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Posts posted by Night


    I've changed Lzo and Xtea, first in my .exe then unpacked the files of pack with eternexus changed the lzo xtea keys in eternexus as well packed them all put them back in my client. The .exe opens i login the server but while loading the window close. Sysser:

    0102 17:53:40183 :: LZObject: key incorrect
    0102 17:53:40771 :: LZObject: key incorrect
    0102 17:53:40787 :: LZObject: key incorrect
    0102 17:53:40960 :: LZObject: key incorrect
    0102 17:53:41128 :: LZObject: key incorrect
    0102 17:53:41137 :: LZObject: key incorrect
    0102 17:53:41144 :: LZObject: key incorrect
    0102 17:53:41153 :: LZObject: key incorrect
    0102 17:53:41159 :: LZObject: key incorrect
    0102 17:53:41164 :: LZObject: key incorrect
    0102 17:53:41181 :: LZObject: key incorrect
    0102 17:53:41446 :: LZObject: key incorrect
    0102 17:54:39903 :: CMapBase::LoadProperty(FileName=metin2_map_a1MapProperty.txt) - LoadMultipleTextData ERROR ÆÄÀÏÀÌ ¾øÀ» °¡´É¼ºÀÌ ¸¹½À´Ï´Ù.
    0102 17:54:39903 :: CMapManager::LoadMap() Invalid Map Type
    0102 17:54:39903 :: CPythonBackground::SelectViewDistanceNum(int eNum=0) mc_pcurEnvironmentData is NULL


    bad chose , eternexus is a bad chose if you ask it does not unpack type 2 files (including almost all of the maps dir and etc) wich mean all. those thing will be missing . even if key is correct the client wont even pass to the map (crush or errors).

  2. dumb_proto should not cz you somthing like this unless. try mine :


    btw (specular here = 80 in yours 100)

  3. does not realy mater those are just names used to give autorisation to use a commend nothing more nothing less :

