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Everything posted by Benhero

  1. Use the Source to realize. Client/Quest there can happen a lot of bugs and its not secure. And the "cmdchat("")" does not have a big enough buffer to fill a full Shop.. Greatz
  2. Theres no Official!!! Source from there. You have to change the things back by yourself Or yo pay someone to do it for you. You have to do this things: - Remove DSS - Remove Belt - Remove Lycaner - Remove Itemshop Button - Remove Lot of Pets - Remove Lot of New Items/Maps - Remove a few Functions in client binary/source etcpp.. Good Luck!
  3. Query Failed. 1. AsyncSQL: query failed: Data truncated for column 'setImmuneFlag' at row 1 2. mysql_query error: Column 'name' in field list is ambiguous Check & Repair you Mob_proto and your player table Greatz
  4. Did you mean a Complete new Bonus? 1 - 6 + 7 - 8?
  5. Crash after Login? Or after the 10 Seconds?
  6. watch in char_item. bool CHARACTER::UseItemEx(LPITEM item, TItemPos DestCell) i think. Check for Type/Subtype. If it is right -> Message #edit here's the Equip Part: case ITEM_COSTUME: case ITEM_WEAPON: case ITEM_ARMOR: case ITEM_ROD: case ITEM_RING: case ITEM_BELT: case ITEM_PICK: if (!item->IsEquipped()) EquipItem(item); else UnequipItem(item); break; Search Everyhere for: EquipItem(item); UnequipItem(item); Greatz
  7. i think he want. Try it with playerID and a Query to read Player. BUT!!! You CAN'T Use pc.xxxxxx commands in Server timer! There's NO! Player Instance without change the Server Timer Function! It ends in a crash if you try to use a pc.xxxx Function Greatz
  8. Try this quest pvpduel begin state start begin when levelup with pc.level == 90 begin set_state(player_kill) end end state player_kill begin when letter begin send_letter("Înfrânge-þi Inamicii") end when button or info begin say_title("Înfrânge-þi Inamicii!") say("") say("Dovedeºte cã eºti cel mai bun,") say("Înfrânge-þi inamicii în lupta,") say("în dueluri sau în arena de razboi") say("a breslei.") say("") say_reward("Ucide 100 de jucãtorii") say_reward("ªi iþi vei primi recompensa!") say("") q.set_counter("Inamici rãmaºi:", 100) set_state (kill) end end state kill begin when letter begin send_letter("Înfrânge-þi Inamicii") end when button or info begin say("") say("Dovedeºte cã eºti cel mai bun,") say("Înfrânge-þi inamicii în lupta,") say("în dueluri sau în arena de razboi") say("a breslei.") say("") say_reward("Ucide 100 de jucãtorii") say_reward("ªi iþi vei primi recompensa!") say("") say_reward("Inamici rãmaºi: "..pc.getqf("state").." ") end when kill begin if npc.is_pc() then local count = pc.getqf("state") + 1 if 100 - count > 0 then pc.setqf("state", count) q.set_counter("Inamici rãmaºi:", 100 - count) end if 100 - count <= 0 then say_title("Înfrânge-þi Inamicii!") say("Ai dovedit cã eºti cel mai bun!") say("Ai participat la foarte multe") say("lupte,ºi ai ieºit învingãtor") say("Ai înfrânt 100 de jucãtori.") say("Recompesa:") say_reward("5% împotriva oricarei rase.") affect.add_collect_point(POINT_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR,5,60*60*24*365*60) affect.add_collect_point(POINT_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN,5,60*60*24*365*60) affect.add_collect_point(POINT_ATTBONUS_SURA,5,60*60*24*365*60) affect.add_collect_point(POINT_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN,5,60*60*24*365*60) affect.add_collect_point(POINT_ATTBONUS_WOLFMAN,5,60*60*24*365*60) affect.add_collect_point(POINT_ATT_GRADE,60,60*60*24*365*60) affect.add_collect_point(POINT_DEF_GRADE,60,60*60*24*365*60) notice_all("".. pc.get_name() .." a ucis 100 de jucãtori.") clear_letter() set_state(__COMPLETE__) end end end end state __COMPLETE__ begin end end
  9. Nope. Updates don't fix it. I now use g++49 and now the error is gone! But thanks for the Help!
  10. does anyone can give me a input_main.cpp? I have change something without do a backup-,- And don't want du download complety source again! Thanks <3
  11. Yeah. Just a warning. But warnings not there to hang out
  12. that is the last warning rest i fixed already Greatz
  13. i don't want do surpress al warnings. I want to fix all warnings :/ Greatz
  14. Hey I get still 1 Warning while compile.. does anybody have an idea how to fix? Thank you very mutch!
  15. Still have this Warnings... Already compile cryptopp new... :/ need help please!
  16. Without Mall Button: uiscript/inventorywindow.py With Mall Button: locale_xx/locale/xx/ui/inventorywindow.py Change: "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH - 176, "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 37 - 565, to what position you want Greatz
  17. What did you exactly want? Just the normal PKModes? Or also PKMODE Peace (Level 14 < & GM) Greatz
  18. Hey Everyone it is me Again My question is how to add a new Colum to player.item and how can i get The Text/Tiem of it in client. BSP: I have a new Colum with Timestamp of create Item and how i can get access to this new colum in Source (item->GetCreateTime()) and in the Client. I hope you unterstand! Hope you can help me again! Greatz # I Try it already. But if i add the new colum to the "replace into" Query in the DB the Inventory are not longer loaded.. and i think i miss something in the Client/Source Communication. --------------------------------------------- Also i edit the Sockets slots and now i have no Shiny and the Hyperling (alt + left click) don't work... is there any fix for one of this? or both? greatz
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