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Everything posted by Ken

  1. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal )
  2. bool NewPlayerTable2(TPlayerTable * table, const char * name, BYTE race, BYTE shape, BYTE bEmpire) { if (race >= MAIN_RACE_MAX_NUM) { sys_err("NewPlayerTable2.OUT_OF_RACE_RANGE(%d >= max(%d))\n", race, MAIN_RACE_MAX_NUM); return false; } unsigned job; if (!RaceToJob(race, &job)) { sys_err("NewPlayerTable2.RACE_TO_JOB_ERROR(%d)\n", race); return false; } sys_log(0, "NewPlayerTable2(name=%s, race=%d, job=%d)", name, race, job); memset(table, 0, sizeof(TPlayerTable)); strlcpy(table->name, name, sizeof(table->name)); table->level = 1; table->job = race; // Á÷¾÷´ë½Å Á¾Á·À» ³Ö´Â´Ù table->voice = 0; table->part_base = shape; table->st = JobInitialPoints[job].st; table->dx = JobInitialPoints[job].dx; table->ht = JobInitialPoints[job].ht; table->iq = JobInitialPoints[job].iq; table->hp = JobInitialPoints[job].max_hp + table->ht * JobInitialPoints[job].hp_per_ht; table->sp = JobInitialPoints[job].max_sp + table->iq * JobInitialPoints[job].sp_per_iq; table->stamina = JobInitialPoints[job].max_stamina; table->x = CREATE_START_X(bEmpire) + number(-300, 300); table->y = CREATE_START_Y(bEmpire) + number(-300, 300); table->z = 0; table->dir = 0; table->playtime = 0; table->gold = 0; table->skill_group = 0; return true; } That will be enough for you. Filename : input_login.cpp Line : 383 Kind Regards Ken
  3. I have been see this on one forum and i'd like to share this on this forum too. A depressed death.
  4. Click refresh Right click and refresh Try to read pastebin logs. Kind Regards Ken Hello, i don't know how i can define the Mysql Function, but i compile the game new with the makefile from mainline and then it create a test and a game file. But!!! After 10 seconds the test and the game file (62 MB) get deleted The game file is for 10 seconds there but then it is deleted Why this lol? questlua_mysql.cpp #include "stdafx.h" #include "db.h" namespace quest { int mysql_query(lua_State * L) { return 0; } void RegisterMysqlFunctionTable() { luaL_reg mysql_functions[] = { { "query", mysql_query }, { NULL, NULL }, }; CQuestManager::instance().AddLuaFunctionTable("mysql", mysql_functions); } } questlua.cpp bool CQuestManager::InitializeLua() { L = lua_open(); luaopen_base(L); luaopen_table(L); luaopen_string(L); luaopen_math(L); //TEMP luaopen_io(L); luaopen_debug(L); RegisterAffectFunctionTable(); RegisterBuildingFunctionTable(); RegisterDungeonFunctionTable(); RegisterGameFunctionTable(); RegisterGuildFunctionTable(); RegisterHorseFunctionTable(); #ifdef __PET_SYSTEM__ RegisterPetFunctionTable(); #endif RegisterITEMFunctionTable(); RegisterMarriageFunctionTable(); RegisterNPCFunctionTable(); RegisterPartyFunctionTable(); RegisterPCFunctionTable(); RegisterQuestFunctionTable(); RegisterTargetFunctionTable(); RegisterArenaFunctionTable(); RegisterForkedFunctionTable(); RegisterMonarchFunctionTable(); RegisterOXEventFunctionTable(); RegisterMgmtFunctionTable(); RegisterBattleArenaFunctionTable(); RegisterDanceEventFunctionTable(); RegisterDragonLairFunctionTable(); RegisterSpeedServerFunctionTable(); RegisterDragonSoulFunctionTable(); RegisterMysqlFunctionTable(); { luaL_reg member_functions[] = { { "chat", member_chat }, { "set_ready", member_set_ready }, { "clear_ready", member_clear_ready }, { NULL, NULL } }; AddLuaFunctionTable("member", member_functions); } { luaL_reg highscore_functions[] = { { "register", highscore_register }, { "show", highscore_show }, { NULL, NULL } }; AddLuaFunctionTable("highscore", highscore_functions); } { luaL_reg mob_functions[] = { { "spawn", mob_spawn }, { "spawn_group", mob_spawn_group }, { NULL, NULL } }; AddLuaFunctionTable("mob", mob_functions); } // // global namespace functions // RegisterGlobalFunctionTable(L); // LUA_INIT_ERROR_MESSAGE { char settingsFileName[256]; snprintf(settingsFileName, sizeof(settingsFileName), "%s/settings.lua", LocaleService_GetBasePath().c_str()); int settingsLoadingResult = lua_dofile(L, settingsFileName); sys_log(0, "LoadSettings(%s), returns %d", settingsFileName, settingsLoadingResult); if (settingsLoadingResult != 0) { sys_err("LOAD_SETTINS_FAILURE(%s)", settingsFileName); return false; } } { char questlibFileName[256]; snprintf(questlibFileName, sizeof(questlibFileName), "%s/questlib.lua", LocaleService_GetQuestPath().c_str()); int questlibLoadingResult = lua_dofile(L, questlibFileName); sys_log(0, "LoadQuestlib(%s), returns %d", questlibFileName, questlibLoadingResult); if (questlibLoadingResult != 0) { sys_err("LOAD_QUESTLIB_FAILURE(%s)", questlibFileName); return false; } } if (LC_IsEurope()) { char translateFileName[256]; snprintf(translateFileName, sizeof(translateFileName), "%s/translate.lua", LocaleService_GetBasePath().c_str()); int