    struct command_info cmd_info[] =
    	{ "!RESERVED!",	NULL,			0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	}, /* ¹Ýµå½Ã ÀÌ °ÍÀÌ Ã³À½À̾î¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. */
    	{ "who",		do_who,			0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "war",		do_war,			0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "warp",		do_warp,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "user",		do_user,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "notice",		do_notice,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "notice_map",	do_map_notice,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "big_notice",	do_big_notice,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "nowar",		do_nowar,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "purge",		do_purge,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_WIZARD	},
    	{ "weaken",		do_weaken,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_GOD		},
    	{ "dc",		do_disconnect,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "transfer",	do_transfer,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "goto",		do_goto,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "level",		do_level,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "eventflag",	do_event_flag,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "geteventflag",	do_get_event_flag,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "item",		do_item,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_GOD		},
    	{ "mob",		do_mob,			0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "mob_ld",		do_mob_ld,			0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	}, /* ¸÷ÀÇ À§Ä¡¿Í ¹æÇâÀ» ¼³Á¤ÇØ ¼Òȯ /mob_ld vnum x y dir */
    	{ "ma",		do_mob_aggresive,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "mc",		do_mob_coward,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "mm",		do_mob_map,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "kill",		do_kill,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "ipurge",		do_item_purge,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "group",		do_group,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "grrandom",	do_group_random,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "set",		do_set,			0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "reset",		do_reset,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "greset",		do_greset,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "advance",	do_advance,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_GOD		},
    	{ "book",		do_book,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR  },
    	{ "console",	do_console,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "shutdow",	do_inputall,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "shutdown",	do_shutdown,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "stat",		do_stat,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "stat-",		do_stat_minus,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "stat_reset",	do_stat_reset,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "state",		do_state,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "stun",		do_stun,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "slow",		do_slow,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "respawn",	do_respawn,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_WIZARD	},
    	{ "makeguild",	do_makeguild,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "deleteguild",	do_deleteguild,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "mount",		do_mount,		0,			POS_MOUNTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "restart_here",	do_restart,		SCMD_RESTART_HERE,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "restart_town",	do_restart,		SCMD_RESTART_TOWN,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "phase_selec",	do_inputall,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "phase_select",	do_cmd,			SCMD_PHASE_SELECT,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "qui",		do_inputall,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "quit",		do_cmd,			SCMD_QUIT,		POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "logou",		do_inputall,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "logout",		do_cmd,			SCMD_LOGOUT,		POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "skillup",	do_skillup,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "gskillup",	do_guildskillup,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "pvp",		do_pvp,			0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "safebox",	do_safebox_size,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "safebox_close",	do_safebox_close,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "safebox_passwor",do_inputall,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "safebox_password",do_safebox_password,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "safebox_change_passwor", do_inputall,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "safebox_change_password", do_safebox_change_password,	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "mall_passwor",	do_inputall,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "mall_password",	do_mall_password,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "mall_close",	do_mall_close,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	// Group Command
    	{ "ungroup",	do_ungroup,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "refine_rod",	do_refine_rod,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	// REFINE_PICK 
    	{ "refine_pick",	do_refine_pick,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "max_pick",	do_max_pick,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "fish_simul",	do_fishing_simul,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "invisible",	do_invisibility,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "qf",		do_qf,			0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "clear_quest",	do_clear_quest,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "close_shop",	do_close_shop,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "set_walk_mode",	do_set_walk_mode,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "set_run_mode",	do_set_run_mode,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "setjob",do_set_skill_group,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "setskill",	do_setskill,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "setskillother",	do_setskillother,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "setskillpoint",  do_set_skill_point,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "reload",		do_reload,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "cooltime",	do_cooltime,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "gwlist",		do_gwlist,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "gwstop",		do_stop_guild_war,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "gwcancel",	