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Everything posted by Benhero

  1. Can Someone Please Reupload Source/Root? Would be really nice! Greatz
  2. Okay. Thanks now 1 is solved.. but name/align are not solved. same at mob/pet Name lenght.. :/ Greatz #edit OKay. Find Name part... PythonTextTail.cpp TTextTail * pTextTail = RegisterTextTail(dwVirtualID, pCharacterInstance->GetNameString(), pCharacterInstance->GetGraphicThingInstancePtr(), pCharacterInstance->GetGraphicThingInstanceRef().GetHeight() + fAddHeight, c_rColor);
  3. Hey There, I was looking in Client/Bin Source about 3 Hours to find where is the display function for the player Level/Align/Name.. But don't find anything.. (Search for align, GetName, PlayerName, GetLevel, PlayerLevel, ...). I hope someone can help me to find the right spot. Thanks a lot! Greatz
  4. bether Change "Default" to a Datetime in a few Years Or set it on Registration. Greatz
  5. To fix it Learn C++. Than read and unterstand the Error/Warning and Fix it. Greatz
  6. Yes. Same question here. What kind of backdoor is in Vanilla Core? Greatz
  7. try to replace older cryptopp with newer version. Or try to link to the newer version. Greatz
  8. Try this ... if(global_chat) { char buf[256]; char chatbuf_global[CHAT_MAX_LEN + 1]; const BYTE char_empire = ch->GetEmpire(); if (ch->GetGMLevel() != GM_PLAYER) { strlcpy(buf, LC_TEXT("Staff"), sizeof(buf)); std::string staff_color = "|cFFFFC700|H|h["; staff_color += buf; staff_color += "]|cFFA7FFD4|H|h"; sprintf(chatbuf_global, "%s %s", staff_color.c_str(), chatbuf); } else if (char_empire == 1) { strlcpy(buf, LC_TEXT("Shinsoo"), sizeof(buf)); std::string kingdom_red = "|cFFff0000|H|h["; kingdom_red += buf; kingdom_red += "]|cFFA7FFD4|H|h"; sprintf(chatbuf_global, "%s %s", kingdom_red.c_str(), chatbuf); } else if (char_empire == 2) { strlcpy(buf, LC_TEXT("Chunjo"), sizeof(buf)); std::string kingdom_yel = "|cFFFFFF00|H|h["; kingdom_yel += buf; kingdom_yel += "]|cFFA7FFD4|H|h"; sprintf(chatbuf_global, "%s %s", kingdom_yel.c_str(), chatbuf); } else if (char_empire == 3) { strlcpy(buf, LC_TEXT("Jinno"), sizeof(buf)); std::string kingdom_blue = "|cFF0080FF|H|h["; kingdom_blue += buf; kingdom_blue += "]|cFFA7FFD4|H|h"; sprintf(chatbuf_global, "%s %s", kingdom_blue.c_str(), chatbuf); } } You first have to check of Player is GM or not. Because a GM is also in an Empire. So the Empire Check will be first True and they will never reach the GM Check. Greatz
  9. I mean ID/PW for the Player Accounts. Where did they compare Saved PW (In account.account database) with the PW that was enterd in the client. Greatz
  10. Where did the Game Compare the send ID & PW and the PW thats Saved in the Database? I search in input_login & input_auth. But find nothing. Hope someone can help me :/ Greatz Benhero
  11. @Reonas Ich change this already. @Ken Realalign and normal align are same type. Int.. Greatz
  12. Hey Everyone, I have try to change the Max Limit of Align. I change a lot Thinkgs in source from 200.000 to 300.000 (Negative as positive). But there no Change. The Limit is still 20k (or 200.000). Anyone Know where i can find the Limit :/? Thanks 4 Help. Greatz Benhero
  13. I watch Source code.. but i don't know how it works.. Can i "include" all needed files and then enter my own code? ._. Or must i create a complete new class? Greatz
  14. Hey M2Dev Con, Topic says all. :/ Don't know how to make it.. Anyone does know how do make it? #sry 4 bad englisch.. Greatz
  15. You have to Change Packets and the Datatypes in the Database. Greatz
  16. Hey Com, My question is this: Can i Compile the Game somehow faster? Can i only Compile changed files and then Link Everything? Or can i Jump over files thats does not net any update? Hope you Unterstand! Greatz Benhero
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