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Everything posted by Deliris

  1. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( Github ) Helloo! Someone asked if there's a way to scale buttons and since Metin2 doesn't support this by default, I decided to make this small tutorial. How to use? your_button.SetScale(scaleWidth, scaleHeight) E.g: self.costumeButton.SetScale(0.7, 0.7) Sincerly, Finnis.
  2. Replace: if (GuildID != 0) _snprintf(szBufName, sizeof(szBufName), "Name: %s - Guild: %s", CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetName(), &GuildName); else _snprintf(szBufName, sizeof(szBufName), "Name: %s", CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetName()); With this: if (GuildID != 0) _snprintf(szBufName, sizeof(szBufName), "Name: %s - Guild: %s", CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetName(), GuildName.c_str()); else _snprintf(szBufName, sizeof(szBufName), "Name: %s", CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetName()); char szLevel[256]; _snprintf(szLevel, sizeof(szLevel), "Level: %u", CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetStatus(POINT_LEVEL)); strcat(szBufName, szLevel);
  3. I think you haven't replaced the 'EnterAttender', remove the old function and use the one from this tutorial
  4. Regarding the discord RPC, you could try something like this: #include "InstanceBase.h" #include "PythonCharacterManager.h" CInstanceBase* pkMainInstance = CPythonCharacterManager::Instance().GetMainInstancePtr(); char info[32 + 1]; snprintf(info, sizeof(info), "Level: %u", pkMainInstance->GetLevel()); activity.SetDetails(info); /* You can get other player's informations such as player name, empire id, duel state, alignment, race, etc using the same object 'pkMainInstance', you can get a list of these functions from InstanceBase.h. */ 'activity' is an object of type 'discord::Activity', you should adapt it to your source.
  5. Heellooooooo, welcome ~~
  6. item.cpp void CItem::ModifyPoints(bool bAdd) I think this is what you're searching for. When bAdd is TRUE it will give the bonuses, when it is FALSE it will remove them.
  7. Good job! But if you continue releasing free things I think I will lose all my customers XD
  8. SendChatPacket is from module "net", therefore you will need to use it like this: net.SendChatPacket(...) @xP3NG3Rxhas the "net" module renamed to "m2net", this is why you get that error @dedif2.
  9. I'm not that good with words so I'll just say this: THANK YOU, we needed this! ~~
  10. nEw TeAm MeTiN2DeV dEfInEtLy DoEs NoT COpE WiTH thE AdmInIstRaTiON oF ThIS FoRuM On topic: The important thing is that is online now
  11. I think you forgot to add the skill id in function active_skill_list from questlib.lua. Edit: Sorry, didn't see that someone answered already.
  12. Hi, ASIKOO! Are you new here? Welcome!!
  13. Am I the only one who thinks that it looked better then?
  14. And now that you "released" it, what do you think will happen ??
  15. Fix sequence. Off: Next time use spoiler, please.
  16. uiCharacter.py: def RefreshStatus(self): ... ... ... if unsigned32(player.GetStatus(player.EXP)) > your_limit_value_or_idk: show_dialog_and_set_default_value(your_limit_value_or_idk - unsigned32(player.GetStatus(player.EXP))) Something like that I think...
  17. Hi there, If I am not mistaken, you could check in uiCharacter the function that sets the player's EXP and if it exceeds the limit to show that dialog.
  18. You could insert into a vector the damage taken and the player instance or player id, doesn't really matter. After the boss is killed you can just loop through the vector and see who did the most damage. Hope it helped.
  19. Maybe I'm wrong but I think you should make use of 'type' instead of itemVnum. You can get a list of all refine types from source.
  20. Guess what? All of them + client item and mob_proto.
  21. Hi there, you could try doing this: dam *= 1.2 + (float)(iTestDamage / 100); or dam *= 1.2 + (double)(iTestDamage / 100); Choose whats best for you.
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