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Posts posted by Galet

  1. Corrected tabulation, code, include and english How-To :D


    Search in petsystem.h "void unmount();" and add this under :
    bool            Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim = NULL);

    It's look like this :

    Then search "CPetActor* GetByVnum(DWORD vnum) const;"
    and add this under :
    void        LaunchAttack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim = NULL);


    It's look like this :

    -> Save and then open PetSystem.cpp:
    Search the "bool CPetActor::Update(DWORD deltaTime)" function

    And replace it with this :

    bool CPetActor::Update(DWORD deltaTime)
        bool bResult = false;
        if (m_pkOwner->IsDead() || (IsSummoned() && m_pkChar->IsDead())
                || NULL == ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(this->GetSummonItemVID())
                || ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(this->GetSummonItemVID())->GetOwner() != this->GetOwner()
            return true;
        if (this->GetCharacter()->GetVictim())
            bResult = this->Attack();
        if (!bResult)
        if (this->IsSummoned() && HasOption(EPetOption_Followable))
            bResult = this->_UpdateFollowAI();
        return bResult;
    Search the "void CPetActor::ClearBuff()" function
    And add this function under :
    bool CPetActor::Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim)
        if (pkVictim)
            if (!pkVictim->IsMonster() || pkVictim->IsDead())
                return false;
            if (m_pkChar->GetVictim())
                return false;
            pkVictim = m_pkChar->GetVictim();
            if (!pkVictim)
                return false;
        const PIXEL_POSITION& rkPetPos = m_pkChar->GetXYZ();
        const PIXEL_POSITION& rkVictimPos = pkVictim->GetXYZ();
        int iDistance = DISTANCE_APPROX(rkPetPos.x - rkVictimPos.x, rkPetPos.y - rkVictimPos.y);
        if (iDistance >= m_pkChar->GetMobAttackRange())
            m_pkChar->Follow(pkVictim, m_pkChar->GetMobAttackRange());
            if (get_dword_time() - m_pkChar->GetLastAttackTime() >= 3000)
                if (m_pkChar->Attack(pkVictim))
                    m_pkChar->SendMovePacket(FUNC_ATTACK, 0, rkPetPos.x, rkPetPos.y, 0, get_dword_time());
    return true;

    It will look like this:

    Search "bool CPetSystem::Update(DWORD deltaTime)"
    And add this above:
    void CPetSystem::LaunchAttack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim)
        if (!pkVictim)
        for (itertype(m_petActorMap) it = m_petActorMap.begin(); it != m_petActorMap.end(); ++it)
            CPetActor* pkPetActor = it->second;
            if (pkPetActor->IsSummoned())
    It will look like this:
    Save and open "char_battle.cpp" :
    Add a the begining :
    #include "PetSystem.h"
    Then search this function :
    "bool CHARACTER::Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim, BYTE bType)"
    And especially this part:
            // only pc sets victim null. For npc, state machine will reset this.
            if (BATTLE_DEAD == iRet && IsPC())
    Add this under:
            if (BATTLE_DEAD != iRet && IsPC())
                if (m_petSystem && m_petSystem->CountSummoned() > 0)
    It will look like this:
    Save and open "pvp.cpp"

    Then search this function : "bool CPVPManager::CanAttack(LPCHARACTER pkChr, LPCHARACTER pkVictim)"

    And add this under :
        if (pkChr->IsPet() && pkVictim->IsMonster())
            return true;
        if (pkChr->IsMonster() && pkVictim->IsPet())
            return true;
    Like this:


    Recompile, and done :D

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