do_cancel_guild_war, 0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "gstate",		do_guild_state,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "pkmode",		do_pkmode,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "messenger_auth",	do_messenger_auth,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "getqf",		do_getqf,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "setqf",		do_setqf,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "delqf",		do_delqf,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "set_state",	do_set_state,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "·Î±×¸¦º¸¿©Áà",	do_detaillog,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "¸ó½ºÅͺ¸¿©Áà",	do_monsterlog,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "detaillog",	do_detaillog,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "monsterlog",	do_monsterlog,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "forgetme",	do_forgetme,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "aggregate",	do_aggregate,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "attract_ranger",	do_attract_ranger,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "pull_monster",	do_pull_monster,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "setblockmode",	do_setblockmode,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "polymorph",	do_polymorph,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "polyitem",	do_polymorph_item,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD },
    	{ "priv_empire",	do_priv_empire,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "priv_guild",	do_priv_guild,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "mount_test",	do_mount_test,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "unmount",	do_unmount,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "private",	do_private,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "party_request",	do_party_request,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "party_request_accept", do_party_request_accept,0,		POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "party_request_deny", do_party_request_deny,0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "observer",	do_observer,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "observer_exit",	do_observer_exit,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "socketitem",	do_socket_item,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "saveati",	do_save_attribute_to_image, 0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "xmas_boom",	do_xmas,		SCMD_XMAS_BOOM,		POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "xmas_snow",	do_xmas,		SCMD_XMAS_SNOW,		POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "xmas_santa",	do_xmas,		SCMD_XMAS_SANTA,	POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "view_equip",	do_view_equip,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER   	},
    	{ "jy",				do_block_chat,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	// BLOCK_CHAT
    	{ "vote_block_chat", do_vote_block_chat,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "block_chat",		do_block_chat,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "block_chat_list",do_block_chat_list,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "build",		do_build,		0,		POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "clear_land", do_clear_land,	0,		POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "affect_remove",	do_affect_remove,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "horse_state",	do_horse_state,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "horse_level",	do_horse_level,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "horse_ride",	do_horse_ride,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "horse_summon",	do_horse_summon,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "horse_unsummon",	do_horse_unsummon,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "horse_set_stat", do_horse_set_stat,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "pcbang_update", 	do_pcbang_update,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "pcbang_check", 	do_pcbang_check,	0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "emotion_allow",	do_emotion_allow,	0,			POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "kiss",		do_emotion,		0,			POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "slap",		do_emotion,		0,			POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "french_kiss",	do_emotion,		0,			POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "clap",		do_emotion,		0,			POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "cheer1",		do_emotion,		0,			POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "cheer2",		do_emotion,		0,			POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	// DANCE
    	{ "dance1",		do_emotion,		0,			POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "dance2",		do_emotion,		0,			POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "dance3",		do_emotion,		0,			POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "dance4",		do_emotion,		0,			POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "dance5",		do_emotion,		0,			POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "dance6",		do_emotion,		0,			POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	// END_OF_DANCE
    	{ "congratulation",	do_emotion,	0,	POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "forgive",		do_emotion,	0,	POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "angry",		do_emotion,	0,	POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "attractive",	do_emotion,	0,	POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "sad",		do_emotion,	0,	POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "shy",		do_emotion,	0,	POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "cheerup",	do_emotion,	0,	POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "banter",		do_emotion,	0,	POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "joy",		do_emotion,	0,	POS_FIGHTING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "change_attr",	do_change_attr,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "add_attr",	do_add_attr,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "add_socket",	do_add_socket,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "user_horse_ride",	do_user_horse_ride,		0,		POS_FISHING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "user_horse_back",	do_user_horse_back,		0,		POS_FISHING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "user_horse_feed",	do_user_horse_feed,		0,		POS_FISHING,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "show_arena_list",	do_show_arena_list,		0,		POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "end_all_duel",		do_end_all_duel,		0,		POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "end_duel",			do_end_duel,			0,		POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "duel",				do_duel,				0,		POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "con+",			do_stat_plus_amount,	POINT_HT,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "int+",			do_stat_plus_amount,	POINT_IQ,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "str+",			do_stat_plus_amount,	POINT_ST,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "dex+",			do_stat_plus_amount,	POINT_DX,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "break_marriage",	do_break_marriage,		0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "show_quiz",			do_oxevent_show_quiz,	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "log_oxevent",		do_oxevent_log,			0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "get_oxevent_att",	do_oxevent_get_attender,0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "effect",				do_effect,				0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "threeway_info",		do_threeway_war_info,	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD},
