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Everything posted by Kafa

  1. Some more images: Currently i'm fixing some bugs & implementing new functions, systems i only implement stuff official has too. This project will be official serverfiles. I will release the project with github in approximately 1-2week(s)
  2. I made an update for the files. - Added 5th Character Wolfman. - Changed from 4 to 5 Slots for Characters. - /set Command implemented changing race & sex for GM - Added MaskTypes for Item proto like official - Added 4th Apply in Item Proto like official - Added new columns for mob Proto like official (for compitability) - Added some more new points&applys - Resist fist column in .txt / .sql should work now - Fixed delimiter in dump proto for multiple race flags - Changed Loading of Mob/Item Proto In Db Source (improved code) - extended sockets to 5 (ITEM_SOCKET_MAX_NUM) - Current Protos can now be loaded without having to change something! - Fixed WEAR_SHIELD & WEAR_UNIQUE - Implemented Race Height feature - Replaced root with leaked gf root from 2018 - added all defines in pythonapplicationmodule(commented) - Added reversed event functions from pengers release - increased visible box line count from 5 to 15 - added missing function GetLoginID for character select. - Fixed "mse" syserr error due to costume aura items - Added Malis Last Play time system for official character select - Implemented official dice system & fixed monarch notice - Implemented official soul bind system. - Implemented official character details system. - Implemented official loading tips - Fixed a bug when you reset your skill group where you need to relog to see the true skill level. - Implemented official loading of Maps - Fixed switching items that are equipped. - and much more. If you want i can release it.
  3. You did something wrong. Check Server Source again.
  4. Exactly, lets still appreciate this. And ignore other people who say its easily bypassable.
  5. In official there is actually no one able to farm with 5 characters at the same time. one of the reasons to this is that the metin stone spawn is more rare (there are a lot more reasons) So in basically every private server you start full equipped because everyone is lazy. You can just open 5 characters go to a place where a lot of metin stones are and farm with 5 characters at the same time. This is a big problem, its making metin a tryhard game.
  6. This worked. Thank you Bro do you have a solution for slot machine? I don't think i did something wrong.
  7. [Hidden Content] .cpp [Hidden Content] .h And yes bro, i do have data files.
  8. (gdb) bt full #0 CHARACTER::StartSlotMachine (this=0x524429c0, bBet=<optimized out>) at char.cpp:12602 bSlot = <error reading variable bSlot (Cannot access memory at address 0x0)> iPrice = <optimized out> iFound = <optimized out> bJackPot = false iWinnings = 0 GCPacket = <optimized out> iSlotMachineMltiplier = <optimized out> iSlotMachineReels = <optimized out> #1 0x08132759 in CInputMain::SlotMachine (this=<optimized out>, ch=<optimized out>, c_pData=0x2 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x2>) at input_main.cpp:4088 CGPacket = 0x2 #2 CInputMain::Analyze (this=0x51fd5878, d=0x51fd5800, bHeader=170 '\252', c_pData=0x2b757000 "\252\002\001") at input_main.cpp:4378 ch = <optimized out> iExtraLen = <error reading variable iExtraLen (Cannot access memory at address 0x0)> #3 0x0811b05e in CInputProcessor::Process (this=0x51fd5878, lpDesc=0x51fd5800, c_pvOrig=0x2b757000, iBytes=8, --Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging-- r_iBytesProceed=@0xffbfb764: 0) at input.cpp:117 iExtraPacketSize = <optimized out> bHeader = <optimized out> c_pszName = <optimized out> originalPacketSize = <optimized out> preAnalyzeSeq = <optimized out> c_pData = <optimized out> iPacketLen = <optimized out> #4 0x080f37a8 in DESC::ProcessInput (this=0x51fd5800) at desc.cpp:356 tempbuf = <optimized out> lpBufferDecrypt = <optimized out> iSizeAfter = <optimized out> iBytesProceed = <optimized out> iSizeBuffer = 8 bytes_read = <optimized out> #5 0x08234230 in io_loop (fdw=0x2a5b1480) at main.cpp:1042 iRet = 0 num_events = <optimized out> event_idx = 6 d = 0x51fd5800 #6 0x08233f02 in idle () at main.cpp:928 pta = {tv_sec = 1617551188, tv_usec = 27569} process_time_count = 14 --Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging-- passed_pulses = <optimized out> t = 82627 now = <optimized out> #7 0x08232675 in main (argc=1, argv=0xffbfec6c) at main.cpp:605 sectree_manager = <optimized out> strPackageCryptInfoDir = <optimized out> mini_game = <optimized out> quest_manager = <optimized out> growth_pet_manager = <optimized out> switchbot = <optimized out> TempleOchao_manager = <optimized out> MeleyLair_manager = <optimized out> dsManager = <optimized out> SSManager = <optimized out> groupmatch_manager = <optimized out> dl_manager = <optimized out> threeway_war = <optimized out> spam_mgr = <optimized out> o9r = <optimized out> ba = <optimized out> profiler = <optimized out> polymorph_utils = <optimized out> SkillPowerByLevel = <optimized out> --Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging-- trafficProfiler = <optimized out> desc_manager = <optimized out> zodiac_manager = <optimized out> horsename_manager = <optimized out> Monarch = <optimized out> OXEvent_manager = <optimized out> arena_manager = <optimized out> item_addon_manager = <optimized out> wedding_manager = <optimized out> marriage_manager = <optimized out> target_manager = <optimized out> building_manager = <optimized out> war_map_manager = <optimized out> priv_manager = <optimized out> banword_manager = <optimized out> refine_manager = <optimized out> dungeon_manager = <optimized out> mark_manager = <optimized out> guild_manager = <optimized out> p2p_manager = <optimized out> messenger_manager = <optimized out> log_manager = <optimized out> account_db = <optimized out> --Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging-- db_manager = <optimized out> lzo_manager = <optimized out> pvp_manager = <optimized out> skill_manager = <optimized out> party_manager = <optimized out> motion_manager = <optimized out> mob_manager = <optimized out> shop_manager = <optimized out> item_manager = <optimized out> char_manager = <optimized out> And regarding to this topic. If i type /banner 1 easter nothing really happens, everything is correct..
  9. This doesnt work for me, the first release (Slot Machine) doesnt work too. In Slot Machine i get a core crash..
  10. Hey guys i've been experiencing a random core crash in my test root files. For example core1 crashes but there is no .core file or helpful logs... i have this error now since weeks can somebody please help me?
  11. Hey guys, i found a system released in owsap's github. I implemented it, but when i press the start button, my game crashes and my vdi says "Stackoverflow detected..." Here is the function bool CHARACTER::StartSlotMachine(uint8_t bBet) { if (!IsPC()) return false; if (!GetDesc()) return false; if (!CanWarp()) return false; if (!m_bSlotMachineOpen) return false; if (m_pkSlotMachineEvent) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("[Slot Machine] The machine is already running.")); return false; } if (bBet > SlotMachineBetMap.size() || bBet < 1) bBet = 1; int64_t iPrice = SlotMachineBetMap[bBet]; if (GetGold() < iPrice) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("[Slot Machine] You don't have enough money to bet.")); return false; } uint8_t iSlotMachineMltiplier = quest::CQuestManager::instance().GetEventFlag("slot_machine_multiplier"); if (iSlotMachineMltiplier > 0) bBet += iSlotMachineMltiplier; uint8_t iSlotMachineReels = quest::CQuestManager::instance().GetEventFlag("slot_machine_reels"); for (uint8_t bSlot = 0; bSlot < ESlotMachine::MAX_SLOT_MACHINE_SLOTS; ++bSlot) { std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 mt(rd()); std::uniform_real_distribution<> dist(1, (iSlotMachineReels > 0 ? iSlotMachineReels : ESlotMachine::MAX_SLOT_MACHINE_REELS)); m_bSlotMachineReel[bSlot] = static_cast<uint8_t>(dist(mt)); } Can someone help me?
  12. You're reselling an leaked Version of a Growth Pet System. I don't recommend buying a Growth Pet System from someone else then our Big developers or Sonitex. DONT TRUST ANY ONE, THERE IS A REASON THEY CANT SELL IN METIN2DEV!
  13. @Mali61 Bro, could you give a small hint on how we can adapt your Shop Search into this Offline Shop? (You don't need to show everything, i just want to know how)
  14. I also highely recommend @Sonitex his Version is the only one who can really call himself Official Growth Petsystem. A great developer
  15. You are deleting an important check without a reason. You cant just delete the distance check. Later i‘ll post the correct function.
  16. You can actually do it yourself too, isnt too hard i guess
  17. no its not possible, you will need to modify the source structure, its simply not made for changes like that. You know? P2P (core to core communication) something like this exist for npc too. Google for npcToNpc communication. You can learn a lot my friend
  18. As far as i remember, at the time when he released this topic those things were not there
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