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Everything posted by Ken

  1. There is no actual version. According to YMIR Entertainment, version is a sub version for them. [Hidden Content] Best Regards Ken
  2. You shouldn't follow the long way and Koray too. Open OXEvent.h, find GetAttenderCount() and add those things under that line. // Ox-event IP-Checker public: bool CheckIpAddress(LPCHARACTER ch); void RemoveFromAttenderList(DWORD dwPID); Open OXEvent.cpp, add those lines after COxEventManager::LogWinner() bool COXEventManager::CheckIpAddress(LPCHARACTER ch) { for (itertype(m_map_attender) it = m_map_attender.begin(); it != m_map_attender.end(); ++it) { LPCHARACTER tch = CHARACTER_MANAGER::Instance().FindByPID(it->second); if (!tch || !tch->GetDesc()) continue; if (!strcmp(ch->GetDesc()->GetHostName(), tch->GetDesc()->GetHostName()) && ch->GetMapIndex() == tch->GetMapIndex()) { LogManager::Instance().HackLog("MULTI_IP_OX", ch); ch->GoHome(); return false; } } return true; } void COXEventManager::RemoveFromAttenderList(DWORD dwPID) { m_map_attender.erase(dwPID); } bool COXEventManager::EnterAttender(LPCHARACTER pkChar) { DWORD pid = pkChar->GetPlayerID(); if (CheckIpAddress(pkChar)) { m_map_char.insert(std::make_pair(pid, pid)); m_map_attender.insert(std::make_pair(pid, pid)); return true; } return false; } char.cpp if (GetMapIndex() == OXEVENT_MAP_INDEX) COXEventManager::Instance().RemoveFromAttenderList(GetPlayerID()); Best Regards Ken
  3. @ds_aim At first, you're really out of your mind with visual studio 2015. The best method to find the error is put breakpoint all the time. You just need to attach your process into visual studio, put your breakpoint and test the header. Wireshark is not the one program for packet analyze. [Hidden Content] - Here is a list for everyone. @bumxd The problem is not about the header. The problem is about the struct of the header. If the server can't send the same size of the struct to the client, the client is always rejecting this and give the error to you. This problem is often see with the static packets. Best Regards Ken
  4. @bumxd; Why didn't you check struct of the header? It could be helpful for ya. Best Regards Ken
  5. At first, this method is totally wrong. You just need to check the static packets if you have any problem with unknown header. Best Regards Ken
  6. Maybe you just need to make a compare between the old version and the newest version. I'm using the last version for my project too. However, don't think yourself like everyone. As I said, if you continue to remove everything when you get any error from the compiler, you must remove the programming world. Best Regards Ken
  7. Try this. Also, if you plan to remove everything when you get any error from the compiler, you must remove the programming world. static void CheckSize(size_t n) { if (n > ~size_t(0) / sizeof(T)) throw InvalidArgument("AllocatorBase: requested size would cause integer overflow"); } Kind Regards ~ Ken
  8. if (player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos) == srcItemVNum and player.GetItemCount(dstSlotPos) < 200): return True # Python 2.7 is using True & False We shouldn't rather the long way Kind Regards ~ Ken
  9. Following in the footsteps of Twitter, Facebook and Google, Microsoft promises to notify users of its e-mail (Outlook) and cloud storage (OneDrive) services if government hackers may have targeted their accounts. The company already notifies users if an unauthorized person tries to access their Outlook or OneDrive accounts. But from now on, the company will also inform if it suspects government-sponsored hackers. Ex-Employee: Microsoft Didn't Notify When China Spied Tibetans Leaders The move could be taken in the wake of the claims made by Microsoft's former employees that several years ago Chinese government hacked into more than a thousand Hotmail email accounts of international leaders of Tibetan and Uighur minorities, but the company decided not to tell the victims, allowing the hackers to continue their campaign. Instead of alerting those leaders of the hacking attempts, Microsoft simply recommended them to change their passwords without disclosing the reason, after an internal debate in 2011, Reutersreported. However, Microsoft announced Wednesday that if the company strongly suspects that your account is being hijacked or targeted by hackers working in the interest of a nation-state, it will notify you via an email. Here's what Microsoft Vice President Scott Charney writes: Just last week, Yahoo promised to alert its users whom it suspected were being spied on by state-sponsored hackers. Other big tech companies including Twitter, Facebook and Google, had previously assured their users that they would notify them of any potential government spying. And now Microsoft is the latest company to join the list. Government: We'll Sue You if You Do That! This is a good news for Microsoft users, but it seems that the United Kingdom is not happy with this decision by all the major tech firms, because the country seeks access to personal communications in order to fight terrorism and protect national security. The UK government is pushing a new Investigatory Powers Bill that will take the bosses of any company that warns its users that security organizations, such as GCHQ (the Government Communications Headquarters), MI5 and MI6, are spying on them. Specifically, UK ministers want to make it a criminal offence for Twitter, Google and other tech firms under which they could face up to two years in prison.
  10. The common map index must be in game99. When you warp to non-exist map index in current channel, the system will search the other one which one has this map index. Here is map allow of game99 from YMIR MAP_ALLOW: 81 103 105 110 111 Kind Regards ~ Ken
  11. char * PyString_AsString2(PyObject * pObj) { if (!pObj) #ifdef __cplusplus > 199711L return nullptr; #else return NULL; #endif #ifdef __cplusplus > 199711L char * pszResult2 = nullptr; #else char * pszResult2 = NULL; #endif PyObject * pNewObj = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(pObj); char * pszResult = PyBytes_AsString(pNewObj); pszResult2 = strdup(pszResult); Py_DecRef(pNewObj); return pszResult2; } I didn't test it. I just encode it and tried to retrieve as PyBytes_AsString. If you want to be sure totally, you can check PyBytes_AsString. It's returning NULL (in the last version it's returning nullptr) Kind Regards ~ Ken
  12. In 3.x version of python, Python started to use Unicode string as I know. Did you try to convert it? Everything else is a fake! It's nice to hear this. Welcome back Vanilla. Kind Regards ~ Ken
  13. def DragonSoulGiveQuilification(self): self.DRAGON_SOUL_IS_QUALIFIED = True if (self.wndExpandedTaskBar): # Just call SetToolTipText If self.wndExpandedTaskbar is not None self.wndExpandedTaskBar.SetToolTipText(uiTaskBar.ExpandedTaskBar.BUTTON_DRAGON_SOUL, uiScriptLocale.TASKBAR_DRAGON_SOUL) Kind Regards ~ Ken
  14. [Hidden Content] (#Error Code: 1136) Kind Regards ~ Ken
  15. bool Pick_IsPraticeSuccess(CItem & pick) { return pick.GetValue(1) != 0 ? (number(1, pick.GetValue(1)) == 1) : false; } Kind Regards ~ Ken
  16. You just need to remove the last experience, that's it Kind Regards ~ Ken
  17. Then the system cannot read a few file. Try to use official data folder.
  18. Metin2 needs data folder for every character. If you don't put them in the data folder, you'll get this error all the time. How can I find this data folder? Data folder is just using character's msa files, just take the msa files from pc.epk, pc2.epk, metin2_patch_pc3_m.epk Kind Regards ~ Ken
  19. At first, you have to build a value for PyCallClassMemberFunc. You can't do this just like that. PyObject *args = PyTuple_New(1); PyTuple_SetItem(args, 0, PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(PointChangeEx.amount)); PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "OnPickMoney", args); Your codes should be just like that. Kind Regards ~ Ken
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