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Everything posted by Sober

  1. i don't have anything named threading.pyc or something like that in the libs , how can i import it?? Does it need any change on the binary?
  2. global name 'timer' is not defined I get this error when i try these. t = timer(3.0,__hideKillsGuiBg) t.start() I tried: from threading import Timer but i get an error : there isn't any module called threading
  3. Guys i am trying to figure out how to do a timer on metin2 client. i use the function time.sleep(3) but the client freezes for 3 seconds xD Any ideas on how to do it without freezing?
  4. item_proto records for blessing scroll are wrong find the correct from another item_proto
  5. does it work for you?? some vnums don't exist.
  6. i have these vnums but vnums ending with 10 20 30 or 40 don't exist not even at official servers.
  7. i think he wants the popup iframe.There are many examples on the internet using jquery and css
  8. you will have to write the quest on your own and place the mobs on your own.Let's see what ymir and gf prepares
  9. Can anyone send me the part of special_item_group that contains all the drops from boxes related to dragonsoul? I mean the drop of Cor draconis etc... The one that i have contains vnums that don't even exist and shouldnt exist
  10. Does anyone know the text that is missing from locale_string? I don't know german to search to the 40k leaked locale_string and add it to my locale_string
  11. lol i thought it was in seconds and i typed 1 xD okay thanks Edit: i changed ATTR_CHANGE_LIMIT to both 0 and 1 but still i have to wait 1 minute for the bonuses.Please tell me guys if you have the same problem.
  12. I searched and she wrote that this is the config option to change the time limit for the bonus.
  13. So... What do you think about the winner Conchita from Austria??? Who would you like to win???
  14. I set to all of my channels config ATTR_CHANGE_LIMIT: 1 but it tells me to wait 60 minutes to change a bonus.Am i doing something wrong or is there any issue with bonus change time limit?
  15. Okay one last note.. Item_proto packer seems buggy for my item_proto i took it from locale_gr (greek).When i pack it it should create a 186 kb item_proto and it is only 98kb, and i cannot open my client because i get an error related with item_proto.
  16. Find the armor at mysql item_proto and change the type of the item to 28
  17. Still as you said we have to be respectful to their work lol xD It's not that easy to create a game from absolute 0
  18. Try to edit socket_pct at item_proto clientside , i am not sure if it will work though.
  19. How can type 3 archives be unpacked? I don't understand. For example i have the 32byte encryption key, what do i do next?
  20. Thanks ! Another one function that i can't find it : give_or_drop_item_and_select is there any similar function or will be implemented?
  21. Hi Vanilla! Can you add to your gamecore this function developed by iMer please? item2.equip
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