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Everything posted by Randomize

  1. This bug was already fixed, there is my solution. Anyway nice tutorial.
  2. If you use Source, you can change it easily in Client bin. In PythonChat.cpp search this line: CGraphicText* pkDefaultFont = (iType == CPythonChat::WHISPER_TYPE_GM) ? static_cast<CGraphicText*>(DefaultItalicFont_GetResource()) : static_cast<CGraphicText*>(DefaultFont_GetResource()); And change it to this: CGraphicText* pkDefaultFont = static_cast<CGraphicText*>(DefaultFont_GetResource());
  3. This returns only numbers, but I need it as an array so I can print it in quest like query[row][field] I want one built-in function like it was in LUA. Is it possible?
  4. Hello! I try to make a quest function for mysql_select, but I don't know how can I get the SELECT Query's result and bring it to the quest. Anyone can help?
  5. I have done it, now I got a .lib file, but if I place it in the lib folder I still get the same error.
  6. Hello again, finally I fount the solution for this bug! In char_quickslot.cpp Search this: void CHARACTER::SyncQuickslot(BYTE bType, BYTE bOldPos, BYTE bNewPos) Replace with this: void CHARACTER::SyncQuickslot(BYTE bType, WORD bOldPos, WORD bNewPos) Search this: bool CHARACTER::GetQuickslot(BYTE pos, TQuickslot ** ppSlot) Replace: bool CHARACTER::GetQuickslot(WORD pos, TQuickslot ** ppSlot) Search this: bool CHARACTER::SetQuickslot(BYTE pos, TQuickslot & rSlot) Replace: bool CHARACTER::SetQuickslot(WORD pos, TQuickslot & rSlot) Search this: bool CHARACTER::DelQuickslot(BYTE pos) Replace: bool CHARACTER::DelQuickslot(WORD pos) Search this: bool CHARACTER::SwapQuickslot(BYTE a, BYTE Replace bool CHARACTER::SwapQuickslot(WORD a, WORD Search this: void CHARACTER::ChainQuickslotItem(LPITEM pItem, BYTE bType, WORD bOldPos) Replace: void CHARACTER::ChainQuickslotItem(LPITEM pItem, BYTE bType, WORD bOldPos) Search this: if (bNewPos == 255) And replace the 255 with 400 for example. Search this in all files: SyncQuickslot( And where you find 255, replace them with 400. For example, I have this in char_item.cpp: SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, i, 255); And I have to replace it like this: SyncQuickslot(QUICKSLOT_TYPE_ITEM, i, 400); In char.h search this: void SyncQuickslot(BYTE bType, BYTE bOldPos, BYTE bNewPos); Replace: void SyncQuickslot(BYTE bType, WORD bOldPos, WORD bNewPos); Search this: bool GetQuickslot(BYTE pos, TQuickslot ** ppSlot); Replace: bool GetQuickslot(WORD pos, TQuickslot ** ppSlot); Search this: bool SetQuickslot(BYTE pos, TQuickslot & rSlot); Replace: bool SetQuickslot(WORD pos, TQuickslot & rSlot); Search this: bool DelQuickslot(BYTE pos); Replace: bool DelQuickslot(WORD pos); Search this: bool SwapQuickslot(BYTE a, BYTE ; Replace: bool SwapQuickslot(WORD a, WORD ; Search this: void ChainQuickslotItem(LPITEM pItem, BYTE bType, BYTE bOldPos); Replace: void ChainQuickslotItem(LPITEM pItem, BYTE bType, WORD bOldPos); In packet.h search this: typedef struct command_quickslot_add { BYTE header; BYTE pos; TQuickslot slot; } TPacketCGQuickslotAdd; typedef struct command_quickslot_del { BYTE header; BYTE pos; } TPacketCGQuickslotDel; typedef struct command_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; BYTE pos; BYTE change_pos; } TPacketCGQuickslotSwap; Replace: typedef struct command_quickslot_add { BYTE header; WORD pos; TQuickslot slot; } TPacketCGQuickslotAdd; typedef struct command_quickslot_del { BYTE header; WORD pos; } TPacketCGQuickslotDel; typedef struct command_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; WORD pos; WORD change_pos; } TPacketCGQuickslotSwap; Search this: struct packet_quickslot_add { BYTE header; BYTE pos; TQuickslot slot; }; struct packet_quickslot_del { BYTE header; BYTE pos; }; struct packet_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; BYTE pos; BYTE pos_to; }; Replace: struct packet_quickslot_add { BYTE header; WORD pos; TQuickslot slot; }; struct packet_quickslot_del { BYTE header; WORD pos; }; struct packet_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; WORD pos; WORD pos_to; }; In common/tables.h search this: typedef struct SQuickslot { BYTE type; BYTE pos; } TQuickslot; Replace: typedef struct SQuickslot { BYTE type; WORD pos; } TQuickslot; Next, in the client, UserInterface/packet.h search this: typedef struct command_quickslot_add { BYTE header; BYTE pos; TQuickSlot slot; }TPacketCGQuickSlotAdd; typedef struct command_quickslot_del { BYTE header; BYTE pos; }TPacketCGQuickSlotDel; typedef struct