translateLoadingResult = lua_dofile(L, translateFileName); sys_log(0, "LoadTranslate(%s), returns %d", translateFileName, translateLoadingResult); if (translateLoadingResult != 0) { sys_err("LOAD_TRANSLATE_ERROR(%s)", translateFileName); return false; } } { char questLocaleFileName[256]; if (LC_IsEurope()) { snprintf(questLocaleFileName, sizeof(questLocaleFileName), "%s/locale.lua", g_stQuestDir.c_str()); } else { snprintf(questLocaleFileName, sizeof(questLocaleFileName), "%s/locale_%s.lua", g_stQuestDir.c_str(), g_stLocale.c_str()); } int questLocaleLoadingResult = lua_dofile(L, questLocaleFileName); sys_log(0, "LoadQuestLocale(%s), returns %d", questLocaleFileName, questLocaleLoadingResult); if (questLocaleLoadingResult != 0) { sys_err("LoadQuestLocale(%s) FAILURE", questLocaleFileName); return false; } } // END_OF_LUA_INIT_ERROR_MESSAGE for (itertype(g_setQuestObjectDir) it = g_setQuestObjectDir.begin(); it != g_setQuestObjectDir.end(); ++it) { const string& stQuestObjectDir = *it; char buf[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/state/", stQuestObjectDir.c_str()); DIR * pdir = opendir(buf); int iQuestIdx = 0; if (pdir) { dirent * pde; while ((pde = readdir(pdir))) { if (pde->d_name[0] == '.') continue; snprintf(buf + 11, sizeof(buf) - 11, "%s", pde->d_name); RegisterQuest(pde->d_name, ++iQuestIdx); int ret = lua_dofile(L, (stQuestObjectDir + "/state/" + pde->d_name).c_str()); sys_log(0, "QUEST: loading %s, returns %d", (stQuestObjectDir + "/state/" + pde->d_name).c_str(), ret); BuildStateIndexToName(pde->d_name); } closedir(pdir); } } lua_setgcthreshold(L, 0); lua_newtable(L); lua_setglobal(L, "__codecache"); return true; } questlua.h #ifndef __HEADER_QUEST_LUA__ #define __HEADER_QUEST_LUA__ #include "quest.h" #include "buffer_manager.h" extern int test_server; extern int speed_server; namespace quest { extern void RegisterPCFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterNPCFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterTargetFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterAffectFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterBuildingFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterMarriageFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterITEMFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterDungeonFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterQuestFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterPartyFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterHorseFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterPetFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterGuildFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterGameFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterArenaFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterGlobalFunctionTable(lua_State* L); extern void RegisterForkedFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterMonarchFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterOXEventFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterMgmtFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterBattleArenaFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterDanceEventFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterDragonLairFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterSpeedServerFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterDragonSoulFunctionTable(); extern void RegisterMysqlFunctionTable(); extern void combine_lua_string(lua_State* L, std::ostringstream &s); struct FSetWarpLocation { long map_index; long x; long y; FSetWarpLocation (long _map_index, long _x, long _y) : map_index (_map_index), x (_x), y (_y) {} void operator () (LPCHARACTER ch); }; struct FSetQuestFlag { std::string flagname; int value; void operator () (LPCHARACTER ch); }; struct FPartyCheckFlagLt { std::string flagname; int value; bool operator () (LPCHARACTER ch); }; struct FPartyChat { int iChatType; const char* str; FPartyChat(int ChatType, const char* str); void operator() (LPCHARACTER ch); }; struct FPartyClearReady { void operator() (LPCHARACTER ch); }; struct FSendPacket { TEMP_BUFFER buf; void operator() (LPENTITY ent); }; struct FSendPacketToEmpire { TEMP_BUFFER buf; BYTE bEmpire; void operator() (LPENTITY ent); }; struct FWarpEmpire { BYTE m_bEmpire; long m_lMapIndexTo; long m_x; long m_y; void operator() (LPENTITY ent); }; EVENTINFO(warp_all_to_map_my_empire_event_info) { BYTE m_bEmpire; long m_lMapIndexFrom; long m_lMapIndexTo; long m_x; long m_y; warp_all_to_map_my_empire_event_info() : m_bEmpire( 0 ) , m_lMapIndexFrom( 0 ) , m_lMapIndexTo( 0 ) , m_x( 0 ) , m_y( 0 ) { } }; EVENTFUNC(warp_all_to_map_my_empire_event); struct FBuildLuaGuildWarList { lua_State * L; int m_count; FBuildLuaGuildWarList(lua_State * L); void operator() (DWORD g1, DWORD g2); }; } #endif /*__HEADER_QUEST_LUA__*/ You can see your game file for 10 seconds because it's linking by gmake. If there is any error in progress, system is going to remove this file. Kind Regards Ken
