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Everything posted by Night

  1. try to unpack tose file if you dont find some file then they can not be unpaked by your tool or they can not be paked correctly // happen when you are trying to pack or unpack many file good luck
  2. you must be trying to add the dragon_soul quest they start with define qc does not support it so just start it with pre_qc.py and it should be fine
  3. and why dont you fix the critic hit bug (higher deffence = more dmg from critic hit)
  4. yes it is normal to have 6-8 or maybe even more than that but make your self at home and edit the core that have 1 21 41 (but this in most of the time happen only to the GM so it bother you but not the player)
  5. the red line no almost everyone hate reading the file readme lol and thanks for your hard work i do respect it ^^
  6. do this [ENTER] fsck -y or -y fsck im sure its one of the too just click enter and write it
  7. well this will work is just fine with noobs and normal user however i realy find no point in protecting the client from pro hacker why? because if i want to do that it will make me change the client once per month this will make the player sick of my server and make them go away // what a waste so if anyone want to keep his server runing than just make a pro protection for your server and a basic on for client and you sould be just fine cz anyone can get your client ip however : not every one is good with PC ^^ dont you think so and just saying it a 2nd time i like the release +1
  8. log says 0529 02:04:38277 :: ΎΛΈ²: ΖΔΐΟ ΈπµεΐΤ΄Ο΄Ω. 0529 02:04:00004 :: 0529 02:04:00004 :: ## Network - OffLine Phase ## 0529 02:04:00004 :: should come with packet error on the syserr right? but at the time i had the auth problem (connection refused and as long as you can login then there should be no problem from the server) so just try it on a other pc if it work destroy your friend pc if it does not work your pc is not normal
  9. install the lib that vanilla uploaded on the path: /usr/local/lib32/metin2 upload only the the lib deractory than change its name to metin2 PS : if lib32 does not exist (like some case i found just creat it and do what i said earlyer) 10/10 keep the hard work pls help.. you have a problem on your auth i had the same please repost it with the auth and db syserr her [Hidden Content] im sure some peaple will be happy to help i will pass later i didnt test sense i want to run a pve server how ever some user seem to have the same bug as you well we will see if this a bug or it is just wait for vanilla
  10. try to follow someone from youtube its better
  11. but will there be any problem if its deleted // talking about function net.SendItemPickUpPacket
  12. well from what i saw in a post on this forum its some kind of hack im sure about this // lol well it drop item very fast wich cause the game core or the full channel or maybe the server to go down i will find the post i saw it yesterday
  13. Client_side: #####New: GS-Tool##### Download the button: mega.co.nz - Add it in: (Etc.epk/eix)D:/ymir work/ui Download PHP-CPannel: mega.co.nz Kind regards, Zetsu I offer support, just ask me here or in PM! Soon I will add PHP_CPannel for beginners. I know this system it's very simple and contains some parts where i choose the hard way, but anyway.. i think this system keeps players online. Note: If you want to hide the Box press: LShift+P Sometimes it's annoying xD ... great release ^^ thanks
  14. Not exactly. d.new_jump starts a new dungeon too But you must be on the same core. "May 29 02:42:01 :: PRIVATE_MAP: 3540003 created (original 354)" As you can see, it created a new instance. Np, callmax. I love it to help noobs with their problems. Just try a elif statement - it should work too. is it possible to allow the same map many time par core?
  15. look so cool ah i might end up buying it for xbox
  16. what does this even mean? he means somrthing ready what does this even mean? You tell me. Edit:i meant this [Hidden Content] this should help you : [Hidden Content] you will get a problem im sure about this find my post on that topic and you should be fine
  17. syserr from your friend + what client are you using (client fur r40250 // bin 28k or GF client ?) if you are using 28k bin give him the : root locale uiscript metin2cleint.exe/bin and the client should start
  18. ok i will try it it work just fine now SOLVED!!
  19. i complie it with make #!/usr/local/bin/python import os for line in file('locale_list'): if os.system('./qc ' + line): print 'Error occured on compile ' + line import sys sys.exit(-1)
  20. hello everone i was trying to add some quest today and i got something like this : quest must start with quest when i tried to open quest i found define checker 20001 define level_limit 50 so what should i do i tried to just change checker and level limite with 20001 and 50 but i have no EXP with quest any help
  21. and i had in mind a creepy map lol
  22. +1 bro this is the best way to tell what is vi (a nightmare) well you should just follow a tuto on updating and you should be just fine
  23. can someone post this quest without (messages // with no talk (player lose grade without warning but when its -20k it say you grade is very low)
  24. No one how now how to work with the source will use this Vanilla Core. The reason for that is that the source code isn't available. Kind regards Sphinx Vanilla said she will publish the source well it would be perfect ^^
  25. this is a idia of mine why dont you add a CMD system this one [Hidden Content] for example stop shutdown DISABLE it is a good thing dont you think and fix the reload order in game : /reload will make a disaster
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