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Everything posted by Distraught

  1. How can you be just so so so so so stupid? If your server kicks you out it's because you don't even know what you are doing. Not my fix is the problem, it's more like your knowledge... Actually marty just repeated half of what I wrote down before and you're saying what I wrote is not working while licking his ass clean at the same time. (don't get me wrong, it's not against marty, it's against you and other incompetent stupid-ass motherfuckers like you) Sorry for the language... But for nothing else... The effects you use on your maps are not managed by EffectManager. They are managed by the Area itself.
  2. In EterLib/GrpScreen.cpp find CScreen::RestoreDevice and in the if (FAILED(hrReset)) condition add (and don't forget to include comdef.h) _com_error ce(hrReset); const TCHAR* errMsg = ce.ErrorMessage(); So it should look like: Now put a breakpoint there or print out the error message somewhere so we can get more info why your device couldn't reset. By the way it's really another topic and not what this thread is about.
  3. Move the update of EffectManager to UpdateGame from RenderGame where it should be.
  4. Introduction I think everyone know about this famous bug. I profiled the game and checked granny documentation why it happens because we also faced this on MAP1s since we have a lot of offline shops. Actually the game not even freezes, it runs well and the updates happen. What eventually happens there is just that update time takes too long so it will skip rendering. What makes update times longer? The answer is granny controls. When you minimize your game, the completed controls never get freed. It's because the game frees them in CGrannyModelInstance::UpdateWorldPose which is called from CPythonApplication::RenderGame in a long way. There are just more and more of them that are never freed and that makes GrannySetModelClock take more and more time so when you open up your client from the minimized state it will never finish the update fast enough to call RenderGame in which they would be freed again. [Hidden Content] Thats all, you won't face the "black screen bug" again! Good luck guys!
  5. I really really don't like OG but in Spanish it sounds kinda good. Tengo un trato lo mio pa' mi saco
  6. Actually the copyright problem was after they registered the trademark of Metin3 which GF tried to buy from them first but they said no. After this GF sued them and took everything else too. Magic to Master was just after everything (it was gonna be Metin3), they had to release it as a half-complete game because of money issues after the GF stuff. They tried to sell the game to the Metin2 community but they didn't really like it so they went bankrupt.
  7. Yes it was me. Originally it would be the last X Factor in Hungary and RTL tested if pre-organized scandals work. It did so they bought the license for 2 more periods as we see (1 period is 3 years).
  8. Hey The description said "Here is the area where you can talk about you..." and there's nothing I like more so I made this topic haha
  9. Hello Community, We as Land of Heroes are looking for reliable and passionate Game Masters for our EU server. Requirements: • being able to speak English properly • being able to cooperate and work in a team • good knowledge about Metin2 • advanced social skills The application form is available at https://landofheroes.eu
  10. You don't install a compiler on the server files. You just install a compiler and use it.
  11. V1.4: Texture paths are changed from D:\ymir work[...] to just simply ymir work\[...] when exporting to fbx or 3ds [Hidden Content]
  12. If you actually just copy+pasted that code then you just need to use "oimg" extension anywhere you would use images.
  13. Hey guys! We plan to open a Romanian server too so that we are looking for a community manager and translator for Land of Heroes RO. You can check out our Hungarian server at https://landofheroes.hu For the translator: We have every localization in one xls file, so it's going to be easy technically. You can apply in a private message.
  14. Miley Cyrus - Angels Like You Miley Cyrus - Zombie
  15. Hey guys, Most of you noticed if you have a special character like á, é, ő, etc. at the beginning or end of a string qc will not work and displays no error message. It is because it throws an error but in it's own way by pushing a string to the top of the lua stack and calling exit so you can't catch it normally. Here is a method how you can make these messages visible. Actually we only have to write a few lines. Open qc.cc and add this function void print_exception() { int top = lua_gettop(L); if (0 != top && LUA_TSTRING == lua_type(L, top)) { std::cerr << lua_tostring(L, top); } } Now go to the main function and add this line to the beginning of it: atexit(&print_exception); So it should look like this: Now you will see the exceptions like Good luck guys and hope you like it!
  16. UPDATE: no need to set map size, now you just have to select the directory of the map and it will read the minimap and it's settings automatically Link is the same but here it is again: [Hidden Content] @ASIKOO can you please update the download center too?
  17. As it's a dotnet application, it's about a few clicks to reflect, but I have no intentions releasing it or I would of uploaded them.
  18. I suggest putting the includes in Area.cpp because those classes are only used there. If you can I suggest avoiding includes in headers because that makes the compilation much slower. You only have to include a header if you want to instantiate a class there or use any of its member variables or functions (or you want to know the size of it); otherwise you can predeclare the class (eg. if you just wanna have pointers to it or references) like class ClassName;.
  19. I don't know where you did that but I'm quite sure they are both defined as unsigned char so yes.
  20. For me they are after other includes but as @Gurgarath and @Syreldar said it should work the way they said. What platform toolset are you using? I'm not sure about this but maybe that could possible cause this.
  21. UPDATE: you can now delete by right click radius is shown around your mouse pointer Download updated, but here's the link again: [Hidden Content] @ASIKOO can you please update it in the Download Center too?
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