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Posts posted by Night

  1. You must edit type DWORD to long long in shop.cpp and shop.h ;)

    edit a unsigned to a signed one ?

    there is the unsigned version of long long (unsigned long long) + DWORDLONG (im not sure if this will work with gcc or clang)

    but you can use something like this :

    typedef unsigned long long DWORDLONG;


    • Love 1
  2. open "char_battle.cpp" from game folder in server source and search for

    void CHARACTER::UseArrow(LPITEM pkArrow, DWORD dwArrowCount)

    it'll be like this

    void CHARACTER::UseArrow(LPITEM pkArrow, DWORD dwArrowCount)
        int iCount = pkArrow->GetCount();
        DWORD dwVnum = pkArrow->GetVnum();
        iCount = iCount - MIN(iCount, dwArrowCount);
        if (iCount == 0)
            LPITEM pkNewArrow = FindSpecifyItem(dwVnum);
            sys_log(0, "UseArrow : FindSpecifyItem %u %p", dwVnum, get_pointer(pkNewArrow));
            if (pkNewArrow)

    make it look like this

    void CHARACTER::UseArrow(LPITEM pkArrow, DWORD dwArrowCount)
        int iCount = pkArrow->GetCount();
        DWORD dwVnum = pkArrow->GetVnum();
        if (iCount == 0)
            LPITEM pkNewArrow = FindSpecifyItem(dwVnum);
            sys_log(0, "UseArrow : FindSpecifyItem %u %p", dwVnum, get_pointer(pkNewArrow));
            if (pkNewArrow)


    btw this :

        if (iCount == 0)
            LPITEM pkNewArrow = FindSpecifyItem(dwVnum);
            sys_log(0, "UseArrow : FindSpecifyItem %u %p", dwVnum, get_pointer(pkNewArrow));
            if (pkNewArrow)

    is basicly mmmmmmm useless

  3. don't you think that using "int" as a type is going a bit too far?

    for two reason :

    the first is that the range of an int is way too big for the level , after all who is going to have the max level 1kk for ex?

    well it can always be used. but be logical this is a bit too far. you can if it is for the player rank you can always do what ymir has done (the ability to get exp even on the max level (in this case you will have to change the exp var type)).

    the secound reason is why are you using a type that accept negative value? that can cause some problems

    at least use DWORD or unsigned short.

    and you did forget all of the quest functions that uses the level var.

    good luck.

    • Love 1
  4. My problem is that i must Buy 2 Servers. 1 for compile and 1 for play.. because i use up to 4 Channels and so i can't use more then 4?GB Ram on a 32bit Maschine ._.

    That's why i need to compile on 64 Bit.. did anyone have a other soulution?

    I don't wana compile on PC.. Upload Game (43MB) cost to many time

    this is what a wise server admin should do anyway.

    - if you compile your src on 32bit system then upload it to a 64bit system , this is perfectly okey.

    - if you compile your src  on 64bit with a 32bit jail (the same a virtualzation) , this is okey as well.

    - compiling on 64bit directly is still not alright though -.- (i think that you already got this part from my last post)

    your best solution is to make a jail on your main server --if your server is good enough-- you can link it to another IP (basicly it is the same as having 2 servers) you can have your test on it and ...etc , btw the ftp is directly linked to the main server and the jail can be directly accessed by the main machine.

    i hope this information can be usefull for you , you can have more info about how to make a jail from freebsd man

    man jail
    • Love 1
  5. Atm i compile on 32bit system.. i not installed a 64 Bit system.. did you have a instruction please?

    compiling the game core under 64bit is differnt in many ways :

    under a 64 bit means that you are compiling the src directly in a 64bit freebsd w/o jail so you have to compile the client bin in 64bit (duo to the packet size changing) . (not recommeneded any way and no one has wasted his time on it there is still a good number of 32bit user)

    it is hard to compile

    the game was not designed to work on a 64bit .

    if i remember correctly the marco :


    was not used at all

    any way good luck.

    • Love 1
  6. SYSERR: Jul  5 11:04:56 :: Process: SEQUENCE 375a1800 mismatch 0xaf != 0x64 header 254
    SYSERR: Jul  5 11:04:56 :: Process: SEQUENCE_LOG [UNKNOWN]------------

    not a real  bug , you can always buy the fix.

    SYSERR: Jul  5 10:17:53 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(4074) Map(63) 

    well it is clear that you do not have this group of monster that are begin called in map 63 (check your index in locale/localename/map for the map name) remove it or add this group

    SYSERR: Jul  3 13:54:29 :: GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name [SA]Fresh race 0 mode 0)

    normaly it is caused by the missing motion file (*.msm) in the data folder :

    race 0

    it the vnum (in this case it is the char type (wo/sora/sham/ninja)

  7. They are adding some, hmm, i dont know how to name it decently :D

    I think it is good to do this, because now a no-IS players could have a pet (Wepen-boxes spend so much Yangs^^) so now you can drop your own pet. But questions are -

    #1 - How it will work?

