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Everything posted by xP3NG3Rx

  1. Like this: ## Wolfman content chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+42, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_poison/bleeding_loop.mse") chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+43, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_flame/flame_loop_w.mse") chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+44, "", "d:/ymir work/pc3/common/effect/gyeokgongjang_loop_w.mse") ## End of Wolfman content From official. chr.AFFECT_BLEEDING: 42 chr.AFFECT_RED_POSSESSION: 43 chr.AFFECT_BLUE_POSSESSION: 44
  2. Here is in xml: [Hidden Content] Syntax: <MobDef Vnum="101" Name="??" LocalizedName="Căo Selvagem" Type="0" Rank="0" BattleType="0" Level="1" Size="0" DropGoldMin="0" DropGoldMax="0" Experience="15" MaxHP="126" RegenCycle="6" RegenPercent="7" Defense="4" AIFlags="0" RaceFlag="1" ImmuneFlag="0" Str="3" Dex="6" Con="5" Int="2" DamageMin="20" DamageMax="24" AttackSpeed="100" MovingSpeed="100" AggressiveHPPct="0" AggressiveSight="2000" AttackRange="175" EnchantCurse="0" EnchantSlow="0" EnchantPoison="0" EnchantStun="0" EnchantCritical="0" EnchantPenetrate="0" ResistSword="0" ResistTwohand="0" ResistDagger="0" ResistBell="0" FesistFan="0" ResistBow="0" ResistFire="0" ResistElect="0" ResistMagic="0" ResistWind="0" ResistPoison="0" ResistBleeding="0" ResurrectionVnum="0" DropItemVnum="0" MountCapacity="0" OnClickType="0" Empire="0" Folder="stray_dog" DamMultiply="1.000000" SummonVnum="0" DrainSP="0" MonsterColor="0" PolymorphItemVnum="0" SkillVnum0="0" SkillLevel0="0" SkillVnum1="0" SkillLevel1="0" SkillVnum2="0" SkillLevel2="0" SkillVnum3="0" SkillLevel3="0" SkillVnum4="0" SkillLevel4="0" BerserkPoint="0" StoneSkinPoint="0" GodSpeedPoint="0" DeathBlowPoint="0" RevivePoint="0" />
  3. Cruel: There is my item_proto-table that tells everything. But if someone does not use his brain, I will not help. Anyway, here is my ClientManagerBoot.cpp: [Hidden Content] It is not clean so, be careful what do you do with it! Use a comparer tool to check the differences.
  4. Juventa feat. Erica Curran - Move Into Light (Koven Remix) <3
  5. With original old skill effects? **_**
  6. item.cpp -> bool CItem::CanPutInto(LPITEM item)
  7. You can do it here: def __SetNormalItemTitle(self): self.SetTitle(item.GetItemName()) def __SetSpecialItemTitle(self): self.AppendTextLine(item.GetItemName(), self.SPECIAL_TITLE_COLOR) def __SetItemTitle(self, itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot): if localeInfo.IsCANADA(): if 72726 == itemVnum or 72730 == itemVnum: self.AppendTextLine(item.GetItemName(), grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 0.7843, 0.0, 1.0)) return if self.__IsPolymorphItem(itemVnum): self.__SetPolymorphItemTitle(metinSlot[0]) else: if self.__IsAttr(attrSlot): self.__SetSpecialItemTitle() return self.__SetNormalItemTitle()
  8. Please forget the unnecessary quote(s). If you make a private shop with a stack of packages (ex: with 103pcs) it will not remove every packages, just only one of them. So when you made a private shop, after the opening you will have 102 packages more. Ahh, maybe he want to change the vnum of package.. In this case you can do it on this offset: 58F7A: 18 C4 is in hex form 0xC418 = 50200 00058F79: 3D 18 C4 00 00 18 C4 00 00 this is the VNUM of package.