command_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; BYTE pos; BYTE change_pos; }TPacketCGQuickSlotSwap; Replace: typedef struct command_quickslot_add { BYTE header; WORD pos; TQuickSlot slot; }TPacketCGQuickSlotAdd; typedef struct command_quickslot_del { BYTE header; WORD pos; }TPacketCGQuickSlotDel; typedef struct command_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; WORD pos; WORD change_pos; }TPacketCGQuickSlotSwap; Search this: typedef struct packet_quickslot_add { BYTE header; BYTE pos; TQuickSlot slot; } TPacketGCQuickSlotAdd; typedef struct packet_quickslot_del { BYTE header; BYTE pos; } TPacketGCQuickSlotDel; typedef struct packet_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; BYTE pos; BYTE change_pos; } TPacketGCQuickSlotSwap; Replace: typedef struct packet_quickslot_add { BYTE header; WORD pos; TQuickSlot slot; } TPacketGCQuickSlotAdd; typedef struct packet_quickslot_del { BYTE header; WORD pos; } TPacketGCQuickSlotDel; typedef struct packet_quickslot_swap { BYTE header; WORD pos; WORD change_pos; } TPacketGCQuickSlotSwap; In GameType.h search this: typedef struct SQuickSlot { BYTE Type; BYTE Position; } TQuickSlot; Replace: typedef struct SQuickSlot { BYTE Type; WORD Position; } TQuickSlot; In AbstractPlayer.h search this: virtual void AddQuickSlot(int QuickslotIndex, char IconType, char IconPosition) = 0; Replace: virtual void AddQuickSlot(int QuickslotIndex, char IconType, WORD IconPosition) = 0; In PythonNetworkStream.h search this: bool SendQuickSlotAddPacket(BYTE wpos, BYTE type, BYTE pos); bool SendQuickSlotDelPacket(BYTE wpos); bool SendQuickSlotMovePacket(BYTE wpos, BYTE change_pos); Replace: bool SendQuickSlotAddPacket(WORD wpos, BYTE type, WORD pos); bool SendQuickSlotDelPacket(WORD wpos); bool SendQuickSlotMovePacket(WORD wpos, WORD change_pos); In PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGameItem.cpp search this: bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotAddPacket(BYTE wpos, BYTE type, BYTE pos) Replace: bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotAddPacket(BYTE wpos, BYTE type, BYTE pos) Search this: bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotDelPacket(BYTE pos) Replace: bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotDelPacket(WORD pos) Search this: bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotMovePacket(BYTE pos, BYTE change_pos) Replace: bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendQuickSlotMovePacket(WORD pos, WORD change_pos) In PythonPlayer.cpp search this: for (BYTE i = 0; i < QUICKSLOT_MAX_NUM; ++i) Replace: for (WORD i = 0; i < QUICKSLOT_MAX_NUM; ++i) Search this: rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotMovePacket((BYTE) dwGlobalSrcSlotIndex, (BYTE)dwGlobalDstSlotIndex); Replace: rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotMovePacket((WORD) dwGlobalSrcSlotIndex, (WORD)dwGlobalDstSlotIndex); Search this: rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotAddPacket((BYTE)dwGlobalSlotIndex, (BYTE)dwWndType, (BYTE)dwWndItemPos); Replace: rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotAddPacket((WORD)dwGlobalSlotIndex, (BYTE)dwWndType, (WORD)dwWndItemPos); Search this: rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotAddPacket((BYTE)dwGlobalQuickSlotIndex, (BYTE)dwWndType, (BYTE)dwWndItemPos); Replace: rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotAddPacket((WORD)dwGlobalQuickSlotIndex, (BYTE)dwWndType, (WORD)dwWndItemPos); Search this: rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotDelPacket((BYTE)dwGlobalSlotIndex); Replace: rkNetStream.SendQuickSlotDelPacket((WORD)dwGlobalSlotIndex); Search this: void CPythonPlayer::AddQuickSlot(int QuickSlotIndex, char IconType, char IconPosition) Replace: void CPythonPlayer::AddQuickSlot(int QuickSlotIndex, char IconType, WORD IconPosition) In PythonPlayer.h search this: void AddQuickSlot(int QuickslotIndex, char IconType, char IconPosition); Replace: void AddQuickSlot(int QuickslotIndex, char IconType, WORD IconPosition); Kind regards, Randomize
  7. Run this query to find which mob has greater "min" value than "max" value: SELECT mob_proto.vnum, mob_proto.locale_name, mob_proto.damage_min, mob_proto.damage_max, mob_proto.gold_min, mob_proto.gold_max FROM player.mob_proto WHERE mob_proto.damage_min > mob_proto.damage_max OR mob_proto.gold_min > mob_proto.gold_max This will select rows where the gold_min greater than gold_max or damage_min greater than damage_max