    #2 - Drop chances? (I think there will be something in IS wich could make your chances to drop it higher, and not only thief gloves..)

    #3 - Abilities which will pets give you (their values), if they are useful or not... like +3% HP, who cares about 3%?!!!

    And more....

    High level players have 15k hp.. 3% is 450 which is more than enough. And i really dont think it will be only 3%

    You have right. I had 16,5k hp on lvl 75... so yep 3% is helpful for a bit. I think highest level will be +10%HP or 1k-1,5k hp as static bonus.

    actually some players can have there hp up to over 25k , and i think that you can still call the old pet with the new one so this makes it a huge bonus (maybe up to 10% not just 3% metin2 never uses small value anyway)

    Yep, that's right. On our czech server our top player had 28k hp in guild war^^. So, if it should be called the oldone and newone. It is going to be crazy :D.


    I think 105 equip is for a bit OP, i think damage shoud be reduced... nowadays who isn't lvl 105 and don't have full item equip cannot play pvp...

    based on this the level is going to be rised again so there is going to be new items and for sure higher hp and even more.

  8. I'm totally agree with this petition. I ate so many things in my life, such as shark, squid, clam, grasshopper and many more animals, but I would never ever eat a dog. I know that I'm from the Europe and I will never understand their culture, but...


    PS: I also own a dog and she is part of my life, not my launch.

    sharks for realy ? they are animals that are about to extinguish.

    and i think there meat is hard.

    nvm , i'm just hungry.

    Why won't they kill and eat each other and let dogs alone.

    Damn you chinese people...


    I get so mad when someone hurts a dog, like real mad. :angry:

    you can never compair human life to animals , the only case you can do such a thing is if that human realy became an anime for ex. torturing --just kill him he is no longer a human or at least he has the body of a human but the mind of animals and the hearth of a carnivore.


    i do personally prefer meat over  vegetable but not to the point where i eat a dog , i mean be logical some ppl can not even stand having a dog at home , once they go to that festival they just eat it. (i wonder who it taste like --no as if i will ever eat it--)  , i will still prefer cows and sheaps.

    well signed .

  9. If that can be even called as pet system.

    yes this is a pet system not like the old animal calling system

    You misunderstood.
    I was talking about that old system.

    ah, okey .

    anyone have download this?

    09/07/2015 (fr)

    07/09/2015 (en)

    They are adding some, hmm, i dont know how to name it decently :D

    I think it is good to do this, because now a no-IS players could have a pet (Wepen-boxes spend so much Yangs^^) so now you can drop your own pet. But questions are -

    #1 - How it will work?

    #2 - Drop chances? (I think there will be something in IS wich could make your chances to drop it higher, and not only thief gloves..)

    #3 - Abilities which will pets give you (their values), if they are useful or not... like +3% HP, who cares about 3%?!!!

    And more....

    High level players have 15k hp.. 3% is 450 which is more than enough. And i really dont think it will be only 3%

    You have right. I had 16,5k hp on lvl 75... so yep 3% is helpful for a bit. I think highest level will be +10%HP or 1k-1,5k hp as static bonus.

    actually some players can have there hp up to over 25k , and i think that you can still call the old pet with the new one so this makes it a huge bonus (maybe up to 10% not just 3% metin2 never uses small value anyway)

  10. jesus crist wtf are they doing to metin2

    i think that this is a new good idea so far

    If that can be even called as pet system.

    yes this is a pet system not like the old animal calling system

    jesus crist wtf are they doing to metin2

    Metin2 is start to like AION online. That's all :lol:

    Everything for itemshop :rolleyes:

    Gameforge uncle want to earn more money on the players :lol: 

    actually as far as i have readed in the ae forum there is only one new IS item. well it wont be easy to get those pets any way (as far as i can tell you need to be level 90 or over to get them (if not over 100))

  11. if you do not plan (and i'm sure that you do not nor do i know any one how plan) to make a metin2 server on windows as far as i know , then you do not actually need to compile the game on the windows interface (in other words you do not need to compile it using visual studio) but if you are intersted just to learn then all what you have to do is very similar to the client part : include what must be included (cryptop,boost , ...etc) you will find every thing in the Extern lib

    btw : it should be configuerd by default but it uses a path like this : ../../../Extern

    just fix it as needed

    • Love 2
  12. backdoor as far as i can remember there was no one reporting such a thing maybe a 100 error a 100 warning and 1000 problem but never heard of any backdoor unless it was made by someone



    do you mean bothersome? yeh they can be used to shutdown the server and ...etc. depending on what it was coded to do.

  13. Alright thanks for the links. Gonna take a look into it.

    How do you guys open/edit the source btw?`Couldn't find a .sln or .csproj files, so do you just copy the files in Visual Studio or aren't you even using VS?


    EDIT: Nevermind... I usually program with C# and of course csproj would stand for c sharp project i guess.. there are indeed .vcproj files..^^

    depend on what you are used to work whit but most of them use vs sence it is already there to be used just update your project if needed , and work as you like .

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