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Everything posted by Bathaar

  1. config.cpp int CostumeTransferBonusItemVnum = 71084; config.h extern int CostumeTransferBonusItemVnum; char.h void CHARACTER::CostumeBonusTransfer(DWORD cell1, DWORD cell2){ if ((GetExchange() || IsOpenSafebox() || GetShopOwner()) || IsCubeOpen() || IsDead()){ ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Nie mozesz teraz wykonac tej operacji!"); return; } LPITEM costume1 = GetInventoryItem(cell1); if (!costume1){ ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Nie odnaleziono pierwszego kostiumu."); return; } if (costume1->GetType() != ITEM_COSTUME || costume1->GetType() == ITEM_COSTUME && costume1->GetSubType() != COSTUME_BODY){ ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Pierwszy przedmiot nie jest kostiumem!"); return; } if (costume1->IsEquipped()){ ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Kullanılamaz kostüm."); return; } LPITEM costume2 = GetInventoryItem(cell2); if (!costume2){ ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Slotta kostüm yok."); return; } if (costume2->GetType() != ITEM_COSTUME || costume2->GetType() == ITEM_COSTUME && costume2->GetSubType() != COSTUME_BODY){ ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Malesef bunula yapamazsın"); return; } if (costume2->IsEquipped()){ ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Böyle bir kostüm kullanamazsın"); return; } if (CountSpecifyItem(CostumeTransferBonusItemVnum) < 1){ ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Bonus yok Neyi aktaracaksın."); return; } if (costume2->GetAttributeCount() < 1){ ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "İkinci Slota İyi bak!"); return; } RemoveSpecifyItem(CostumeTransferBonusItemVnum, 1); costume1->ClearAttribute(); for (int i = 0; i < costume2->GetAttributeCount(); i++){ costume1->SetForceAttribute(i, costume2->GetAttributeType(i), costume2->GetAttributeValue(i)); } costume2->RemoveFromCharacter(); ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Başarılı bir şekilde Transfer Edildi!"); } char.h void CostumeBonusTransfer(DWORD cell1, DWORD cell2); cmd.cpp ACMD(do_costume_transfer_bonus); --- { "kostum_degis_bonus",do_costume_transfer_bonus,0,POS_DEAD,GM_PLAYER}, Cmd_general.cpp ACMD(do_costume_transfer_bonus){ char arg1[256], arg2[256]; DWORD cell1, cell2; two_arguments(argument, arg1, sizeof(arg1), arg2, sizeof(arg2)); if (!*arg1 || !*arg2) return; str_to_number(cell1, arg1); str_to_number(cell2, arg2); if (cell1 < 0 || cell1 > INVENTORY_MAX_NUM || cell2 < 0 || cell2 > INVENTORY_MAX_NUM || cell1 == cell2) return; ch->CostumeBonusTransfer(cell1, cell2); } I hope I helped you on the c++ side
  2. They're a little bit unserious...
  3. I succeeded Thank you very much ! I ask a moderator to close this topic !
  4. How to install ~ MFC lib ~ if I already have Visual Studio installed, there is a method without re-installing VS19 ? And include it, I have nothing to change because in the interface.rc I don't have such a thing with asfex.h
  5. Ahoy @ Metin2 Dev I am new to this field on the technical side of a server. I turned to this community for your help in some things. At the moment I do not know what source / server to use (currently I use some from the internet) If you can help me with a stable source and a file clean server, I would be appreciated in the future after learning I want to buy martysama or owsap. Having a source and a file server taken from here. I encounter the following problems when compiling the client (I am a beginner) I did after your tutorials. I want to mention that in userinterface.rc - I do not include afxred.h ~ from what I understand this function must be modified into something else.. or I'm wrong. Thank you very much. ERROR IMAGE
  6. I know, I understand you, but I haven't found a person to help me, to guide me so far. At present I am very demoralized and I have given up somewhat in creating something new. I kept trying to learn on my own but I can't... and yes, I'm going to work with developers in this community, I'm even contacting a few people to purchase custom counter-cost systems. But the point is, I have no idea how to add how to compile s.a.m.d
  7. Hi. My name is Andrei, I am from Romania and I am looking for a capable man with whom to open a project Metin2. I'm not good at developing, but I'm going to invest in this project. I'm looking for a skilled man in C++, Pyton, putty, and so on. Those interested please leave a private message with your Facebook address
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