    	{ "threeway_myinfo",	do_threeway_war_myinfo, 0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD},
    	{ "mto",				do_monarch_warpto,		0, 	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER},
    	{ "mtr",				do_monarch_transfer,	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER},
    	{ "minfo",		do_monarch_info,		0,  POS_DEAD,   GM_PLAYER},	
    	{ "mtax",			do_monarch_tax,			0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER},
    	{ "mmob",			do_monarch_mob,			0, 	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER},
    	{ "elect",				do_elect,				0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD},
    	{ "rmcandidacy",		do_rmcandidacy,			0, 	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD},
    	{ "setmonarch",			do_setmonarch,			0, 	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD},
    	{ "rmmonarch",			do_rmmonarch,			0, 	POS_DEAD, 	GM_LOW_WIZARD},
    	{ "hair",				do_hair,				0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "inventory",			do_inventory,			0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "cube",				do_cube,				0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "siege",				do_siege,				0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "temp",				do_temp,				0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "frog",				do_frog,				0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "check_mmoney",		do_check_monarch_money,	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	},
    	{ "reset_subskill",		do_reset_subskill,		0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD },
    	{ "flush",				do_flush,				0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR },
    	{ "gift",				do_gift,				0,  POS_DEAD,   GM_PLAYER	},	//gift
    	{ "mnotice",			do_monarch_notice,		0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "eclipse",			do_eclipse,				0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "weeklyevent",		do_weeklyevent,			0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "eventhelper",		do_event_helper,		0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_HIGH_WIZARD	},
    	{ "in_game_mall",		do_in_game_mall,		0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "get_mob_count",		do_get_mob_count,		0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "dice",				do_dice,				0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER		},
    	{ "ÁÖ»çÀ§",				do_dice,				0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER		},
    	{ "special_item",			do_special_item,	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR		},
    	{ "click_mall",			do_click_mall,			0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER		},
    	{ "ride",				do_ride,				0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "item_id_list",	do_get_item_id_list,	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "set_socket",		do_set_socket,			0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    #ifdef __AUCTION__
    	// auction ÀÓ½Ã
    	{ "auction_list",	do_get_auction_list,	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "my_auction_list", do_get_my_auction_list, 0, POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "my_purchase_list", do_get_my_purchase_list, 0, POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "enroll_auction",		do_enroll_auction, 		0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "bid", do_auction_bid, 	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "impur", do_auction_impur, 	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "enroll_wish", do_enroll_wish, 	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "enroll_sale", do_enroll_sale, 	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "get_auctioned_item", do_get_auctioned_item, 	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "buy_sold_item", do_buy_sold_item, 	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "cancel_auction", do_cancel_auction, 	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "cancel_wish", do_cancel_wish, 	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "cancel_sale", do_cancel_sale, 	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "rebid", do_rebid, 	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "bid_cancel", do_bid_cancel, 	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "costume",			do_costume, 			0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "tcon",			do_set_stat,	POINT_HT,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "tint",			do_set_stat,	POINT_IQ,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "tstr",			do_set_stat,	POINT_ST,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "tdex",			do_set_stat,	POINT_DX,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD	},
    	{ "cannot_dead",			do_can_dead,	1,	POS_DEAD,		GM_LOW_WIZARD},
    	{ "can_dead",				do_can_dead,	0,	POS_DEAD,		GM_LOW_WIZARD},
    	{ "full_set",	do_full_set, 0, POS_DEAD,		GM_LOW_WIZARD},
    	{ "item_full_set",	do_item_full_set, 0, POS_DEAD,		GM_LOW_WIZARD},
    	{ "attr_full_set",	do_attr_full_set, 0, POS_DEAD,		GM_LOW_WIZARD},
    	{ "all_skill_master",	do_all_skill_master,	0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_LOW_WIZARD},
    	{ "use_item",		do_use_item,	0, POS_DEAD,		GM_LOW_WIZARD},
    	{ "dragon_soul",				do_dragon_soul,				0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "ds_list",				do_ds_list,				0,	POS_DEAD,	GM_PLAYER	},
    	{ "do_clear_affect", do_clear_affect, 	0, POS_DEAD,		GM_LOW_WIZARD},
    	{ "n",		NULL,			0,			POS_DEAD,	GM_IMPLEMENTOR	}  /* ¹Ýµå½Ã ÀÌ °ÍÀÌ ¸¶Áö¸·À̾î¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. */
  4. happy new year , you could also clean and upload every released src (about 20mb per each on) the totale would be about 8*20 mb (for server src) the client would be the same this will be a totale of 300 mb for the full src (wich mean about 9-10 time less the krizy.txz). this can be helpfull for ppl with slow internet .



