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Everything posted by Kafa

  1. You need to unpack the files in order to edit serverinfo.py. You can choose Eternexus as a unpacking tool
  2. Exactly what i wanted to say.
  3. There is a mistake with translating locale.lua and some other files. locale.levelup.prev_quest2 = gameforge.locale.levelup.prev_quest2 locale.levelup.prev_quest2 = "Level "up.prev_quest2 Should be: gameforge[LC()][2662] but looks like this: gameforge[LC()][2662]up.prev_quest2 locale.levelup.prev_quest2 First i made my Strings to normal, then to gameforge string in locale.lua there are heavily problems.. i dont know why.
  4. Hey guys, is it possible to return the name from a item in char.cpp by vnum? For example. LC_TEXT("%s was added to your Inventory", GetName(189)); Here is my function const char* CHARACTER::GetName() const { BYTE bLocale = GetDesc() ? GetDesc()->GetLanguage() : LOCALE_YMIR; return m_stName.empty() ? (m_pkMobData ? LC_LOCALE_MOB_TEXT(GetRaceNum(), bLocale) : "") : m_stName.c_str(); }
  5. Thank you so much man! it works perfectly you always help me
  6. Seems like i cant edit my post [CODE][/CODE] didnt work i dont know why, still hope u understand my question. i just want it to be able to read on server
  7. Hey guys, i have a question does someone have a script or tool to convert this locale_strings (example) [CODE]1[tab]Everyone will be teleported into the city shortly. 10[tab][Guild] This action is not possible during a war.[/CODE] Into this? "1"; "Everyone will be teleported into the city shortly."; "10", "[Guild] This action is not possible during a war."; I would appreciate some help..
  8. the new version translated a quest flag too bro, but everything works great now thanks!
  9. yes bro i talk about this version, i just said if you use that tool all letters get small doesnt matter which words. every letter gets small.
  10. setskin(nowindow) setskin(NOWINDOW) This was just a example, also it doesnt look good if all your sentences have small letters now.
  11. Can i actually give some improvement? But its very good already and it helped me so much first of all: If you use the tool every letter gets small, which will cause errors. And it would be nice if you can do this for the tool too: (choose option) Program finds: say( gameforge.locale.no) changs it into: say(gameforge[1476]) I will attach my translate_lua in new formate (new format is with numbers) just in case, and my old translate.lua and a example quest. You helped me a lot mali THANKS!!!!!!!!!! [Hidden Content] (My Examples & Translate.luas)
  12. We are in 2020 if you use files like these you‘re not very intelligent
  13. You didnt understand me.. i cant just translate hundreds of quests thousands of lines by my self i need a comparison a tool which is looking for the sentences in .quest files and then replacing it with translate.lua
  14. Hey community, im searching for a tool which replaces all the gameforge sentences or sentence that are the same into new gameforge format for example: local s = select("Yes ", "No ") into: local s = select(gameforge[get_language()][11792], "gameforge[get_language()][11793]") gameforge["en"][11792] = "Yes " gameforge["en"][11793] = "Cancel " or this: local s = select(gameforge.locale.yes, gameforge.locale.no) into this: local s = select(gameforge[get_language()][11792], "gameforge[get_language()][11793]") Would be very nice i need it badly..
  15. Thanks but the character window is too big and there are many uneccesary features such as preview thing looks sick but i wouldnt use this.
  16. I have implemented it, but doesnt work and no syserr too
  17. Hey guys, is it possible to do a function like in Chrome for example when you press strg + A the sentence gets blue and you copy what you wrote in metin2client?
  18. You know this Tik Tok videos where creators say "NO PART 2?" No Scam needed! Search for Astra2 Source on Turkmmo, that offline Shop is there fully functional.
  19. im pretty sure there is a reason why he isnt answering. Vegas already helped me so much times, even with my source problems he is a great guy. A very busy man but deserves all of the money!
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