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Everything posted by Mafuyu

  1. no, website is getting blocked by malwarebytes because of trojan detection. I turned it off then it worked^^
  2. Im using opera gx €dit: website is getting blocked because of some trojans out there (malwarebytes detecting it) ffs
  3. is this some "only paid user can access this website" shit?
  4. big brain i wouldnt cry if it would be that simple my guuuuy
  5. oh boy you have so many missing parts in your tut... { "INVINCIBLE", APPLY_INVINCIBLE }, gets not defined... #ifdef ENABLE_CONQUEROR_LEVEL { POINT_INVINCIBLE, }, #endif also missing define.. you cant compile it like this..your github is outdated.. you write "removed point...." but its still there in your git.. 1016 21:29:25806 :: Failed to load script file : UIScript/CharacterWindow.py 1016 21:29:25806 :: ui.py(line:4593) LoadScriptFile system.py(line:194) execfile system.py(line:165) Run UIScript/CharacterWindow.py(line:1642) <module> LoadScriptFile!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>:'module' object has no attribute 'SPECIAL_ACTION_START_INDEX' 1016 21:29:25806 :: ============================================================================================================ 1016 21:29:25826 :: Abort!!!! 1016 21:29:25827 :: uiCharacter.py(line:681) __LoadWindow uiCharacter.py(line:306) __LoadScript ui.py(line:4610) LoadScriptFile exception.py(line:36) Abort CharacterWindow.__LoadWindow - <type 'exceptions.SystemExit'>: 1016 21:29:25827 :: ============================================================================================================ 1016 21:29:25827 :: Abort!!!! more missing code...
  6. whats about this, i dont have lycan, which one i have to use? can i simple use the define from you? //Replace with #ifdef ENABLE_CONQUEROR_LEVEL const DWORD SKILL_NUM = 184; #else #ifdef ENABLE_WOLFMAN_CHARACTER const DWORD SKILL_NUM = 176; #else const DWORD SKILL_NUM = 158; #endif #endif or do i have to change something ?
  7. make it without the useless lycan part please, you have many mismatches bc of the lycan shit in it... some lines doesnt make sense. #ifdef ENABLE_CONQUEROR_LEVEL #ifdef ENABLE_WOLFMAN_CHARACTER if (GetSkillMasterType(dwSkillVnum) != SKILL_MASTER && (dwSkillVnum >= SKILL_FINISH && dwSkillVnum <= SKILL_ILIPUNGU)) #else if (GetSkillMasterType(dwSkillVnum) != SKILL_MASTER && (dwSkillVnum >= SKILL_FINISH && dwSkillVnum <= SKILL_CHEONUN)) #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CONQUEROR_LEVEL #ifdef ENABLE_WOLFMAN_CHARACTER if (GetSkillMasterType(pkSk->dwVnum) != SKILL_MASTER && (pkSk->dwVnum<= SKILL_FINISH | pkSk->dwVnum>= SKILL_ILIPUNGU)) #else if (GetSkillMasterType(pkSk->dwVnum) != SKILL_MASTER && (pkSk->dwVnum<= SKILL_FINISH | pkSk->dwVnum>= SKILL_ILIPUNGU)) #endif why is above SKILL_ILIPUNGU and another skill, next code part is the same line?? and this part... bruh i could cry, pls dont use lycan lines, literally no one has lycan.. //Search in bool CHARACTER::IsUsableSkillMotion(DWORD dwMotionIndex) const #ifdef ENABLE_WOLFMAN_CHARACTER const DWORD SKILL_NUM = 176; #else const DWORD SKILL_NUM = 158; #endif //Replace with #ifdef ENABLE_CONQUEROR_LEVEL const DWORD SKILL_NUM = 184; #else #ifdef ENABLE_WOLFMAN_CHARACTER const DWORD SKILL_NUM = 176; #else const DWORD SKILL_NUM = 158; #endif #endif
  8. hey, no. For me it isnt like this. You have this random hp but it isnt even 1k, for me, i tried like 10 times, here +300, there -200, here +420, sometimes -400 so its pending on 10500 to 10750 to 10200 but never more like this. With your changes (only removed the randomHp function) my hp only changes on base from my status points (vit), but yeah its no bug. I think you also have another bugs in your source wich leads to this giant random hp
  9. only used one computepoints and it also works. But its not a bug what you fixxed there, the random hp is normal for the game, every char got random hp on creating and on resetting, even on official gameforge server so i dont know what you mean with "bugfix" ?
  10. why ComputePoints 2 times?
  11. yeah thats what i was trying but it didnt worked for me, it didnt change anything ingame. can you show the full edit function how it would work? i tried some changes but no effect on it, so i dont know if i made mistaks or if the system doesnt work
  12. where did you put the POINT_GOLD function ?
  13. if value > 0: count = count+1 nonsense, remove the if value, just add count = count + 1 bc otherwise, weapons or armors with - bonus like toxicsword or smth like this wont get the tooltip. and for official like, use this: if (count > 4 and count < 7) and (item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR or (item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON and item.GetItemSubType() != item.WEAPON_ARROW)): self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_BONUS_NEXTADD, self.BONUS_COLOR) it only shows when you have already 4 bonus in item, not for first bonus. (for me, i use it only to show for 6 and 7. bonus, not for 5th.) if you want for 5th bonus, edit the count > 4 to count > 3.)
  14. it has an small bug, it can sometimes switch double boni "Kraft der Dunkelheit" switched 2 times on it (Strenght of darkness, new elementar boni) you need to fix the ClearAttribute function, its bugged from default on, it lefts the fifth bonus always on the item so you can double them. better make a new clearattribute function only for DS
  15. yeah no, it still shows nothing, more is missing^^
  16. nope, this function is on default in pythonwindow, but still bugs! there are more changed needed and btw; still doesnt work.
  17. you also need to implement the "Mount Costume system" otherwise it wont work!
  18. Yes you have mistake. System works fine, im using it for a month now without any bugs. Horse works fine too.
  19. Public since 3 or 4 weeks on metin2downloads, with ingame config option so you can change in realtime.
  20. Didnt tested it but it could cause lags when you switch items by yourself instead of using switchbot, because the tooltip always changes every second. Same problem was in the item preview system so i had do make a config option to disable it. Did you tried this?
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