  8. Hello! I tried to compile Client Binary in Visual Studio 2013, but I have errors. In VS2008 I was able to compile before I opened it in VS2013, but it upgraded the .sln file. Now I want to use VS2013 to compile. I have added the include and library folders to the projects, but now I have these errors: Error 3 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static void __cdecl std::_String_base::_Xlen(void)" (?_Xlen@_String_base@std@@SAXXZ) D:SourceClientUserInterfacecryptlib-5.6.1MT.lib(cryptlib.obj) Error 4 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static void __cdecl std::_String_base::_Xran(void)" (?_Xran@_String_base@std@@SAXXZ) D:SourceClientUserInterfacecryptlib-5.6.1MT.lib(cryptlib.obj) Error 5 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall std::_Mutex::_Unlock(void)" (?_Unlock@_Mutex@std@@QAEXXZ) D:SourceClientUserInterfacecryptlib-5.6.1MT.lib(gf2n.obj) Error 6 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall std::_Mutex::_Lock(void)" (?_Lock@_Mutex@std@@QAEXXZ) D:SourceClientUserInterfacecryptlib-5.6.1MT.lib(gf2n.obj) Error 7 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static void __cdecl std::locale::facet::facet_Register(class std::locale::facet *)" (?facet_Register@facet@locale@std@@CAXPAV123@@Z) D:SourceClientUserInterfacecryptlib-5.6.1MT.lib(integer.obj) Error 8 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static void __cdecl std::_Locinfo::_Locinfo_ctor(class std::_Locinfo *,class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > const &)" (?_Locinfo_ctor@_Locinfo@std@@SAXPAV12@ABV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@2@@Z) D:SourceClientUserInterfacecryptlib-5.6.1MT.lib(integer.obj) Error 9 error LNK1120: 6 unresolved externals D:SourceClientUserInterfaceReleasemetin2client.exe I hope anyone can help me solve this problem. Regards, Randomize
  9. Please help me. I tried everything, and still doesn't work.
  10. Hello. As you can see in this video, you can't put anything in the last two slots of belt to the quickslot, because the quickslot uses the first two items in inventory. I tried everything to solve this but I failed. Anyone can help solve this? The problem is the last two slots' indexes are 256 and 257 which is higher than the Byte's maximum allowed value. Where I have to change this to make it work? Regards, Randomize.
  11. In Notepad++ you can replace the spaces to tab. Ctrl+H Find what: " " (3 spaces, without quote symbols) Replace with: "t" (A backslash and t. It is important, not slash (/), but backslash () !!) Search mode: Extended
  12. I tried change in the client binary too, but it not works. I will try again later. Why's that relevant? It will flush most of the player's items and those who don't get flushed will get flushed when you shut it down. I don't like to wait 5-10 minutes after the /shutdown command to be sure all items and player informations (money, experience, level etc.). are saved.
  13. Hi! I see there are files called AuctionManager.cpp and AuctionManager.h in the Source. My question is these files are for Auction House System, or what? If yes, how can I make it work in server? What I need for it? I need quest, or anything else?
  14. Open char_item.cpp, find this: bool CHARACTER::SwapItem(BYTE bCell, BYTE bDestCell) Add this above: #define VERIFY_MSG(exp, msg) if (true == (exp)) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT(msg)); return false; } Now find this: if (item1 == item2) { sys_log(0, "[WARNING][WARNING][HACK USER!] : %s %d %d", m_stName.c_str(), bCell, bDestCell); return false; } And over that, add this: if (ITEM_BELT == item1->GetType() || ITEM_BELT == item2->GetType()) VERIFY_MSG(CBeltInventoryHelper::IsExistItemInBeltInventory(this), "ş§Ć® ŔÎşĄĹ丮żˇ ľĆŔĚĹŰŔĚ Á¸ŔçÇϸé ÇŘÁ¦ÇŇ Ľö ľř˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů."); Find this: bool CHARACTER::CanEquipNow(const LPITEM item, const TItemPos& srcCell, const TItemPos& destCell) And above that, remove this ( we don't need define it twice) : #define VERIFY_MSG(exp, msg) if (true == (exp)) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT(msg)); return false; } Tested, it works for me. (Sorry for my English is poor, there is still a lot to learn.)
  15. Or simply remove #define ENABLE_LIMIT_TIME from limit_time.h
  16. Only replace the whole bool CHARACTER_CanEmotion(CHARACTER& rch) function with this: bool CHARACTER_CanEmotion(CHARACTER& rch) { return true; } It works.
  17. Just do what Denis says: Change this: DWORD CHARACTER::GetNextExp() const To this: long long CHARACTER::GetNextExp()
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