  5. Try to use ldd for learn library files for your game file. If there is missing library file, put the files in /usr/lib32 ldd fileName Kind Regards Ken
  6. [Hidden Content] If i have to talk about your second game log, you can't see your game file because system is gives to error. OBJDIR/questlua.o: In function `OBJDIR/questlua.o: In function `quest::CQuestManager::InitializeLua()': /usr/src/mainline_released/mainline_sg/Srcs/Server/game/src/questlua.cpp:493: undefined reference to `quest::RegisterMysqlFunctionTable()' quest::CQuestManager::InitializeLua()': /usr/src/mainline_released/mainline_sg/Srcs/Server/game/src/questlua.cpp:493: undefined reference to `quest::RegisterMysqlFunctionTable()' You have to define RegisterMysqlFunctionTable(). Click refresh Right click and refresh Try to read pastebin logs. Kind Regards Ken
  7. int npc_get_level(lua_State* L) { lua_pushnumber(L, CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentNPCCharacterPtr()->GetLevel()); return 1; } Wrong. int npc_get_level(lua_State * L) { LPCHARACTER npc = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentNPCCharacterPtr(); lua_pushnumber(L, npc ? npc->GetLevel() : 0); return 0; } Kind Regards Ken
  8. static bool CanMoveIntoBeltInventory(LPITEM item) { if (!item) return false; bool bCanMove = false; int ariClawVnums[] = { 6019, 6029, 6039, 6049 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < _countof(ariClawVnums); ++i) { if (item->GetVnum() == ariClawVnums[i]) bCanMove = true; } if (item->GetVnum() == ITEM_USE) { switch (item->GetSubType()) { case USE_POTION: case USE_POTION_DELAY: case USE_ABILITY_UP: bCanMove = true; break; } } return bCanMove; } _countof or countof : template < typename T, size_t N > size_t countof( T ( & arr )[ N ] ) { return std::extent< T[ N ] >::value; } Usefull codes. Kind Regards Ken
  9. and attack must be with A not with space ... my point it's doesn't matter P ~ Q ~ R ... or whatever Space should be jump but it's not gonna happen Some dream is not gonna happen. That's golden rule in this world
  10. The key should be M(Message). def __PressMKey(self): if (app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL)): if (interfaceModule.IsWhisperHide == 0): self.interface.HideAllWhisperButton() interfaceModule.IsWhisperHide = 1 else: self.interface.ShowAllWhisperButton() interfaceModule.IsWhisperHide = 0 Kind Regards Ken
  11. void CHARACTER::ChannelSwitch(int iNewChannel) { long lAddr, lMapIndex; WORD wPort; long x = GetX(); long y = GetY(); if (!CMapLocation::Instance().Get(x, y, lMapIndex, lAddr, wPort)) { sys_err("Can not find map location index[%ld] x[%ld] y[%ld] name[%s]", lMapIndex, x, y, GetName()); return; } if (lMapIndex >= 10000) return; std::map<WORD, BYTE> ChannelsPorts; for (BYTE i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (BYTE j = 2; j < 9; j++) ChannelsPorts[13 * 1000 + (i * 100) + j] = i + 1; } int iChannel = ChannelsPorts.find(wPort) != ChannelsPorts.end() ? ChannelsPorts[wPort] : 0; if (iChannel == 0) { sys_err("This port is not available! (%d)", wPort); return; } Stop(); Save(); if (GetSectree()) { GetSectree()->RemoveEntity(this); ViewCleanUp(); EncodeRemovePacket(this); } TPacketGCWarp p; p.bHeader = HEADER_GC_WARP; p.lX = x; p.lY = y; p.lAddr = lAddr; p.wPort = (wPort - 100 * (iChannel - 1) + 100 * (iNewChannel - 1)); GetDesc()->Packet(&p, sizeof(TPacketGCWarp)); } Kind Regards Ken
  12. This is what i get when i use debug binary: [Hidden Content] It's a pack error. It's not related to serverside.
  13. Try to read your game.core with gdb. It will be better for you.
  14. metin2_patch_new_pet1 ; [Hidden Content] For @Alina Kind Regards Ken
  15. Last error is just return nullptr and write error in syserr. That's not a crash problem.
  16. Metin2 is start to like AION online. That's all Everything for itemshop Gameforge uncle want to earn more money on the players
  17. Metin2 is start to like AION online. That's all
  18. It's seems your client is not load all things. You have to be sure about your index. If your index has not that pack names, you should add them and re-login. Your files may missing too. Kind Regards Ken
  19. metin2_patch_ramadan_costume - Come on webzen [Hidden Content]
  20. It's seems like nullptr. Are you sure about item pointer or show CShopManager::Sell() to us. Kind Regards Ken
  21. Add those things in your config file. adminpage_ip: your ip-address adminpage_password: your password If target is not know your adminpage password, he can not login your system. Default password is SHOWMETHEMONEY. Kind Regards Ken
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