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CHXMVN last won the day on April 2 2018

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  • Birthday 09/26/1995


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  1. Vegas has been one of the most experienced developers from the whole Metin2 scene for over a decade. If you have not experienced his service you have missed something!
  2. Still not working properly, it will delete the vnum when you load and remove some spawns from an old regen after you've saved it.
  3. What's about Japan? (OG Entertainment)
  4. Yea there is a missing file in the blow effect. For everyone who want to use this: Path: pc/assassin/effect/7-2.dds Download: [Hidden Content]
  5. Here's a little review of the offline-shop system. I don't have to mention the functions of the system since Ikarus has already uploaded a perfect video with a simple overview. But the system as awhole live is something completely different again, especially when you have seen the source code of the system. I can say that this is the best offline shop system on the market. This applies to the quality of the code and the functions. The trade was more than carefree, as I had pre-ordered the system. I was put on a list with a fixed date on which Ikarus installed the whole system. Of course, he was also on time. I own several systems that had to be specially adapted for the offline shop, he did this free of charge, among them were systems that did not belong to the functionality of the offline shop system. In terms of quality and support, there are few to zero people who offer exactly the same service as he does. I can only advise anyone to buy this excellent system, you won‘t regret it. Kind regards, CHXMVN.
  6. Here's a little review of the offline-shop system. I don't have to mention the functions of the system since Ikarus has already uploaded a perfect video with a simple overview. But the system as awhole live is something completely different again, especially when you have seen the source code of the system. I can say that this is the best offline shop system on the market. This applies to the quality of the code and the functions. The trade was more than carefree, as I had pre-ordered the system. I was put on a list with a fixed date on which Ikarus installed the whole system. Of course, he was also on time. I own several systems that had to be specially adapted for the offline shop, he did this free of charge, among them were systems that did not belong to the functionality of the offline shop system. In terms of quality and support, there are few to zero people who offer exactly the same service as he does. I can only advise anyone to buy this excellent system, you won‘t regret it. Kind regards, CHXMVN.
  7. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello, this type of system was already released on TurkMMO today, I thought I will post a in my opinion better implementation of this system. Download: [Hidden Content] Thanks to VegaS for the re-edit. Kind regards, CHMarvin.
  8. Great release, I really like the EXP feature. Could you add a way to reload the shop_ex_table?
  9. Check def OnMouseLeftButtonUp and def __PutItem in game.py
  10. The best series ever made: La casa de papel
  11. Just use your already defined ssh key and a MySQL user@localhost. Edit your connection like that:
  12. Change def Close(self): self.Hide() if app.ENABLE_SORT_INVEN: def ClickYenileButton(self): if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT): net.SortInven(2) elif app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL): net.SortInven(3) else: net.SortInven(1) to def Close(self): self.Hide() if app.ENABLE_SORT_INVEN: def ClickYenileButton(self): if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT): net.SortInven(2) elif app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL): net.SortInven(3) else: net.SortInven(1)
  13. Just skip the "new" scale function and use your old one, it's working I did that 3 years ago. It can't be that different.
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