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Posts posted by TMP4

  1. @WeedHex


    Did you just added 

    if (pkItemAbsorbed->alValues[3] + pkItemAbsorbed->alValues[4] > 0)
    if (pkItemAbsorbed->alValues[1] + pkItemAbsorbed->alValues[2] > 0)

    to check if those are bigger then 0, or did you changed more code in that version of sash?


    If you just checked for "> 0" then i'm ok, I'm checking that too. Otherwise please tell me what you modified in addition.

  2. The author is right, only the buyer can have a support. I'm sure if your brother asks the author, he/she will help you. 

    Do not try to say "bUt My BrOtHeR dOn'T sPeAk eNgLiSh", in that case you write the text, he copy and send.

    Btw cPickle module is missing, i suppose it is in binary like the net module because of the "c".

  3. Did you implemented the won system to Great offline shop?

    It is not implemented by default.


    When you added cheque system, you modified privateshopbuilder and price picker,

    Great's shop uses the default one unlike Ken's shop, that's why you can set Won price there on your gif.

    Implementing the cheque system to Great offline shop is not "easy some line" job, so don't think anybody can help you with that here by comments.


    Implement yourself, or find someone who will implement for you (for a price usually).

  4. I just removed the random number stuff from char_skill and set SkillLevelUp(dwSkillVnum, SKILL_UP_BY_BOOK); every time, the shinsoo character's really can't read books succesfully, while others now always read.


    Why do you think it is because the global chat?

    I'm using a base source so i do not even have ENABLE_PRISM_ITEM_REQUIRE - DISABLE_GLOBAL_SHOUT, but the problem exist in my files too.

  5. Your "if" "then" in different line is weird but if qc can compile it then it's ok. 

    Try to check where it stucks like this:

    quest empire begin
        state start begin
    		when login begin
    			say("Test1") --Every character should see this, otherwise you did not compiled your quest
    			if pc.get_empire() > 1 then 
    				say("Just empire 2 and 3 should see this")
    				wait() -- ok button

    If you do not even see the "Test1" then you did not compiled your quest.


    Also metin2's lua implementation sometimes weird so maybe instead of this: if pc.get_empire() > 1 then 

    try this: if pc.get_empire() == 2 or pc.get_empire() == 3 then



    • Love 1
  6. In your situation since the empires only "softlocked" then i would just use a quest like this:

    when login begin
     if pc.get_empire() > 1 then
      --command("quit") --This command will force close the client if you want to punish the cheating player

    You can add this if case to your give_basic_weapon.quest for example.

    Edit: I added the quit command if you want to close the player's client.

    • Love 1
  7. Spoiler

    So you gonna open a summer server with some turkmmo serverfile or such to grab some easy money? :D 


    You need FreeBSD.

    The gamefile and db is compilable at windows too with VisualStudio or such and you can run it on windows, but i don't reccomend it for a live server. Most devs are only use windows server for home test server. 



  8. So i was bored and tried this client :D

    According to the files modification's date, it is a 2005 client.


    There wasen't any "locale" at the time, but there was a "DefaultCodePage" what can be 936 and 949.

    (In short 936 is china, 949 is korea)


    Login window (936):



    Charselect (936):



    Createchar (936): pc2 wasen't introduced yet so there was only Warrior M, Assasin F, Sura M, Shaman F.



    There wasen't seperate quest letter icon and console worked by default:



    They could store yang in the storage o_O:



    There is no skipia entrance in map1 since did not exist yet: 



    The old "thin" bridges: Ymir remade them to make it bigger, the thin version caused some problem.



    Edit: if anyone want to install this client run the installer with xp compatible mode then it will start.

    Also be aware that the installer shows c:\program files\metin2 but will install to your last drive's root, in my case F:\metin2.

    • Metin2 Dev 1
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  9. The vdi password is mcncc.com, the mysql password is 123456 (or 12345, i used it 10years ago sry) :D


    Btw why everyone state it as a 2008 serverfile? Lots of file marked at 2009 august. The gamefile itself was created in 2008 or what?

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