside char_item.cpp, exchange.cpp and lenght.h and rebooted

    So you did not compiled the game.

    Compile the game and db by

    cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake clean
    cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake -j9
    cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake clean
    cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake -j9

    Please note that /usr/metin2/src path depend where you (or the serverfile's author) put the src folder!

    Depending on your source setup (Makefile), you may need to copy game and db from the /usr/metin2/src/game/src and db/src to your server folder for example /usr/metin2/server/share/bin. If by any chance you're using my files, it'll copy automatically.

    • Love 1
  14. 23 minutes ago, RazorExorcist said:

    The problem is that the itens i equip goes to inv 3 like you can see in the pic, i can't transfer any itens to 3 or 4 inv but 1 and 2 are working normal, no error in syserr

    Your equipment is in the 3rd page that means 3 and 4th inventory page (size) does not exist in the serverside because equipments slot number starts after inventory pages.

    Did you compile your game?

  15. 21 hours ago, Sonitex said:

    I don't get this public "shaming" but you do you my friend :))

    Sharing a buyer experience even if it's bad should be okey to do so. That's not the problem here.

    You said "Maybe I will be able to fix it sooner"
    He said yo said "maybe I'll fix it."

    That's the problem because the latter have different meaning. If you would say that, I would be angry too, but you said different thing.

  16. 15 minutes ago, Pseudabo said:

    @ TMP4 You made mistake with these numbers..

    		imgFileNameDict = {
    			# Base
    			0 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/base/background_loading_warrior.sub",
    			1 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/base/background_loading_shaman.sub",
    			2 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/base/background_loading_sura.sub",
    			3 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/base/background_loading_assassin.sub",
    			4 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/base/background_loading_assassin2.sub",
    			5 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/base/background_loading_assassin3.sub",
    			6 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/base/background_loading_sura2.sub",
    			7 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/base/background_loading_assassin3.sub", # 7
    			# Grotto
    			7 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/grotto/background_loading_samahi1.sub", # 7
    			8 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/grotto/background_loading_warrior5.sub",
    			9 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/grotto/background_loading_warriorghist1.sub",
    			# Catacomb
    			10 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/catacomb/loading0.sub",
    			11 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/catacomb/loading1.sub",
    			12 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/catacomb/loading2.sub",
    			13 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/catacomb/loading3.sub",
    			# Dark Dragons
    			14 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/dark_dragons/loading0.sub",
    			15 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/dark_dragons/loading1.sub",
    			16 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/dark_dragons/loading2.sub",
    			17 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/dark_dragons/loading3.sub",
    			# Purgatory
    			18 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/purgatory/loading0.sub",
    			19 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/purgatory/loading1.sub",
    			20 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/purgatory/loading2.sub",
    			21 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/purgatory/loading3.sub",


    Thanks, fixed.

    2022.12.16: - Fixed the imgFileNameDict in root/introloading.py (Number 7 was twice in the list).
    • Love 1
  17. 11 hours ago, TMP4 said:

    It was in db syserr if you changed the MySQL version from 5.5 to 5.6.


    Edit: I see, setRaceFlag is the next, just not for all row like size. Maybe yes, removing STRICT_TRANS_TABLES is the way to go.
    I'll update the VM again later today.

    Updated the Mega archive.

    2022.12.15: - Changed sql_mode in the VM from sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES to
                  sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION in /usr/local/my.cnf to prevent DATA TRUNCATED errors with MySQL56.
    • Metin2 Dev 1
  18. 3 hours ago, БlyatMAN said:

    Where is showing that error? 

    It was in db syserr if you changed the MySQL version from 5.5 to 5.6.


    5 hours ago, Filiq said:


    same error with other columns, i deleted STRICT_TRANS_tABLES from my.cnf, reinstall all the game files and now it's fixed.

    Edit: I see, setRaceFlag is the next, just not for all row like size. Maybe yes, removing STRICT_TRANS_TABLES is the way to go.
    I'll update the VM again later today.

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