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Everything posted by DrTurk

  1. You can use the 1-Click-Files from LordZiege. With this files you can work without freebsd vm, they are compatible with windows so you can start them with Visual Studio and also you can debug them in VS.
  2. just add libjpeg to your project and build it and you wont get any problems with it
  3. thats a workaround, it wont fix anything You have serious problems with header, what have you done last on source
  4. 0x0 = NULL Are there any checks in your function if ChangeProb is NULL?
  5. Does someone know the solution for this problem? [Hidden Content] This bug doesnt appear with all mobs, i havent tryed with all mobs but it appears with ninetail and icewitch. Solved, i fcked up the mob_proto.
  6. You have to respect the rules and yes you have to rebuild cryptopp with vs2010, but better use vs2019
  7. already used lldb and gdb on the .core file, i can upload the output, but it wont help lldb: gdb:
  8. The screen just says "root db[896]: stack overflow detected; terminated || Abort (core dumped)" after i runned my db file. This also happens with the game file, but gamefile doenst even create syserr/syslog, db creates syslog and syserr but nothing in it which could help.
  9. i have some troubles with using a game/db file compiled on FreeBSD 12.0. Compiling works fine but when i try to start the compiled file, i get an instant core dumped and on other putty i get this --> If I do the same thing on FreeBSD 11.3 everything works fine. I only install gmake for compiling. Are there any major changes from 11.3 to 12.0 Edit: Im using gmake and CC
  10. absorbing is also a bonus, why should hp etc. not work on sash? just do it like that: 85001 ¸íÀåÀÇ ¾×¼¼¼­¸®(È­·Á) ITEM_COSTUME COSTUME_ACCE 1 ANTI_DROP | ANTI_GIVE | ANTI_PKDROP | ANTI_MYSHOP LOG NONE NONE 100000 0 85002 409 0 LIMIT_NONE 0 LIMIT_NONE 0 APPLY_ACCEDRAIN_RATE 1 APPLY_MAX_HP 10000 APPLY_NONE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0
  11. Could someone upload the current property folder from officials, i cant unpack it.
  12. Does someone have a map folder from official (2018 - 2019)?
  13. Did someone reverse the official mount system?
  14. Can someone upload me a skill_proto.sql with wolfman skills?
  15. I dont want to do a workaround, but thanks for the answer
  16. Does someone have a working sequence table which doesnt get the header 254 mismatch? I dont want to do an workaround.
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