  9. What are you talking about? Could you explain it?
  10. Use this batchfile to collecting the source files into rar archive: @echo off if %1=="" goto :eof set SAVESTAMP=%DATE:-=%%TIME::=% set SAVESTAMP=%SAVESTAMP: =0% set SAVESTAMP=%SAVESTAMP:,=% if not exist "%~1_backup" ( mkdir "%~1_backup%" echo make dir: "%~n1_backup" ) echo backup name: "%~n1_%SAVESTAMP%" "c:Program FilesWinRARWinRAR.exe" a -r "%~1_backup/%~n1_%SAVESTAMP%.rar" -m5 -ep1 -n*.h -n*.c -n*.cc -n*.cpp -n*.hpp -n*.sln -n*.suo -n*.vssscc -n*.vcproj -n*.vcxproj -n*.vspscc -n*.cur -n*.ico -n*.manifest -n*.filters -n*.user -n*.aps -n*.rc -n*.vspscc "%~1" echo "%~n1_backup/%~n1_%SAVESTAMP%.rar" pause :eof Usage: cmd# backup Server[ENTER] w8 until done and press a button. ps. This batch-script made by Terenzo.
  11. Try this dif on clean r34669 binary: 000BD1C3: 00 01 Or find this in hex mode: 83 C4 04 85 C0 74 E6 6A 00 E8 A7 ED 07 00 And replace with this: 83 C4 04 85 C0 74 E6 6A 01 E8 A7 ED 07 00
  12. Sorry, I will not create sql from these, but here they are in xml: item&mob-proto(gf)-de-2015.01.11.rar - MEGA.co.nz And here they are in txt format(Be carefull, wolfman contents are in these files!!): item&mob-proto-txt(gf)-de-2015.01.11.rar - MEGA.co.nz
  13. int pet_is_mine(lua_State* L) { CQuestManager& q = CQuestManager::instance(); LPCHARACTER mch = q.GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); LPCHARACTER tch = q.GetCurrentNPCCharacterPtr(); CPetSystem* petSystem = mch->GetPetSystem(); CPetActor* petActor = petSystem->GetByVID(tch->GetVID()); // ~ DEBUG Messages: /* sys_log(0, "mch->GetVID : %d", mch->GetVID()); sys_log(0, "npc->GetVID : %d", npc->GetVID()); sys_log(0, "petSystem : %s", (petSystem ? "True":"False")); sys_log(0, "petActor : %s", (petActor ? "True":"False")); sys_log(0, "npc->IsPet() : %s", (npc->IsPet() ? "True":"False")); if (petActor) sys_log(0, "petActor->GetOwner()->GetVID() : %d", petActor->GetOwner()->GetVID()); */ lua_pushboolean(L, tch && tch->IsPet() && petActor && petActor->GetOwner() == mch); return 1; } I'm using this and works completely.
  14. game.py: self.is_summoned_horse = self.affectShower.horseImage <> None Or try with this: import uiAffectShower summoned = uiAffectShower.AffectShower().horseImage <> None
  15. No. The packets are not same, 'coz the serverside packets are changed, and the client can't handle the new packet, and his syserr.txt should contain the "Unknown packet..." error message too. Check the #67 post by me(Scroll up).
  16. You have to decrease the value of MotionEventDataCount by 2 in the skill files. Sorry for lately post.
  17. Dada Life feat. Sebastian Bach - Born to Rage (Original Mix)
  18. But martys code looks like working. Read about strcmp here: [Hidden Content] Maybe try with this code: if (strcmp(g_szPublicIP, "") != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Illegal IPn"); exit(1); } However if your protected core will be publicly these things easily bypassable.
  19. I have made this myself by another way. (No need glass to make shout if empire_chat is enabled.) Check my part of code to solve your problem: const char * ColoredEmpireNames[4] = {"0", "|cFFFF0000[Shinshoo]|r", "|cFFFFFF00[Chunjo]|r", "|cFF0080FF[Jinno]|r",}; const char * ColoredTeamName = "|cFFFFC700[Team]|r"; len = snprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), "%s %s : %s", ch->GetGMLevel() != GM_PLAYER ? ColoredTeamName : ColoredEmpireNames[ch->GetEmpire()], ch->GetName(), buf); The [shinsoo] is so ugly on printscreen by client:
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