    i have problem

    constants.cpp:377: error: too many initializers for 'const DWORD [301]'
    constants.cpp:692: error: too many initializers for 'const DWORD [301]'
    constants.cpp:1007: error: too many initializers for 'const DWORD [301]'

    how to fix it



    try change the DWORD to DWORDLONG


    PLAYER_EXP_TABLE_MAX > exp table || exp table > PLAYER_EXP_TABLE_MAX

  6. well sense you have the src you might as well compilie it on Debian 6 the binary must be complied on windows sense most of the world pc users use windows as there main desktop system , well you must know who the game work (at least try some speed server , you must play the game after all) the you can have a background on what is metin2 to begin with .

  7. I Hear About This BUG


    Some Time Item's Just Deleted With No Reason

    this was never a bug to begin with , it just bcz (most ppl) just shut the server down without closing the server properly and there was a bug like this on 34k , i never used 34k to begin with so i can't realy help , 

    for what Sanchez said , there is no mistake it is the only (fastest way) to do it . (this does not mean it's the only way you may create any number of solution you like )

  8. this error (well that is if it is an error to begin with) does apear for many reason :

    misconfiguration , bad files , wrong access (the game is trying to access something that it should not access like a freebsd system file) , or other things , something wrong on your code etc

    at the same time it might apear out of the blue for no reason like i just download it from the net and Oops i got this illogical error , (happend to me with many cores , my own , vanilla , 2 (from my friends) , and another one )

    however you can always try to move it using cp commend or just creat a symlink. and try . look at your generated syslog and try to check were your prossess is stoping by analysing your game.core file


    Here it is with text file if someone still interested:



    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "item_block.h"
    #include <fstream>
    #include <sstream>
    void CItemBlock::Process(void)
    	std::string strMapIndex;
    	std::string strItemVnums;
    	std::ifstream File("blocked_items.txt");
    	if (!File.is_open())
    	if (!m_map_BlockedItems.empty())
    	while (!File.eof())
    		File >> strMapIndex >> strItemVnums;
    		std::string strItemVnum;
    		std::istringstream Vnums(strItemVnums);
    		while (std::getline(Vnums, strItemVnum, ','))
    			AddItem(strtoul(strMapIndex.c_str(), NULL, 10), strtoul(strItemVnum.c_str(), NULL, 10));
    void CItemBlock::AddItem(const long lMapIndex, const DWORD dwVnum)
    	if (lMapIndex < 0 || dwVnum < 0)
    	m_map_BlockedItems.insert(std::make_pair(lMapIndex, dwVnum));
    void CItemBlock::RemoveItem(const long lMapIndex, const DWORD dwVnum)
    	if (lMapIndex < 0 || dwVnum < 0)
    	for (BLOCKED_ITEMS::const_iterator it = m_map_BlockedItems.begin(); it != m_map_BlockedItems.end()
    		if (it->first == lMapIndex && it->second == dwVnum)
    			it = m_map_BlockedItems.erase(it);
    bool CItemBlock::CanUseItem(const long lMapIndex, const DWORD dwVnum) const
    	for (BLOCKED_ITEMS::const_iterator it = m_map_BlockedItems.begin(); it != m_map_BlockedItems.end()
    		if (it->first == lMapIndex && it->second == dwVnum)
    			return false;
    	return true;


    #ifndef __ITEM_BLOCK
    #define __ITEM_BLOCK
    class CItemBlock : public singleton<CItemBlock>
    	        void	Process(void);
    	        bool	CanUseItem(const long lMapIndex, const DWORD dwVnum) const;
    	        void	AddItem(const long lMapIndex, const DWORD dwVnum);
    	        void	RemoveItem(const long lMapIndex, const DWORD dwVnum);
    		typedef std::multimap<long, DWORD> BLOCKED_ITEMS;
    		BLOCKED_ITEMS m_map_BlockedItems;
    #endif /* __ITEM_BLOCK */

    - Item can be removed runtime by using the RemoveItem(map_index, item_vnum) function.

    - Item can be added runtime by using the AddItem(map_index, item_vnum) function

    - To load the txt file use the Process() function


    Example of the TXT file:

    50 120229,252391
    51 10000,20000
    52 43232

    i like how you make a new cpp + header for easy remove when you need to

  10. In my humble oppinion it's better to use two or three cores than raising that limit. I would guess that Ymir put it there for a reason.

    i guess that ymir does not even now why they put such a limitation , but let's assum that just for safty .


    i was going to edit long ago but it was not realy bothersome having many cores per-ch can be usefull some times (depend on many thing)

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